
  • 网络urethral caruncle;caruncle of urethra
  1. 激光切除尿道肉阜127例报告

    CO_2 Laser Resection of Urethral Caruncle Resection with a Report of 127 Cases

  2. 女性尿道肉阜并发尿道-阴道壁融合症诊治(附42例报告)

    Diagnosis and Treatment of the Female Urethral Caruncle Complicated with Urethrovaginal Wall Fusion ( Report of 42 cases )

  3. YAG激光治疗女性尿道肉阜(附15例报告)

    The treatment of female urethra caruncle with YAG laser ( Report of 15 cases )

  4. 钕玻璃激光治疗女子尿道肉阜28例的临床报告

    28 cases of female urethral polypus cured by Nd : glass laser

  5. 激光治疗尿道肉阜的疗效观察

    Observation of curative effect in the treatment of caruncle urethra with laser

  6. 目的探讨尿道肉阜并发其他尿道综合症的诊断及防治方法。

    Objective To seek the ways of diagnosis and treatment of urethral caruncle complicated by the other urethral syndrome .

  7. 结论激光切除尿道肉阜与其他治疗方法相比较,效果良好,无明显副作用,且简单易行,值得推广。

    Conclusions This operative method is a valuable method worthy spreading because of its simplicity , safety and good effect compared with other treatments .

  8. 病因尚不清楚,但慢性刺激、尿道肉阜、尿道憩室、尿道狭窄与尿道癌发生有一定关系。

    Although the etiology is still not clear , chronic irritation , urethral caruncle , urethrocele and urethrostenosis seem to play a role in the development of urethral carcinoma .

  9. 目的:探讨应用膀胱黏膜重建女性尿道治疗女性尿道肉阜早期癌变的疗效。

    Objective : To investigate the efficacy of reconstructing urethra with bladder mucosa in female with urethra early cancerogenic caruncle .

  10. 电离子手术治疗机治疗女性尿道综合征及尿道肉阜的探讨

    Study on treating syndrome of the female urethra and caruncula with the ionizing surgical instrument

  11. 结论:尿道处女膜融合症常合并尿道肉阜,手术治疗必须同时处理两种病症。

    Conclusions : Urethro hymenal fusion is often complicated by urethral caruncle , both must be treated during operation . The operation reported by us was simple and effective .