
  • 网络A Global History;century
  1. 他的《全球通史》使我们看到当代文化的丰富性和多样性以及正在发生的文化间的相互影响和对话。

    His comprehensive global history has provided us a chance to find richness and varieties of the contemporary cultures , reciprocal influence on them selres , and dialogues between these cultures .

  2. 历史学家斯塔夫里阿诺斯秉承18世纪启蒙思想进步史观的传统,以全球史观统帅文明模式理论、地缘政治理论、文化交流理论、长时段和宏观历史理论,构建了全球通史体系。

    Historian Stavrianos has outlined his theoretical system characterized with a global concept of history that governs many theories like those of civilization pattern , geographical politics , cultural communication , and of long timing phase and macro-history .