
quán xì bāo jì lù
  • whole cell recording
  1. 方法膜片钳技术全细胞记录模式记录IK·Ca。

    Methods Standard whole cell recording method was used .

  2. 方法:采用膜片钳技术的全细胞记录方式记录人肝癌细胞在不同浓度EGF中延迟整流性K+通道的跨膜电流。

    Methods : The transmembrane current of human hepatocyte carcinoma cells was recorded by the whole cell recording technique of patch clamp in different concentration of EGF .

  3. 大鼠海马CAⅠ区锥体细胞的急性分离及全细胞记录方法

    Methods of acute isolation of CA ⅰ pyramidal neurons in hippocampus of neonate rats and whole-cell recording

  4. 方法采用酶急性分离的单个大鼠心室肌细胞,应用膜片钳全细胞记录技术,观察F2对ICa的影响。

    METHODS Single ventricular cell of rat was obtained by enzymatic dissociation method .

  5. 方法改进的Langendorff灌流法及膜片钳全细胞记录法。

    METHODS The improved Langendorff perfusing method and the patch clamp whole cell recording were used .

  6. 采用组织块酶消化法分离7例AF(AF组)和14例非AF(非AF组)患者的右心耳心房肌细胞,利用全细胞记录技术观察单个心房肌细胞的Ito。

    Specimens of human atrial appendage were obtained from 21 patients ( 7 with AF , 14 without AF ) . Single atrial cells were isolated by tissue chunk enzymatic dissociation techniques .

  7. 采用全细胞记录膜片钳技术,研究非洲爪蟾脑片视顶盖神经元微突触后电流(miniatureinhibitorypostsynapticcurrent,mIPSC)频率和振幅对电压依赖关系。

    Experiments were performed to study the voltage-dependence of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current ( mIPSC ) frequency and amplitude using patch-clamp technique with whole cell recording in optic tectal slices of Xenopus .

  8. 利用膜片钳制技术全细胞记录观察了白花前胡根中成分甲素对豚鼠单一心室肌细胞I(Ca)的作用。

    With patch clamp technic ( whole cell recording ), the effect of dl-praeruptorin A ( Pra ) , an ingredient of Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn on calcium current ( Ica ) in the single ventricular cells of guinea pig was studied .

  9. 方法在原代培养的大鼠海马神经元上,应用膜片钳全细胞记录技术观察Ipt对钠、钾、钙离子通道电流的影响。

    METHODS The effects of Ipt on sodium , calcium and potassium channels in cultured hippocampal neurons was observed using whole-cell recording technique .

  10. 应用膜片钳全细胞记录技术研究了盐酸左旋布诺洛尔(Bun)对豚鼠心室肌细胞延迟整流钾电流Ik的影响。

    The effects of Levobunolol Hydrochloride ( Bun ) on delayed rectifier potassium channel cur-rent ( Ik ) in a single cell of ventricular myocyte in guinea pig was studied using the whole cell recording patch clamp technique .

  11. 目的:运用膜片钳技术原理和全细胞记录方式研究寿尔智胶囊对健康大鼠海马神经元细胞及AD模型大鼠脑神经递质所表达的离子通道的影响,从而探讨中药防治老年性痴呆的机理。

    Objective : the patch clamp technique in the whole cell recording was used to study the effect of Shou ' erzhi capsule on the hippocampus neurons cells of healthy rats and ion channel expressed by AD ( Alzheimer disease ) model rats ' cerebral neurotransmitters .

  12. 取结构较完整的切片室温下孵育约1h,盲法膜片钳行全细胞记录。记录的细胞经biocytin染色,确定细胞类型。

    The sections with intact structure were hatched for 1 hour , and were recorded with blind patch clamp , Biocytin staining was used to confirm the recorded cells .

  13. 全细胞记录的同时细胞内注入荧光黄或biocytin进行组织染色,观察RGCs的形态学特征。

    Retinal ganglion cells were stained by Lucifer Yellow or biocytin which were injected into cells during whole cell recordings for the purpose of morphological study of RGCs .

  14. 方法取出生后0~31dLongEvans和Wistar大鼠,各按睁眼时间分为两组,制备视网膜片,行膜片钳全细胞记录,同时行组织切片和细胞内染色,观察形态特征。

    Methods Whole cell patch clamp recordings were made from RGCs in the acute retinal slices of Long Evans and Wistar rats aged postnatal 0-31 d. RGCs were stained with Lucifer Yellow diffused into cells during whole-cell recordings for the purpose of morphological study .

  15. 应用微电极技术和膜片钳全细胞记录,研究莫雷西嗪(MRZ)对豚鼠心室肌细胞电生理影响。

    Using microelectrode techique and patch clamp whole cell recording , author studied electrophysiologic effect of moricizine ( MRZ ) on ventricular myocytes of guinea pig .

  16. 应用常规膜片箝全细胞记录技术,研究心肌细胞的内向钙离子流时,钙通道的〃RunDown〃现象使记录时间较短,难以进行适当的实验分析。

    When the conventional whole cell recording technique is used to study the inward calcium current in cardiac cells , the ″ Run down ″ phenomenon of calcium channel would prevent sufficient time of recording desirable for adequate experimental analysis .

  17. 方法在培养的大鼠颈上交感节神经元上,以α7nAChR选择性激动剂choline为工具药,通过喷射给药,采用膜片钳全细胞记录方式研究胆碱诱发电流的电生理学特征。

    METHODS The Whole cell recording configuration of patch clamp technique was used to study the electrophysiological features of α 7 nAChR in cultured rat superior cervical ganglia neurons by rapid application of choline , a selective agonist of α 7 nAChR , onto the soma of the neurons .

  18. 在膜片钳全细胞记录模式下,记录各组细胞VGCC电流峰值,计算细胞的电流密度(电流值/膜电容),作为Ca2+内流指标。

    Currents were measured by whole-cell patch-clamp recording and current density was obtained by current-amplitude / membrane capacitance as the marker of the Ca 2 + influx .

  19. 海马脑片盲法膜片钳全细胞记录技术

    Blind patch clamp whole-cell recording technique for neurons in hippocampal slices

  20. 活体动物全细胞记录技术及其应用

    In vivo whole - cell recording technique and its application

  21. 培养大鼠颈上神经节神经元γ-氨基丁酸电流的全细胞记录

    Whole-cell recording of GABA currents in cultured rat superior cervical ganglion neurons

  22. 方法膜片钳制技术全细胞记录模式。

    METHODS Patch clamp technique with standard whole cell configuration .

  23. 单通道和全细胞记录技术

    Single Channel and Whole Cell Recordings Using Patch Clamp Technique

  24. 大鼠下丘脑离体脑薄片视上核神经元的全细胞记录

    Whole-cell recordings of the supraoptic nucleus neurons from rat hypothalamic slices in vitro

  25. 全细胞记录得到的结果与单通道的一致。

    The results of whole cell recording are identified with single channel recording .

  26. 方法膜片钳全细胞记录。

    METHODS Whole cell recording by patch clamp technique .

  27. 方法:采用常规膜片钳全细胞记录技术。

    Method : with conventional patch clampwhole-cell recording technique .

  28. 全细胞记录观察培养嗅球M/T细胞的电生理特性

    Electrophysiological Properties in Cultured Olfactory Bulb M / T Cells with Whole Cell Recording

  29. 与视皮层脑片膜片钳全细胞记录相结合的生物素标记技术

    The technique of biocytin staining combined with patch-clamp whole cell recording of visual cortex

  30. 制作脑片后利用盲法寻找细胞,获得膜片钳全细胞记录。

    Blind patch-clamp whole cell recording were adopted .