
  • 网络The Home at Hong Kong;The Home at HK;Ga joi Heung Gong
  1. 仪征化纤当时正准备成为第一家在香港完成首次公开发行(IPO)的大陆公司。

    Yizheng Chemical was preparing to be one of the first mainland companies to complete an initial public offering in Hong Kong .

  2. 另一家在香港银行业建立战略立足点的银行是三菱东京UFJ银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)。

    Another bank building a strategic toehold in Hong Kong is Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.

  3. 中国民生银行(chinaminshengbankingcorp)昨日成为10年来第一家在香港上市首日收盘下跌的内地银行,香港市场近日过多的发行影响了投资者人气。

    China Minsheng Banking Corp yesterday became the first mainland Chinese bank to fall on its Hong Kong trading debut in a decade , after a glut of listings damped investor sentiment .

  4. 1993年7月,青岛啤酒(TsingtaoBrewery)成为第一家在香港证交所上市的中国内地企业,创造了历史。

    In July 1993 , Tsingtao Brewery made history when it became the first mainland Chinese company to list on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  5. 中国建设银行(CCB)表示,第一季度利润达到321亿元人民币。中国建行是另一家在香港和上海两地上市的大型国有银行。

    China Construction Bank , the other giant state-owned bank listed on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock markets , said profit in the first quarter reached Rmb32.1bn .

  6. 而不到一个月之后,QSL体育联盟有限公司(QSLSports)收购利物浦俱乐部的高调尝试,也被人们太当回事了。QSL是一家在香港注册、不为人知的体育营销公司。

    The apparent attempt by QSL Sports , an obscure Hong Kong-registered sports marketing company , to buy Liverpool less than a month later was taken far more seriously .

  7. 仁智国际(SageInternational)是一家在香港上市的殡葬服务集团,BetsyMa便是该集团的员工。该集团已开始鼓励其顾客采用另一种方式纪念他们所爱的人——把其骨灰转变为钻石。

    Sage International , the Hong Kong-listed funeral services group that is Ms Ma 's employer , has started to encourage its clients to use an alternative way to commemorate their loved ones - turning their ashes into gemstones .

  8. 去年11月,这家在香港上市的企业还抬不起头来。

    In November the Hong Kong-listed company was on its knees .

  9. 这么说你现在家在香港而不是台湾啦。

    So you live in Hong Kong not Formosa .

  10. 这家在香港上市的机械制造商否认这一指控。

    The Hong-Kong listed machinery maker denies the allegation .

  11. 又一家在香港上市的中国房地产公司寻求化缘。

    Another Hong Kong-listed Chinese property company has put out the begging bowl .

  12. 这家在香港上市的公司表示,超过3亿华人在收看凤凰卫视的新闻节目。

    The Hong Kong-listed company says its news broadcasts reach more than 300m Chinese .

  13. 中策集团是一家在香港上市的电池生产商,其新的业务重点是金融服务业。

    China strategic is a Hong Kong-listed battery maker whose new business focus is financial services .

  14. 斯劳特小姐说,毅伟商学院是唯一一家在香港市中心拥有校园的非本土商学院。

    Ivey is the only non-Hong Kong school to have a campus in downtown Hong Kong , says Ms Slaughter .

  15. 中海油将把其北美总部设在卡尔加里,这家在香港上市的公司还将在多伦多证交所上市。

    CNOOC will make Calgary its North American headquarters and the Hong-Kong listed company will list shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange .

  16. 专家们认为,其它一些行业也可能遭到调查,这将对多家在香港和纽约上市的大型中国企业产生影响。

    Experts believe probes into other sectors could follow , with implications for a number of big Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong and New York .

  17. 青岛啤酒在上周提交证交所的材料中公布了上述计划。该公司1993年在香港上市,是第一家在香港上市的内地公司。

    Tsingtao , which became the first mainland enterprise to list in Hong Kong in 1993 , announced its plans in a stock exchange filing last week .

