
  • 网络Urinary nitrogen;urea nitrogen;BUN;urinary N UN
  1. 泛酸钙对全饥饿鼠存活时间、尿氮排出与学习记忆影响的实验研究

    Experimental study on the effect of calcium pantothenate on survival time , urea nitrogen excretion , learning and memory in the starved rats and mice

  2. 乳尿素氮估测奶牛尿氮排泄量的两个模型比较研究

    Evaluation of Two Models to Estimate Urinary Nitrogen Excretion by Milk Urea Nitrogen Content

  3. 随着赖氨酸与粗蛋白质比例提高,尿氮排泄量显著降低(P<0.05);

    In trial 5 , the ratios of lysine to protein could significantly affect the urinary nitrogen concentration ( P 0.05 );

  4. 尿氮排泄与IP水平呈二次曲线关系,总氮排泄随IP水平线性增加(P<0·01)。

    Urine N excretion changes with IP level quadratically , while total N excretion increases with dietary IP levels linearly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 连续2周观察24h尿氮、静息能量消耗(REE)、血浆皮质醇、胰高血糖素、胰岛素、血清TNF。

    The investigation of 24 h urine nitrogen , REE , cortisol , glucagon , insulin and TNF lasted two weeks .

  6. 治疗前、治疗后第8天分别测定血清白蛋白和24h尿氮、氮平衡。

    The serum albumen 、 urine nitrogen and nitrogen balance in 24 hours were determined before treating and on day 8 after treating .

  7. 观察6小时至3天的体重、静息能量消耗(REE)、尿氮、尿儿茶酚胺和血浆胰岛素、胰高血糖素、皮质醇变化。

    The examining indexes were REE , body weight , the insulin , glucagon and cortisol level in plasma , the content of catecholamine and nitrogen in urine .

  8. 结果:A组患者治疗后血清白蛋白和氮平衡明显升高(P<0.01),24h尿氮明显降低(P<0.01)。

    Results : The serum albumen and nitrogen balance increased significantly ( P < 0.01 ), and urine nitrogen in 24 hours decreased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 每天排出内源尿氮(EUN)为31.06g;

    Endogenous Urine Nitrogen ( EUN ) excretion per day was 31 . 06g ;

  10. 检测用药前后两组病人血中谷氨酰胺浓度、血浆蛋白含量、尿氮排量,并记录患者的一般情况及30d创面愈合率和住院天数。

    The concentrations of plasma glutamine and proteins and urine nitrogen were determined . Wound healing rate 30 d after hospitalization and hospital duration were recorded .

  11. 环境温度和品种对内源尿氮与产热量之比有影响,此乃温度对产热量的影响所致。

    The temperatures and breeds affected the ratios of the endogenous urinary nitrogen excretion over heat production .

  12. 术后观察病人尿氮排出量的变化、血清清蛋白和前清蛋白水平。

    The levels of serum albumin and prealbumin and the excretion of urea nitrogen in urine were measured .

  13. 樟科植物提取物对生长猪粪尿氮排放的影响及其机理探讨

    Effects of Comphor Familia Plant Extracts on Slurry Nitrogen Emission and Approach to the Mechanism in Growing Pigs

  14. 该传感器用于血液中尿氮含量的测定,此测定结果与分光光度法测定结果无明显差异。

    This biosensor is used to determine the urea content in blood and the results of the determination is comparable to that of spectrophotometry .

  15. 供给氨基酸过多则增加应激反应、增加尿氮排出和加重呼吸负担。

    Excessive supply of amino acids would increase the stress response , increase the nitrogen excretion in urine and aggravate the impairment of the lung .

  16. 超过动物蛋白质需要量的几乎所有的氮都是通过尿液排出体外,尿氮增加的幅度大于粪氮增加的幅度。

    Protein , which more than demand will almost all be excreted through urine , the rate of increase urine nitrogen is greater than the rate of increase fecal nitrogen .

  17. 每6月,我们进行尿氮分析,这更复杂一点,但这就是我们确定维持氮平衡状态的方法。

    Every year to6 months we do a urinary nitrogen analysis , which is a bit more sophisticated , but it is how we determine the status of maintaining nitrogen balance .

