
  • 网络urea frost;Urea cream;Urea;Uremic frost
  1. 倍它米松尿素霜中倍它米松的含量测定

    Determination of betamethasone content in Betamethasone - urea cream

  2. 发现10%尿素霜疗效优于12%乳酸霜,且具有统计学意义。

    It has shown that the effect of 10 % urea cream is better than 12 % lactate cream .

  3. HPLC测定倍他米松尿素霜中倍他米松的含量

    Determination of betamethasone contents in Betamethasone-urea cream by HPLC

  4. 30%尿素霜的制备与临床应用

    Preparation and Clinical Application of 30 % Cream Urea

  5. 复方尿素霜中尿素及维生素A的测定

    Determination of content of compound urea with ultraviolet spectrometry

  6. 咪唑斯汀联合30%尿素霜外用治疗结节性痒疹疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect of Patients with Prurigo Nodularis Treated by Mizolastine and 30 % Cream Urea

  7. 两组外用药均为我院自制药尿素霜,用法:一日两次,早晚外涂。

    Groups outside the hospital from the pharmaceutical drugs are urea cream , usage : twice a day , sooner or later coated with .

  8. 本文对72例寻常性鱼鳞病外用12%乳酸霜(37例)和10%尿素霜(35例)进行了双盲对照观察。

    72 of ichthyosis vulgaris were treated with 12 % lactate cream ( 37 cases ) and 100 % urea cream ( 35 cases ) respectively . The patients were evaluated by double-blind .