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  • 网络family politics
  1. 法蒂玛.布托说,她不信奉家族政治,她本人也没有政治野心。

    Fatima Bhutto says she does not believe in birthright politics and has no political ambitions , herself .

  2. 但琅琊王氏政治之基础毕竟是根深蒂固,其家族政治统治在整个东晋政治进程中仍然发挥着重要的作用。

    But after all , the clan 's political base was so deep-rooted that it played an important role during the whole dynasty .

  3. 造成这种差异的原因有家族政治地位、区域文化和移民以及区域政治、经济控制的加强有关。

    The causes leading to this difference lie in the political status of the family , regional culture and immigrates and regional politics and intensification of economic control .

  4. 韩国的朴瑾惠和秘鲁的藤森庆子很早就开始继承家族政治事业:她们两人还在读书时就必须接替她们母亲的职责,担当起第一夫人。

    Park Geun-hye in South Korea and Keiko Fujimori in Peru got early starts in the family business : both had to step into their mother 's shoes and act as first lady while still at school .

  5. 皇室家族和政治领袖参加的主要的仪式在奥斯陆大教堂举行。

    The main service attended by the royal family and political leaders took place in Oslo cathedral .

  6. 侯赛因得知在他家族的政治根据地古吉拉特竞选议员席位失利之后对记者说,他接受这个选举结果,因为这是人民的决定。

    Chaudhry Shujat Hussain spoke to reporters after learning he had lost his bid to represent his family 's political stronghold in Gujarat .

  7. 吴伯雄刻意从吴志扬小时候开始栽培他继承家族的政治传奇。

    From the very start , Wu Chih-yang was groomed by his father , Wu Po-hsiung , to take over the family 's political legacy .

  8. 记者们很快就发现了这些退伍老兵们与得克萨斯州一些大款们的联系,而那些大款们长期以来一直为布什家族的政治活动提供资金。

    Journalists quickly turned up links between the navy veterans and Texas fat cats who had long supplied the Bush family with funds for political campaigns .

  9. 鄂西容美宣慰司作为土司时期朝廷统治鄂西土家族的政治机构之一,不仅具有强大的政治实力,在文化上也成就非凡。

    As a political institution that dynasties ruled the Tujia in western of Hubei Province , Rong Mei Xuan Wei Si not only had strong political power but also had extraordinary cultural achievement .

  10. 因为黑人曾经是她丈夫政治联盟中的重要组成部分&黑人在其中所占的比例之大,以至于托妮•莫里森[4]称克林顿为首位黑人总统,克林顿家族的政治机器一定会努力保持这一传统。

    Blacks were a vital part of her husband 's coalition so much so that Toni Morrison dubbed Bill Clinton the first black president and the Clinton machine will fight to keep it that way .

  11. 侯赛因得知在他家族的政治根据地古吉拉特竞选议员席位失利之后对记者说,他接受这个选举结果,因为这是人民的决定。侯赛因说,人民的决定总是正确的。

    Chaudhry Shujat Hussain spoke to reporters after learning he had lost his bid to represent his family 's political stronghold in Gujarat . He says he accepts the results because it is the decision of the people and he says the decision of the people is always right .

  12. 她与安德烈·贝当古的婚姻为这个家族增添了政治色彩。

    Her marriage to Andr é Bettencourt added political luster to the family .

  13. 第二节特殊的政治经济地位介绍了孔氏家族显赫的政治地位、雄厚的经济基础以及在此基础上进行的修撰家谱活动。

    The second section introduces prominent political status and solid economic foundation of KONG clan .

  14. 英国王室经常会根据家族发展或政治需求而使年龄相差很大的两个人联姻。

    British royalty often paired up differently aged partners based on family trees and political needs .

  15. 古代中国是一个家族式的政治国家,有着严密的等级结构。

    Ancient China , as a one - family - like politics country , had the strict rank structure .

