
jiā tínɡ zhǔ yì
  • familism
  1. 这就是基于家庭主义基础上的尊重病人传统。

    This is the tradition of respect of patients . It is based on traditional familism .

  2. 这个组织今晚在其主页上发出质问,我们的总统愿意放弃多少国家安全来促进这种进步的家庭主义。

    The FRC asking on its home page tonight , how much National Security is our president willing to forego to promote this kind of progressive familism .

  3. 变革家庭主义。

    To reform the family-based tradition .

  4. 进而了解监护制度从家庭主义到个人主义再到国家主义三大基本历史形态演变过程。

    Then we 'll have an overview of the historical evolution process from familialism to individualism and nationalism .

  5. 在7个信仰维度上的信仰程度由强到弱依次为国家民族、政治信仰、家庭主义、生命崇拜、宗教信仰、金钱物质、神灵崇拜;

    The rank ( from high to low ) of the seven belief domains was country-nation , political belief , familism , life worship , religion belief , money substance and supernatural belief .

  6. 家庭是爱国主义精神的真正发源地。

    The home is the birthplace of true patriotism .

  7. 婚姻家庭一直是女性主义的重要关注领域。

    Feminist paid persistent attention to family field .

  8. 你当然知道甘家的家庭是很家族主义的。

    Of course you know to begin with that the Kane family is very clannish .