
  • stay-at-home mom;a full-time mother
  1. 就像有很多女权主义者认为成为一个全职妈妈和成为一个CEO一样赋予人力量。

    Just like there are plenty of feminists who argue that being a stay-at-home mom is as personally-empowering as becoming a CEO .

  2. 我最喜欢当全职妈妈的地方是当他们都在学校时。

    My favorite part of being a stay-at-home mom is when they 're at school .

  3. Motherism(全职妈妈歧视)指针对全职妈妈们日益明显的一种歧视,认为她们不聪慧、没有魅力、变成懒女人都是因为她们没有正式工作。

    Motherism is a growing prejudice against stay-at-home mums which suggests that full-time1 mothers are unintelligent , unattractive and just plain lazy because they 're not in formal employment .

  4. 用motherism一词来描述全职妈妈受到的歧视要归功于生物学家及心理学家西格曼博士,他因在育儿话题和传统价值美德方面的评论而为人熟知。

    The use of motherism as a description of prejudice against stay-at-home mothers is attributed to Dr Aric Sigman , a biologist and psychologist renowned5 for his commentary on parenting issues and the merits of traditional values .

  5. 这种根深蒂固的歧视说明,跟职场女性相比,全职妈妈不太受尊重,并且被视作无趣人群,人们认为全职妈妈选择待在家里就意味着她们无论在社交方面还是在学术方面都开始走下坡路。

    This entrenched2 lack of respect can mean that relative to their professional counterparts , full-time mums are held in lower esteem3 and regarded as less interesting individuals who 've taken a downwards4 step both socially and intellectually because they 've elected to stay at home .

  6. Pew依据对美国人口普查局当期人口调查(CurrentPopulationSurvey)的数据进行的分析来解析全职妈妈的趋势。

    The Pew analysis of trends for stay-at-home moms is based on an analysis of data from the Census Bureau 's Current Population Survey .

  7. Pew将全职妈妈占比上升归因于人口结构、经济和社会等多种因素。

    Pew attributed the rise of stay-at-home mothers to a mix of demographic , economic and societal factors .

  8. 离开公司后,安迪又在纽约开了一家名叫PartnersSpade的品牌营销公司,而凯特则成了一名全职妈妈。

    After leaving , Andy went on to open Partners Spade , a New York City-based branding firm , while Kate became an at-home mom .

  9. 离开公司后,安迪又在纽约开了一家名叫Partners&Spade的品牌营销公司,而凯特则成了一名全职妈妈。

    After leaving , Andy went on to open Partners & Spade , a New York City-based branding firm , while Kate became an at-home mom .

  10. 一项最新研究表明,获MBA(工商管理硕士)学位的女性比学医或学法律的女性更有可能成为全职妈妈。

    Women who earned Masters of Business Administration ( MBA ) degrees were more likely to become stay-at-home moms than those with medical or law degrees , according to a study .

  11. 对41岁的全职妈妈伊丽莎(Eliza)来说,这又是漫长的一天。她和两个儿子住在洛杉矶。

    It had been another long day for Eliza , a 41-year-old stay-at-home mother who lives in Los Angeles with her two sons .

  12. 该报告的作者科恩(D'VeraCohn)表示,全职妈妈的趋势对孩子的日常生活有重要意义。

    ' This has important implications for the day to day lives of children , ' said D'Vera Cohn , the report 's author .

  13. Pew对全职妈妈的定义为自称是为了照顾孩子而待在家中以及找不到工作、残疾或在校就读的妈妈。

    It defines stay-at-home mothers as those who say they are staying home in order to care for their children , as well as those who are not able to find work , are disabled or are enrolled in school .

  14. 多年来,我一直在研究职场妈妈和全职妈妈。

    Over the years , I 've studied working and stay-at-home moms ,

  15. 你说全职妈妈每天都干些啥?”

    And what do stay-at-home moms do all day , anyway ? "

  16. 在家工作的妈妈可以享受到与全职妈妈相似的好处。

    Work at home moms have similar perks to stay at home moms .

  17. 若经济许可,有些妈妈选择回到家中重新当全职妈妈。

    Some who can afford it are choosing to be stay-at-home moms again .

  18. 我要在家做全职妈妈了。

    I 'm gonna do the full-time Mommy thing .

  19. 如果你想在家做全职妈妈。

    If you wanted to be a full-time mommy .

  20. 该报告还研究了全职妈妈和有工作的妈妈是如何利用时间的。全职妈妈在家务事、照顾孩子、休闲和睡眠上花的时间更多。

    The report also looked at how stay-at-home versus working moms use their time .

  21. 婴儿护理:消息人士称凯特愿意当个全职妈妈。

    Child care : Sources tell that Kate wants to be a full-time mom .

  22. 开学第一天对全职妈妈来说怪难受的吧

    Well , the first day of school can be tough For stay-at-home moms .

  23. 但我是个全职妈妈啊!

    But I 'm a stay-at-home mom .

  24. 自从加芙在家中担任全职妈妈以来伯德一家一直为了儿童保育成本省吃俭用。

    The Byrds are saving on child care costs since Gabriela is a stay-at-home mom .

  25. 同样,有工作妈妈的孩子会得到更多薪水,相对于全职妈妈的孩子,会有更多潜力

    These daughters also earn more and have more senior positions than those with stay-at-home mothers

  26. 第19单元全职妈妈

    Unit 19 The Stay-at-home Mom

  27. 在1967年,全职妈妈所占的比例大约为50%,此后该比例一直在下降。

    The share of stay-at-home moms had been dropping since 1967 , when about half of all moms stayed home .

  28. 一个青少年时期就不幸去世的朋友,珍,38岁的全职妈妈能在梦中和她的儿子相见。

    For years after a friend died as a teen , Jane , a 38-year-old stay-at-home mother dreamed of him .

  29. 而担任全职妈妈的女性校友则会更多参加公益活动,有67%表示参加过大量的志愿者活动。

    Alumnae who care for children full-time are even more committed to pro bono work , with 67 % reporting substantial volunteer activity .

  30. 父亲是一名卡车司机,为了工作,他不得不只身离家,前往遥远的加利福尼亚州,妈妈是个全职妈妈。

    Her father is a truck driver , work that takes him as far away as California , her mother a stay-at-home mom .