
  1. 家族企业成长与社会资本的融合

    Growth of family firms and merge of social capitals

  2. 家族崛起与地域社会资源的再分配&以明代永乐、宣德之际江西泰和为中心

    The rise of families and the redistributing of regional social resources & taking Tai-ho County , Kiangsi Province , China from Yongle to Xuande of Ming Dynasty as a case study

  3. 温州家族企业在未来与社会资本融合的成长过程中,既需要整个市场环境的完善为其信任扩展提供支持,又需要家族企业自身不断进行改革。

    The perfection of market situation and continuous reform by family firm is the way of merging social capital in the future .

  4. 家谱是中国众姓家族记载其宗族世系繁衍的谱牒,能充分反映家族与当时社会、政治、经济、军事、文化等多方面的关系,具有较高的学术研究价值。

    The genealogical tree can reflect the relations of many aspects as the society , politics , economy , martial affairs and culture , etc. and has the high academic value .

  5. 家族小说反映的是相对稳定的社会结构时期的家族生活与社会的变迁,在现实主义文学中以其庞大的结构和精美的叙述方式,确定了其文学史上光辉的地位。

    Family novel reflects the change of family life and society during the period of relatively stable social structure . The great structure and elaborate narrative model in realism literature wins the glorious status in history of literature .

  6. 国内外学者对于中国家族制度的研究已有多方面的成果,这些研究着重探讨家族制度与社会、民族、国家之间的关系。

    Scholars at home and abroad have been crowned with a variety of achievements in their research on the Chinese family system , which has as its focus the relationship between the family system and society , nation and state .