
fǎn shì jī huó
  • transactivation
  1. 激素敏感型单纯性肾病病毒基因反式激活及病毒反义寡核苷酸的阻遏作用

    Viral Transactivation of Transcription in Steroid Responsive Simple Nephrotic Syndrome and Inhibition Effect of Viral Antisense Oligonucleotides on It

  2. IκBα在激素敏感型单纯性肾病病毒基因反式激活调控中的作用

    The Role of I κ B α in Regulation Mechanism of Viral Transactivation of Transcription in Patients with Steroid Responsive Simple Nephrotic Syndrome

  3. 核因子кB介导病毒基因反式激活途径在激素敏感型单纯性肾病发病中的作用

    Viral Transactivation of Transcription by NF - к B in Steroid-Responsive Simple Nephrotic Syndrome

  4. 核因子-κB/抑制蛋白-κB信号通路介导的激素敏感型单纯性肾病患儿病毒基因反式激活

    Viral Transactivation of Transcription in Steroid Responsive Simple Nephrotic Syndrome Mediated by Nuclear Factor-Kappa B / Inhibitor Protein-Kappa B Signal Pathway

  5. HCV核心蛋白与截短型HBV表面抗原中蛋白的协同反式激活功能

    Synergetic transactivating functions of HCV core and truncated HBV middle surface protein

  6. 结论:HBV的前-S2蛋白是一种反式激活因子,前-S2基因的表达对于肝细胞基因表达谱有显著影响。

    The expression of pre-S2 protein affects the expression spectrum of HBV infected hepatocyte .

  7. HCV核心蛋白与HBVx蛋白协同反式激活作用的研究

    Synergetic transactivating effect of HCV core and HBV X proteins on SV40 early promoter / enhancer

  8. 抑制子κBα调控激素敏感型单纯性肾病病毒基因反式激活途径中核因子κB活性的研究

    Regulatory Effect of I κ B α on NF - κ B Activity during Viral Gene Transactivation in Patients with Steroid Responsive Simple Nephrotic Syndrome

  9. MHcII类反式激活蛋白调控肿瘤细胞HLA分子的表达

    MHC Class II Transactivator ( CIITA ) Regulates the Expression of HLA Molecules in Tumor Cells

  10. 目的探讨乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)表面抗原中蛋白羧基末端缺失突变体(MHBst)的反式激活功能。

    Objective To investigate the transactivator function of the C terminal truncated middle surface protein of the hepatitis B virus .

  11. MHCⅡ类反式激活因子基因的克隆、鉴定及初步功能测定

    Cloning , identification and preliminary function test of C ⅱ TA gene

  12. HIV-1转录反式激活及其抑制剂

    Transactivation of HIV-1 transcription and inhibitors

  13. 编码EIAV反式激活蛋白Tat的cDNA克隆和序列测定

    Cloning and Sequencing of cDNA Encoding Equine Infectious Anemia Virus Trans - activating Protein

  14. 无论是组成型还是诱导型表达MHC-Ⅱ类分子,MHC-Ⅱ类分子反式激活因子(CⅡTA)都是绝对必需的。

    The class ⅱ transactivator ( C ⅱ TA ) expression appears to be an absolute requisite for expression of MHC - ⅱ, whether constitutive or inducible .

  15. 人免疫缺陷病毒1型TAT蛋白点突变对其反式激活作用的影响

    Effect of Site-directed Mutagenesis on the trans-Activation Activity of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Tat trans-Activator

  16. EIAV在繁殖过程中的转录涉及到多种因子的调节,其中TAT蛋白是病毒编码的反式激活因子,是病毒复制必须成分。

    The transcription of EIAV was regulated by several viral and cellular factors ;

  17. 目的:探讨5种血液病细胞株细胞的HLA-Ⅱ类抗原表达,以及对IFN-γ诱导HLA分子表达的反应性与MHCⅡ类分子反式激活因子(CⅡTA)表达的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the role of MHC class ⅱ Transactivator ( C ⅱ TA ) in expression of HLA molecules in five human malignant hematological cell lines .

