
jiā cái wàn ɡuàn
  • 熟语riches;wealth;be very wealthy;have tremendous property
  1. 从一无所有到家财万贯-,这是精彩而鼓舞人心的生活。

    Rags to riches & that 's a wonderful , inspiring life .

  2. 当他拒绝由别人介绍给她时,伊丽莎白对他顿生偏见,尽管他相貌英俊,家财万贯。

    When he refuses to be introduced to her , Elizabeth Bennet becomes instantly prejudiced against him , despite his good looks and great wealth .

  3. 要想当这儿的主席一定要家财万贯。

    Any aspirant to the presidency here must be seriously rich

  4. 她正和GC老板的儿子交往,他的父亲家财万贯。

    She s dating the son of the GC boss . His father 's worth millions .

  5. 他相当富有,但不是家财万贯。

    He is well-to-do but not with one of the great fortunes .

  6. 善解人意、风趣幽默-英俊潇洒、家财万贯

    Sensible , good humoured ... - Handsome , conveniently rich . -

  7. 据说这对夫妇家财万贯。

    The couple are said to be fabulously wealthy .

  8. 你们这些大人物拥有家财万贯,但碰到丑闻总是要损失惨重。

    You great people always lose something by scandal , notwithstanding your millions .

  9. 那家财万贯怎么说?

    How about a couple hundred million ?

  10. 不过,只有那些家财万贯的人才能买得起每台价值25000美元的计算机。

    Only those with deep pockets , however , could afford the $ 25,000 cost of each device .

  11. 关于你的小小芳邻就我所知她家财万贯而且身世清白

    About your pretty little neighbor ? Filthy rich and squeaky clean as far as I can tell .

  12. 人之所以独立,不是因为他家财万贯,也不是因为他需求很少。

    It is not the greatness of a man 's means that makes him independent , so much as the smallness of his wants .

  13. 加比:因为我很同情她,她家境并不富裕,而我们家财万贯。

    Gaby : Because ... I felt sorry for her . You know , her family is poor , and we have so much .

  14. 他相当富有,但不是家财万贯。相当大的资本(财富或收入)。

    He is well - to - do but not with one of the great fortunes . considerable capital ( wealth or income ) .