  18. 这家在香港上市的玩具及娱乐产品公司上周五发表了一份声明,称香港特别行政区高等法院已经委派临时清盘人对该公司及其附属公司进行清算。

    The Hong Kong-listed company issued a statement Friday that the Hong Kong High Court has appointed provisional liquidators to wind up the toy and recreational products company and its subsidiaries .

  19. 这家在香港上市的房地产开发商离岸债务的规模达25亿美元。该公司本应在上周四晚上支付2600万美元的美元债券利息。

    The Hong Kong-listed developer , which has $ 2.5bn of offshore debt , was due to make an interest payment of $ 26m on its US dollar bonds on Thursday night .

  20. 2006年和2007年间,政府将四大银行中的三家在香港证交所上市,作为提高其商业化程度的改革举措之一。

    In 2006 and 2007 , it listed three of the large four banks on the Hong Kong stock exchange as part of an effort to reform them into more commercial institutions .

  21. 眼下,数百家在香港上市的中国公司正准备在未来几天提交其截至2011年12月的财年年报。按照规定,提交年报的截止日期为3月31日。

    Hundreds of Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong are preparing to file their financial results for the year ended December 2011 in the coming days ahead of a deadline on March 31 .

  22. 他的家在香港最繁忙的旺角区。今年60岁的唐万伟表示:公园里更舒服,那里没那么热,人也不多。

    The park is more comfortable , says Mr Tang , 60 , at his home in Mongkok , one of Hong Kong 's busiest districts . It 's less hot and stuffy there .

  23. 工行是第34家在香港和内地两地上市的公司,不过,所有这些公司的股价都存在价差&其中一家公司的价差甚至高达280%。

    ICBC is now the 34th company to be listed on both markets , yet there is a gap between the prices of all the companies - in one case as high as 280 per cent .

  24. 另外一家打算在香港上市的是中国冶金科工集团(ChinaMetallurgical)。这是一家国有多元化建筑公司,从事钢铁厂、道路和桥梁的施工建设。

    Another scalp for the city 's bourse is China Metallurgical , a state-owned diversified construction company that builds steel plants , roads and bridges .

  25. 过去3个月内,有13家公司在香港进行了IPO定价,还有23家公司已宣布他们在未来几个月内也会有同样的举动。

    In the past three months , 13 companies have priced IPOs in Hong Kong , while 23 companies have announced their intentions to do so in the coming months .

  26. 然而,一家等待在香港的英国救援队伍在遭到拒绝后,已经开始返回。

    However , a British rescue team standing by in Hong Kong is returning home after being refused permission to travel to the earthquake zone .

  27. 一位律师表示,即使对一家有意在香港上市的公司进行尽职调查,也可能产生被认为是机密的信息如果官方要这样解释的话。

    Even performing due diligence on a company looking to list in Hong Kong could generate information considered a secret if authorities wanted to interpret it that way , one lawyer said .

  28. 对一家总部在香港的公司,如果其高管大部分时间都花在内地,实际上在那里行使控制权,那么,该公司就可能被判定为在内地经营,从而适用其较高的税率。

    A Hong Kong-based company whose executives spend most of their time across the border , in effect exercising control there , could be deemed to be operating in China and therefore liable to its higher tax rates .

  29. 2007年,这家瑞典品牌在香港中环地区(CentralDistrict)开设第一家门店的消息几乎点燃了所有人的兴奋和期待。

    When the Swedish company opened its first store in China in Hong Kong 's Central district in 2007 , the mood was one of heady anticipation .

  30. 另外三家则是在香港的殖民地时期享有特许权的企业,这三家公司是太古股份有限公司(SwirePacificLtd.)、会德丰有限公司(Wheelock&Co.)和怡和控股(JardineMathesonHoldingsLtd.)。

    Three others date back to colonial-era concessions , including Swire Pacific Ltd. , HK - 1.43 % Wheelock HK - 1.43 % & Co. and Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd.