
  • 网络family culture;Home Culture
  1. 论林语堂小说家庭文化的审美取向

    Aesthetic orientation of the family culture in LIN Yu-tang 's novels

  2. 清代满族家庭文化教育浅说

    Elementary Introduction about Family Culture Education of Manchu in Qing Dynasty

  3. 家庭文化层次方面,家长为初中以下文化程度的患儿,汉族首诊率高于少数民族(P0.01);

    About parent 's educational background , the first visit rate of chidren with parents under junior middle school education , Han were higher than the minorities ;

  4. 古代女性家庭文化教育的形式

    Forms of cultural education in for family women in ancient China

  5. 家庭文化资本及其对幼儿数学学习的影响研究

    A Study of the Family Cultural Capital and Young Children 's Mathematics Learning

  6. 儒家思想有两个基本点:家庭文化本位和人生价值本位。

    The Confucianism is based on two themes . One is family-oriented culture .

  7. 社会转型期的城市家庭文化&以北京市海淀区为例

    Changes in Urban Family Culture during the Social Transition

  8. 转型期的农村家庭文化变迁探析

    An Analysis on the Change of Rural Family Culture in the Period of Transition

  9. 历史小说:在家庭文化的认同与互动之间

    Coming from the nature of family and limitation in historical novels of 1990 's

  10. 中国家庭文化的变迁主要分为三个时期。

    The changes in domestic culture of China can be classified into three stages .

  11. 良好家庭文化的建设与培育;

    Developing and cultivating fine family culture ;

  12. 对影响因素的分析表明,高校教师家庭文化消费与个体、家庭、社会等因素有关。

    The cultural consumption is greatly relative to the personal , domestic and social factors .

  13. 中国近代以来家庭文化变迁的历程

    Changes in domestic culture since modern China

  14. 家庭文化因素与英语作为外语学习者动机的相关实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Family Cultural Factors and EFL Learners ' Motivation

  15. 家庭文化对家庭成员的社会化功能

    On the Socialized Functions of Family Culture

  16. 家庭文化在青少年性别观念形成的初始阶段最具影响力。

    Family culture has the greatest influence on the formation of teens ' gender concepts .

  17. 满族家庭文化教育是学校教育的准备和补充。

    The Manchu nationality family culture education is the preparation and supplement of schooling education .

  18. 大连市拥有强大的城市群体文化,尚缺乏富有生命力创造力的个体文化及成熟的家庭文化。

    Dalian has strong group culture , but lacks creative individual culture and ripe family culture .

  19. 第三是要推进文化救助,缩小家庭文化资本差异。

    Thirdly , promoting the cultural relief , and reducing the family financial and cultural differences .

  20. 论家庭文化的教育功能

    On educational functions of family culture

  21. 营造良好的家庭文化氛围

    Constructing Good Family Cultural Atmosphere

  22. 家庭文化与数学教育

    Family Culture and Mathematics Education

  23. 这样,就意味着传统家庭文化的嬗变与现代家庭文化的重构。

    This change indicates the traditional family culture is evolving and the modern one is being reconstructed .

  24. 探讨家庭文化对数学教育的影响及家长如何帮助孩子学好数学。

    Explores the impact of family Culture mathematics education and how the parents help children study mathematics .

  25. 近些年来,关于家庭文化资本,国内外学者有了一些研究。

    Recent years , the domestic and foreign scholars have done some study on the family cultural capital .

  26. 作为家庭文化,它会以各种物质或者规范的形式,外在地体现它的特征。而在这些特征的更深层面,是人们价值观念的体现。

    As family culture , it can show its characters showing person 's value by matter or norm .

  27. 文化内涵是家庭文化的核心,家庭制度是文化内涵的制度化、具体化、动态化,是家庭文化的表层结构。

    The cultural connotation is the core of family culture , while the family institution is the surface structure .

  28. 满族家庭文化教育内容主要包括社会科学与自然科学两个方面。

    The content of Manchu nationality family culture education mainly includes two aspects : social sciences and natural sciences .

  29. 最后,本文建议未来应该以系统思维的观点,来省思现代华人家庭文化特徵转变对家庭成员互动可能造成的影响。

    A systemic perspective is applied to consider the impact of changes in Taiwanese family culture on family members'interactions .

  30. 学生家庭文化作为对师生关系影响不明显的远位变量常被忽视。

    As a faraway-variable , students ' family culture regarded as an unimportant element in teachers-students relationship is always overlooked .