  18. 饲喂不同的日粮饲草料,反刍家畜以马尿酸形式排出的氮量大约占尿氮总量的6%,变化范围为1%~38%。

    With feeding different feedstuffs to ruminant livestock , hippuric acid excreted in the urine accounts for about 6 % of total urinary nitrogen , and ranges from 1 % - 38 % .

  19. 结果有脑损伤组患者伤后氧耗量、静息能量消耗、24小时尿氮排出量比无脑损伤组明显增加,且与脑损伤程度成正比。

    The result indicated that VO2 , REE and 24 hr urine urea nitrogen output were much higher in brain injury patients and these increased apparently as the degree of the brain injury was aggravated .

  20. 随着羟甲基脲添加水平的提高肉牛血清尿素氮和尿氮排出均升高,2.1%羟甲基脲组的血清尿素氮和尿氮排量显著高于其它三组。

    The blood urea nitrogen and urine nitrogen were both went up linearly as the supplemental rate of methylolurea increased . The blood urea content and urine nitrogen excreted were significantly higher than that of other groups .

  21. 口服50mgL&组氨酸的负荷试验可使各组尿氮增加量超过负荷量,并使第1组尿中氨基氮与氨氮增加。

    Under histidine load of 50 mg per rat , the urinary nitrogen excretion in every group was increased , but the increased quantity was much more than the nitrogen content in histidine used for loading test .

  22. 结果表明:糯米日粮有利于增加尿氮排泄量,总氮利用率比玉米日粮低(P<0.05)。

    The results showed that corn diet enhanced whole body protein deposition . Stick rice starch increased urine nitrogen ( UN ) excretion , and had lower total nitrogen utilization rate than corn starch ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. 糯米日粮有利于提高能量和干物质消化率,降低仔猪增重,增加尿氮排泄量,总氮利用率显著比玉米日粮低(P<0.05)。

    Stick rice starch was better to increase the digestion rate of energy and dry mass , while reduced weight gain , increased UN excretion , and had lower total nitrogen utilization rate than Corn starch ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 总氧消耗、总二氧化碳排出和总氮(尿氮+皮肤氮)排出与三大营养素的氧化有关,并且这三种营养素的生理燃烧值是已知的。

    Total oxygen consumption , total carbon dioxide output and total nitrogen ( urine nitrogen + skin nitrogen ) excretion are related to the oxidation of the three major nutrients and the physiological combustion values of the three nutrients are already known .

  25. 分别观察创面愈合时间,住院天数,测定严重烧伤病人24h尿尿素氮(UUN)排出量。

    We observed healing time of the wounds of two grous , recorded , the days of hospitalization and determined UUN excretion of severely burned patients .

  26. 尿基氮磷钾复合肥新工艺的研究

    Research on a New Technology for Ureido - nitrogenous - phosphatic - potassium Compounded Fertilizer

  27. 观察两组尿中尿素氮(UUN)、血清蛋白及生长激素(GH)、术后疲倦综合征(POFS)记分。

    The urine UN , blood albumin and GH , body weight and arm circumference , and POFS score in the two groups were observed .

  28. 与对照组相比,消炎痛组每日体温显著下降,血清TNF水平显著降低,尿中尿素氮排出量显著减少。

    When compared with the control group , the daily temperature and the serum TNF levels were lowered and urea nitrogen excretion in urine was decreased in the indomethacin group ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  29. 与在成年期所见相反:血总蛋白与血压、尿内尿素氮均呈负相关,身长、体重与尿Na、Ca、Mg等亦呈负相关。

    Was also implicated , blood total protein was associated inversely with BP and urinary urea nitrogen , the end metabolite of protein , and height , body weight and Q. I. correlated inversely with urinary Na , Ca , Mg , being wholly contrary to those in adults .

  30. 青春期业余健美操运动员尿中尿素氮、肌酐排量观察

    Determination of Urinary Urea-nitrogen and Creatinine Contents of Amateur Vigorous and Graceful Gymnastic Athletes