
  • 【地名】【韩国】Jeonju
  1. 她赢得全州10%的选票。

    She won 10 % of the vote statewide .

  2. 这些选民们往往决定着全州大选的结果。

    These voters often determine the outcome of statewide elections .

  3. 全州所有机构和警察部门已经开始行动了。

    The full state and police machinery ground into action .

  4. 每年他们都要参加著名的全州自行车大赛。

    Each year they compete in a prominent statewide bicycle race

  5. 这5所学校的成绩在该州居前5%,其中一所的成绩高于全州所有其他学校。

    These five schools are in the state 's top 5 % in achievement scores , one school topping the score for the whole state .

  6. 州长ArnoldSchwarsenegger向全州发布了紧急命令。

    Governor Arnold Schwarsenegger declared a state of emergency there .

  7. 在4月初的时候,加州州长杰瑞·布朗(JerryBrown)史上首次下令施行全州范围内的强制性市镇用水配给制度。我们正在进行前无古人的尝试,他说。

    We are embarked upon an experiment that no one has ever tried , said Gov. Jerry Brown in early April , in ordering the first mandatory statewide water rationing for cities .

  8. 美国加利福尼亚州CSR项目(小班化教育改革)涉及到数百万名学生、十几万个班级,在全州范围内广泛地开展,引起了美国社会的强烈反响。

    The CSR program of California State gives rise to intense reverberation in American society which covers over the whole country , involves millions of students and hundreds of thousands classes .

  9. 这些由独立评审单位颁发的奖项,例如「犹他州全州之冠」足以向外界证明,USANA致力生产高质素、以科学为本的营养产品。

    Third-party accolades such as Best of State show USANA is committed to providing only the highest quality , science-based products .

  10. 在获悉DED病害渐渐逼近后,我们威斯康辛州建立起了一套国内最复杂的覆盖全州的树木病虫害防治工程。

    Our state , upon learning of the impending DED epidemic advancing through Winsconsin , set up the most sophisticated statewide shade tree pest-control program in the nation .

  11. OTPS的意思是“一学生一平板”。给全州每位小学生免费发放一个平板电脑的计划。

    O.T.P.S. stands for " One tablet per student . " A plan to issue free tablet computers to every elementary school student in the state .

  12. 沃尔夫希望在11月的全州普选中击败共和党出身的州长汤姆·科波特(TomCorbett)。8日晚间,希拉里在芝加哥与普里茨克的谈话间重点谈到联邦政治,她对去年秋天共和党人否决拨款提案致政府停摆很不满。

    is hoping to oust the state 's Republican governor , Tom Corbett , in next month 's statewide election 。 During her dialogue with Prtizker on Wednesday night in Chicago , Clinton shifted gears to federal politics and railed on Republicans for shutting the government down last fall .

  13. 每逢双数年分便举行全州性的选举,选出参议员。

    Senators are chosen in state-wide elections held in even-numbered years .

  14. 我的妻子在高中曾两次代表全州参加足球比赛,

    My wife in high school was a two-time all-state soccer player

  15. 今年秋季,佛罗里达开始了第一项全州教育券计划。

    This fall Florida started the first statewide voucher program .

  16. 这里有全州最好的足球队。

    Westland 's got one of the best teams in the state .

  17. 随后,警方在全州范围内展开了搜查以没收酒精。

    Police subsequently launched search operations across the state to confiscate alcohol .

  18. 该信件和名单被送到全州的媒体和政府办公室。

    It was sent to media and government offices across the state .

  19. 所以撒马利亚人是要他统领全州。

    So Samaritan wanted him running the state all along .

  20. “我的人格是全州闻名的,”曼克奈斯咆哮道。

    My character is known all over the state , blustered magnus .

  21. 全州医药物流公司是定位于第三方医药物流的服务提供商。

    Quanzhou medicine logistics limited company provides the third party logistics service .

  22. 我所在的队伍是全州最拔尖的。

    I was on the best team in the state .

  23. 通过公共图书馆为全州居民供医疗健康资讯;

    Increase the utilization of reliable medical information by citizens .

  24. 森林覆盖全州面积一半以上。

    Fully one half of the state is ofextraordinary fertility .

  25. 1.6万多名消防员一直在与全州29处主要山火作斗争。

    More than 16-thousand firefighters have been battling 29 major wildfires statewide .

  26. 目前在全州范围内搜索莉迪亚.戴维斯

    A statewide search is on for Lydia Davis ,

  27. 全州话与普通话语法存在着较大差异。

    There are some differences of main grammars between Quanzhou dialect and Putonghua .

  28. 他希望在全州范围内征收汽水税,却遭到了纽约州政府的反对。

    But New York state rebuffed his bid for a statewide soda tax .

  29. 广西全州县1997~2005年输入性疟疾调查

    Survey of imported malaria in Quanzhou County of Guangxi in 1997 ~ 2005

  30. 我想那对全州的人民都有好处。

    I think it 'll do the people of the state some good .