  16. 从宗族偏好到理性表达&家族参与村庄政治的路径选择

    From the " Clan Preferences " to " Rational Expression " & A Path Selection of Clan Participation in Village Politics

  17. 在绪论中,论述了家庭家族与中国政治伦理文化的关系,探讨家庭家族与文学母题之联系,并对元明家庭家族叙事文学进行了界说。

    The exordium is a discussion on the relationship among families ( sagas ), Chinese politics , ethics , culture and literary motives .

  18. 南北朝时期,裴氏成员或凭借深厚的学术文化修养、或凭借卓越的军事才能,确立了家族显赫的政治地位。隋唐时期,裴氏进入更辉煌的发展阶段,特别是唐代出现了十七位宰相。

    In the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties , the members of clan Pei gained a powerful position relied on there profound scholarship and remarkable military talent .

  19. 东晋中后期,由于以谢安为代表的一批杰出人物的军政功业,其家族在门阀政治格局的背景下,成为一度具有执政地位的“势门”。

    In the mid-and-late period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty , the Xie Clan was once in power because of the great achievements made by its outstanding members in politics and the military , such as Xie An .

  20. 文学是处于它的环境之中的,文学是人类精神家族(如政治、意识形态、经济、文化、社会等)中的一个分支。它与环境之间不断地进行符号性的交换。

    Here the first to be discussed is the relativity of literature . Symbolical exchange constantly happens between literature - a branch of noosphere ( e.g. politics , ideology , economy , culture , society ) and its environment .

  21. 从存在论、感应论、恻隐论、家族论、政治论以及天人相应论这六个面向可以揭示出王阳明一体之仁的思想内涵。

    The paper discloses six dimensions in Wang Yang-ming 's thought of forming one body & existential theory , induced theory , theory of compassion , theory of family , political theory and theory of correspondence between man and universe .

  22. 中国西南民族地区的家族势力与家族政治

    On the Family Power and Politics in the Minority Areas of Southwest China

  23. 家族既是一种政治制度的形式,更是意蕴丰富的文化概念。

    Clan is not only a form of political system , but also embodies the rich culture concept .

  24. 从家族利益到国家政治&《觊觎王位的人》伦理冲突的核心

    From Familial Interest to National Politics : An Exploration of the Core of the Ethical Conflict in The Pretenders

  25. 对方必须有匹配的背景,宗教信仰,相称的家族、社会及政治关联。

    from the right background , from the right religion and from the right kin and social and political connections .

  26. 没有什么比自己家族已经成为美国政治严正王朝的说法更让前总统布什暴跳如雷的了。

    Nothing sends former president Bush into a rant faster than the proposition that his family has become an American political dynasty .

  27. 中国古代家族法体现出政治、社会与经济三大功能,体现家与国的良性互动。

    Ancient Chinese family law reflects the political , social and economic three functions , embody the benign interaction family and countries .

  28. 第六章分析其家族生存的社会政治经济条件的变化,君主的限制及吕氏自身的退化,使得吕氏势力无法像旧日的门阀士族长久不衰。

    The six chapter analyses the changes of the political and economical living conditions of the clan in Song dynasty , the imperial policy limit and the retrogress of the Lv 's family made it 's power not last as long as the old noble family .

  29. 对吕氏家族在这三个时期,主要成员的政治活动、家族政治地位的变迁及原因进行考察,希望以此折射出此类官僚大家族的特点和北宋官僚政治特征。

    Hope to reflect the characteristics of this kind of big bureaucratic families and bureaucratic politics in Northern Song .

  30. 本文研究清代湘乡曾氏家族,主要从经济与社会的角度加以探讨,另外稍加涉猎其家族的政治与军事影响力,不同于一般论著,大都只重於政治与军事研究,以致研究成果亦有所不同。

    Furthermore , it also involves the political and military influences of the Tseng Family . Different from other researches , which mostly focus on the study of politics and military , my concern puts more emphasis on the viewpoints from economics and society .