
shēnɡ zhǎnɡ luǎn pào
  • growing follicle
  1. 乌梢蛇生长卵泡的滤泡细胞是由小细胞、中间细胞和梨形细胞组成的异形滤泡细胞。

    The follicle cells of growing follicle were composed of small cells , intermediate cells and pyriform cells .

  2. 4组裸鼠卵巢原始卵泡数、生长卵泡数分别比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The number of ovarian primordial follicles and growth follicles in 4 groups has statistically significance ( P 0.05 ) .

  3. 顺铂组原始卵泡数、生长卵泡数明显少于其余三组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The original number of primordial and growth follicles in CDDP group is less than the other three groups , which has significantly difference ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. ⑵TUNEL染色可见凋亡在生长卵泡的颗粒细胞中均有发生,闭锁卵泡颗粒细胞凋亡最显著,黄体细胞未见TUNEL阳性细胞。

    ⑵ In TUNEL staining , apoptosis was mainly observed in granulosa cell of developing follicles , and it could not observed in corpus luteum cells .

  5. 卵巢组织形态学显示,Ab2只影响晚期生长卵泡。

    Histological examination of ovaries showed that Ab 2 interferes only with late follicular development .

  6. 卵巢组织形态学观察及计数具有正常结构的原始卵泡及生长卵泡数。

    Morphological observation and counting the number of primordial follicles and growth follicles . 5 .

  7. 在生长卵泡、囊状卵泡及相应闭锁卵泡的卵泡膜中均见到了胶原纤维和网状纤维。

    Collagen and reticular fibers were observed in theca of growing and vesicular follicles and atretic follicles .

  8. 闭锁生长卵泡数在4个时期之间差异不显著(P>0.05);

    Number of atretic growing follicles per ovary pairs was not significantly different among the 4 stages .

  9. 光镜下显示实验组卵巢间质血管扩张、充血和炎细胞浸润,随休克时间延长而进一步加重,实验3组可见到生长卵泡颗粒细胞间间隙增宽,卵泡的边缘皱缩。

    The dilatation of ovarian interstitial blood vessel and the infiltration of inflammatory cells were showed under the light microscope .

  10. 初生小母猪卵巢中即有初级卵泡,30日龄时出现早期生长卵泡。

    Primary follicles were found in the ovaries of the gilts at birth . Multi-lagered follicles were found at 30 days of age .

  11. 卵巢组织中生长卵泡减少或消失,颗粒细胞凋亡,以药流组更为严重。

    In ovaries , growing follicles diminish or disappear and granular cell apoptosis has taken place . It is more serious in medical abortion group .

  12. 26周后可观察到少数生长卵泡,此乃母体促性腺激素作用于胎儿卵巢的结果。

    A few primary and secondary follicles were developed from 26 weeks onward , as a result of stimulation of the fetal ovaries by maternal gonadotropins .

  13. 初生羔羊的卵巢皮质,分为内、外皮质区,在内皮质区分布有有腔生长卵泡。

    The ovary cortex of a newborn kid consists of an inner part and an outer one , and growing vesicular follicles present in the inner cortex .

  14. 计数成熟卵泡、生长卵泡的数目、卵巢颗粒细胞层面积、黄体数量。

    And the numbers of mature follicles , growing follicles and corpora lutea were calculated , and also the surface area of granule cells of ovaries was calculated .

  15. 试验结果表明:水牛卵巢生长卵泡少,卵母细胞产量少、质量差;

    The results indicate that growing follicles of buffalo ovaries are less , the yield of oocytes is less and quantity is worse than that of yellow cow .

  16. 到培养结束时,处理组卵巢内小卵泡已所剩无几,但残存的生长卵泡卵母细胞平均直径仍显著大于ITS对照组。此时伴随睾酮分泌量的增加,雌二醇的分泌量重新增加。

    There were few follicles survived at the end of culture period , however the average diameter of five largest oocytes was still larger than that in ITS group .

  17. 结果发现:1EGF处理组胎鼠卵巢总卵泡数、生长卵泡数和卵巢内5个最大卵母细胞平均直径从培养第7天起即显著高于ITS对照组直至培养结束;

    The results revealed that : ① The growth and survives of fetal ovarian follicle in EGF group was significantly prior to that in ITS control group throughout the culture period .

  18. 各级卵泡和黄体均有催产素阳性反应产物,催产素主要在颗粒细胞表达,生长卵泡的催产素表达高于原始卵泡。

    All of follicles and corpus luteum had OT positive reaction products . OT was expressed in granulosa cell mainly , and the expression level in secondary follicle was more than primary follicle .

  19. 结果:1.普通HE染色结果表明:用药组大鼠卵巢皮质内有较多的原始卵泡,与其对照组比较,典型的生长卵泡和成熟卵泡明显减少。

    Results : 1 . The results of HE staining showed that : compared with control group , there were more primordial follicles and less typical growing follicles and mature follicles in cortex of rat ovary in the drug-given group .

  20. 启动生长的卵泡受生长因子,FSH,激活素,孤儿受体和其他卵巢旁分泌因子调控,并发展成优势卵泡;

    The growing follicles are further regulated by the growth factors , FSH , activin / inhibin . orphan receptors and other ovarian paracrine factors , leading to the formation of dominant follicle ( s );

  21. 结果:1.倒置显微镜下新鲜及冷冻部分分离培养组均可见单层颗粒细胞包裹的小卵泡,连续培养14d,未见明显生长,卵泡内出现黑色颗粒,有退化坏死的迹象。

    Small follicles wrapped by monolayer granulosa cells in fresh and frozen partial-isolated culture group were found failed to increase in diameter and become dark and necrotic in appearance through inverted microscope after continual culture for 14 days .

  22. 对大鼠卵巢的生长及卵泡发育无明显影响。

    The growth of ovary and folliculus were not effected .

  23. 哺乳动物卵泡发育是十分复杂的过程,主要包括:原始卵泡的募集、腔前卵泡的发育、有腔卵泡的选择和生长及卵泡的成熟或闭锁。

    Mammalian follicular development is a very complex process , including recruitment of the primitive follicle , the development of preantral follicles and antral follicle selection , growth and mature or follicle atresia .

  24. 窦前与窦状的生长和闭锁卵泡均表达IGFBP-2。

    IGFBP-2 was expressed in growing and atretic follicles at preantral and antral stages .

  25. 牛不同生长发育时期卵泡AKP酶与G-6-P酶的活性变化

    Enzymatic Activity Change of AKP and G-6-P in the Different Developing period Follicles from Bovine Ovary

  26. 胰岛素样生长因子与卵泡发育的关系

    The Relationship about Insulin-like Growth Factors and Follicular Development

  27. 目前认为卵母细胞源性生长因子对卵泡及周围细胞发育发挥重要作用。

    There are accumulating evidences that oocyte-secreted factors play an important role in regulating the function of surrounding somatic cells during folliculogenesis .

  28. 目的:观察研究不同阶段大鼠卵巢卵泡的生长发育与卵泡凋亡的关系、凋亡过程及规律。

    Objective : To observe and investigate the relation of follicle 's development with follicle apoptosis of rat ovaries in different stages including process and law .

  29. 促超排卵周期表皮生长因子对人卵泡发育的调节

    Regulation of Ovarian Follicular Development by Epidermal Growth Factor in IVF Superovulation Cycles

  30. 血管新生在卵泡的生长后期和排卵卵泡的选择上起到了至关重要的作用。

    Angiogenesis play essential function in the follicle development and the selection of ovulated follicles Especially in the maintain of vascular permeability .