
  • 网络urine osmolality;uosm
  1. 尿渗透压正常值及影响因素探讨

    Normal Value of Urine Osmolality and Factors Influencing It

  2. 高血压1、2、3组尿渗透压均低于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Urine osmolality was distinctly decreased in three tested groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 结论晨尿尿蛋白/尿渗透压比值可替代24h尿蛋白定量广泛应用于临床。

    Conclusion Protein-osmolality ratio of morning urine samples can be used reliably to assess the degree of proteinuria .

  4. 结果:系统性红斑狼疮组与对照组尿渗透压无明显差异(P>0.05),而THP显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Results : Urine THP was higher in SLE patients than that in normal controls ( P < 0.05 ), There was no difference between these tow groups in urine osmatic pressure .

  5. 于造影前及造影后第1、6天分别监测血肌酐(Scr)、内生肌酐清除率(Ccr)、血渗透压、尿渗透压、24h尿蛋白定量、尿常规。

    Before and 1 , 6 days after operation , serum creatinine ( Scr ), endogenous creatinine clearance rate ( Ccr ), osmotic pressur in blood and urine , 24 h urine protein were monitored and urine routine test was done .

  6. 严重烧伤患者血、尿渗透压与渗差的测定及其临床意义

    Detection and analysis of serum and urine osmolarity and osmolar discrepancy in severe burned patients

  7. 高脂血症患者血尿β2微球蛋白及尿渗透压观察

    Observation of β _2 & Microglobulin and Urine Osmotic Pressure in the Patient with Hyperlipidemia

  8. 两组尿渗透压/血渗透压比值几乎均<1.5;

    The ratio of urine osmotic pressure to blood osmotic pressure was almost below 1.5 ;

  9. 冰点下降法测定血、尿渗透压的临床应用及注意事项

    The measurement of osmotic pressure in serum and urine by lowering the freezing point-the clinical application and the proposition

  10. 血尿酸与尿渗透压、尿尿酸呈负相关(P<0.01;P<0.001);

    Serum uric acids were negatively correlated with uric osmotic pressure and uric acids in urine ( P < 0.01 、 P < 0.001 ) .

  11. 作者探讨了45岁以上74例高脂血症患者和38例正常人的血尿β2微球蛋白和尿渗透压的差异。

    The purpose of this study was to investigate β _2 & microglobulin and urine osmotic pres - sure of 74 patients with hyperlipidemia and 38 normal subjects over 45 years of age .

  12. 结果8例颅脑损伤合并抗利尿激素分泌异常综合征均具有以下临床特点:低钠血症、低血浆渗透压、尿渗透压与血浆渗透压之比>1。治愈6例,死亡2例。

    Results Eight patients of head trauma with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone showed following clinical features : hyponatremia , low plasma osmotic pressure , the ratio of osmotic pressure of urine and plasma osmotic pressure > 1 . Six patients have been cured and 2 patients died .

  13. 目的通过前瞻性的临床研究,探讨尿-血渗透压比值和尿-血钠浓度比值监测对脑外伤后尿崩综合征(DI)和脑盐耗综合征(CSW)的意义。

    Objective To investigate the significance of urine-plasma osmotic pressure ratio and urine-plasma sodium concentration ratio in diabetes insipiclus ( DI ) and cerebral salt wasting syndrome ( CSW ) in traumatic brain injury .

  14. 尿-血渗透压比值和尿-血钠浓度比值的监测对颅脑损伤后尿崩综合征的意义

    Significance of monitoring urine and plasma osmotic pressure and sodium concentration in diabetes insipidus and cerebral salt wasting syndrome after traumatic brain injury

  15. 结论:尿、血清渗透压和尿血渗比三项指标随增龄而降低,与其血液流变学六项指标有密切的相关性。

    Conclusion : Urine , blood osmotic pressure and urine blood osmotic specific values reduced with the growth of age , they were interrelated with six indexes of hemorheology .

  16. 方法:对17例无肾病表现的系统性红斑狼疮患者及20例正常人进行尿THP及尿渗透压检测。

    Methods : Urine THP and urine osmatic pressure was tested in 17 SLE patients and 20 normal controls .

  17. 测定尿量及尿渗透压和血浆AVP浓度,血浆渗透压,心脏重量及左心室壁的厚度,并同时做血液动力学检查。

    Urine volume , urine osmolality , plasma AVP concentration , organs weight , the thickness of left ventricular wall were measured .

  18. 以尿蛋白/尿渗透压比值2.32作为临界值,本法的敏感性为94.7%,特异性为97.6%。

    A protein-osmolality ratio of greater than 2.32 correlated with massive proteinuria ( sensitivity 94.7 % , specificity 97.6 % ) .

  19. 结论:低钠血症、低血浆渗透压、高尿钠及尿渗透压高于血浆渗透压是颅脑损伤后抗利尿激素分泌不当综合征的诊断依据。

    Conclusion : Hyponatremia , low plasma osmotic pressure , high urine sodium and the osmotic pressure of urine larger than plasma osmotic pressure are made up of the basis of the diagnosis of SIADH .

  20. 结论IgA肾病常合并小管间质损害,肾小管功能中尿NAG酶及尿渗透压改变与肾脏小管间质损害程度成对应关系。

    Conclusion IgA nephropathy usually complicated with renal tubule interstitial lesion . Alteration of levels of NAG enzyme in urine when detecting this function could be correlated to the lesion .

  21. 方法:测定15例患者及25例正常人尿酸化功能、尿渗透压,血、尿肌酐、尿酸,并对结果进行统计分析。

    Methods : Fifteen patients and 25 normal control were involved in this study . Urine acidification function , urine osmotic pressure , creatinine and uric acid in serum and urine , were measured .

  22. 尿量、尿比重和尿渗透压是筛查尿崩症的指标,禁水加压素试验仍然是明确诊断的实用方法。

    Urinary output , urinary density and osmolality were items of the first choice to diagnose diabetes insipidus ( DI ) . The fluid deprivation-vasopressin test is the useful method to diagnose diabetes insipidus .

  23. 尿控器能控制尿液流出。尿渗透压。尿沉渣质控物的制备及其临床应用

    The production of urine dust quality control sample and clinical application

  24. 结果:肾气虚模型组大鼠与手术前和假手术组、正常组相比,尿量显著性增加(P<0.01),尿渗透压下降(P<0.05);放免显示肾气虚组血浆AVP水平降低;

    Result : Compared to the control group , the rats of kidney deficiency had the evident symptom of diuresis ( P < 0.01 ) , the lower urinary osmotalily ( P < 0.05 ) and plasma VP level ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  25. 结果单次口服弥凝0.1mg后,尿量迅速下降为服药前的1/10,尿渗透压上升为服药前10倍。此作用维持4~20h。

    Results The urine volume reduced significantly and urine osmolality increased after a single dose of minirin ( 0.1mg ), and this action lasted 4 ~ 20h .

  26. 方法检测107例不同肾脏疾病患者的24h尿蛋白定量、晨尿尿蛋白/尿肌酐比值和尿蛋白/尿渗透压比值,并进行相关性分析。

    Methods Urine samples of 107 patients with renal diseases were analyzed for 24h urinary protein , protein-osmolality ratio and protein-creatinine ratio .