  18. HBx是HBV编码的一个具有反式激活活性的蛋白质,它极有可能参与HBV感染所诱发的肝硬化、肝癌等疾病。

    HBx , a transcriptional transactivating protein of hepatitis B virus ( HBV ), is required for viral infection and has been implicated in virus-mediated liver oncogenesis .

  19. 初步证实CⅡTA突变体是通过与胞内的野生型CⅡTA竞争性结合反式激活蛋白,来抑制MHCⅡ类分子的转录和表达。

    Above date confirmed primarily that mutant C ⅱ TA suppressed the expression of MHC class ⅱ molecule by competitive binding with transactivator for the normal endogenous wild type C ⅱ TA molecule .

  20. 目的来源于人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)-I型编码的反式激活蛋白(TAT)中的蛋白质转导域(PTD),能介导生物大分子通过血脑屏障。

    OBJECTIVE A protein transduction domain ( PTD ) derived from the HIV TAT protein could benefit macromolecules across blood brain barrier ( BBB ) .

  21. 结果HBx具有促进细胞恶性转化、抑制受损DNA的修复、反式激活、抑制wtp53功能和抑制细胞凋亡等生物学功能。

    Results HBx had many functions , such as cell malignant transformation , inhibiting DNA repair , trans-activation , inhibiting p53 and apoptosis .

  22. 反式激活HIV-1LTR的HHV-6基因片段B701的缺失研究

    Study on deletion of HHV 6 gene segment B 701 which can trans activate HIV 1 LTR

  23. 目的探讨MHCⅡ类反式激活因子(CⅡTA)启动子Ⅳ区G-944C基因多态性与慢性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染发病易感性的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the SNP G-944C in class ⅱ transactivator ( C ⅱ TA ) gene promoter ⅳ and disease susceptivity of chronic HBV infection .

  24. 结果显示,HBV基因组中存在能与p53蛋白特异性结合的序列,使细胞内p53蛋白积聚,并反式激活,增强HBVdna的复制。

    Results revealed the presence of a typical p53 response element site in the HBV genome . This DNA-protein binding sequence can specifically bind p53 protein , and stimulates the transactivating activity of p53 and HBV replication .

  25. 目的从正反两方面探讨NF-κB介导的病毒基因反式激活在呼吸道病毒感染触发激素敏感型单纯性肾病(steroidresponsivesimplenephroticsyndrome,SRSNS)中的作用。

    Objective : To study the role of viral transactivation of transcription mediated by nuclear factor kappa B ( NF - κ B ) in steroid responsive simple nephrotic syndrome ( SRSNS ) .

  26. 运用报告基因法和凝胶电泳迁移率法(EMSA)分析AP1和NFκB反式激活活性和DNA结合活性,蛋白质印迹检测蛋白质表达;

    Transcriptional and DNA binding activity were analyzed by reporter gene assay and electrophoretic mobility shift assay ( EMSA ) respectively . Western blot was used to determine the protein expression ;

  27. 目的研究核因子-κB(NF-κB)/抑制蛋白-κB(IκB)信号通路在激素敏感型单纯性肾病(SRSNS)患儿病毒基因反式激活中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of nuclear factor-kappa B ( NF - κ B ) / inhibitor protein-kappa B ( I κ B ) signal pathway in viral transactivation of transcription in steroid responsive simple nephrotic syndrome ( SRSNS ) .

  28. 雌激素也可与雌激素受体形成复合物,直接与TERT基因启动子区域内的退化雌激素反应元件结合反式激活端粒酶。

    Estrogen could activate telomerase directly by forming estrogen / estrogen receptor complex binding to imperfect palindromic degenerate estrogen responding element in promoter region of TERT gene .

  29. 结果显示恶性程度不同的SUNE1亚细胞株的反式激活活性、DNA结合活性、LMP1蛋白表达及CJUN氨基端激酶(JNK)活性均存在明显差异,且与细胞恶性程度正相关。

    The results showed the positive relationship of AP1 and NF κ B transcriptional activity , DNA binding activity , LMP1 expression , c Jun N terminal kinase ( JNK ) activity to malignancy in NPC cell lines .

  30. 比较2种阅读框架,以保守序列作为模板扩增得到完整的编码EIAV反式激活蛋白的基因。

    The whole sequence of tat gene has been obtained by further polymerase chain reaction during which more conservative sequence was used as template .