
zhí xínɡ biān jí
  • executive editor;operating editor
  1. 《个人电脑》杂志执行编辑DanCosta相信,有报道称,Skype也收到了谷歌和Facebook的收购请求,因此微软必须迅速采取行动。

    PC Magazine executive editor Dan Costa believes Microsoft had to move quickly after reports that Skype was also ing offers from Google and Facebook .

  2. 根据MaryO'Brien所说的,基于对波士顿的图书出版商Addison-Wesley的执行编辑了解,她的工作就是一直在做这些决定,而且是从不同方面来做这些决定。

    According to Mary O'Brien , executive editor with Boston-based publisher Addison-Wesley , her days are spent making these determinations & at all times and in different ways .

  3. 顾名思义,行编辑器ed对输入文件的行执行编辑。

    As its name implies , the line editor , ed , performs edits on lines of input files .

  4. 举例来说,由于ProjectsbelongstoOrganizations,因此对项目的编辑进行限制,使得只有拥有项目的组织的管理员才能执行编辑操作,这是合理的。

    For instance , because Projects belongs_to Organizations , it would be reasonable to limit the editing of a project to only the administrators of the organization that owns it .

  5. 行内编辑:对backlog中指定项目进行快速编辑,这让用户可以对其做出快速的改变,而不需要转到单独的页面去执行编辑功能。

    Inline editing : Quick editing of specific items in the backlog allows users to make fast changes without going to a separate screen to perform edit functions .

  6. 从会话中检索联系人SDO:执行编辑页的最后一步是将联系人SDO放入会话。

    Retrieve the contact SDO from the session : The final step in the execution of the edit page was to place the contact SDO into the session .

  7. 在本例中,在特定Wikipediasandbox页面上执行编辑操作,这主要用于实验和测试,会定期进行自动清理。

    In this case , the edit is being performed on the special Wikipedia sandbox page , which is intended specifically for experimentation and testing and is automatically cleared at regular intervals .

  8. Tumblr执行编辑杰西卡•班尼特(JessicaBennett)说,毫无疑问他们是Tumblr上最受欢迎的,所以我们联系到了他们。

    ' They 're the most popular thing on Tumblr , hands down , and we reached out to them , ' says Jessica Bennett , Tumblr 's executive editor .

  9. sed打开/etc/services文件,将一行读入其模式缓冲区,执行编辑命令(“删除行”),然后打印模式缓冲区(缓冲区已为空)。

    Sed opened the / etc / services file , read a line into its pattern buffer , performed our editing command (" delete line "), and then printed the pattern buffer ( which was empty ) .

  10. 艾芮卡在一家多媒体公司担任助理执行编辑。

    Erica works in a multi-media firm as assistant managing editor .

  11. 医学期刊执行编辑工作中的三查六对一注意

    Method of three verifications , six checks and one attention in medical journal editing

  12. 为了执行编辑,包向导不断地发送按键到缓冲区。

    The package wizard is effectively sending keystrokes to a buffer with the intend of performing edits .

  13. 南非独立媒体地区执行编辑凯文·里奇回应了此次号召。

    Kevin Ritchie , regional executive editor of South Africa 's Independent Media , echoes this statement .

  14. 执行编辑的理念

    Rationality of executive editors

  15. 作为《时报》的执行编辑,他拥有美国新闻界权力无比的职位。

    As executive editor of the times , he held a position of almost unparalleled power in American journalism .

  16. 执行编辑也出去吃饭了,于是他们的秘书会把稿子读上一遍,然后说这真傻透了,接着继续砍掉余下的大部分内容。

    So the editors " secretaries would read it and say it was stupid and cut most of what was left .

  17. 第二个好处是让那些报道假新闻的记者暴露给他们的执行编辑或者同事。

    The second direct benefit is that it makes journalists confront their shoddy journalism and exposes it to their executive editors and colleagues .

  18. 该报告的执行编辑帕特里克o塞瓦尔对《企业家》杂志表示,这个数字是根据联网的活跃手机的数量计算出来的。

    The report 's executive editor , Patrick Cerwall , told Entrepreneur that the figure had been calculated by looking at active phones connected to a network .

  19. 在特定情况下,比如《纽约时报》执行编辑比尔凯勒(排名第51位),我们评估与其他业内人士相比,其手中掌控的经济资源。

    In certain instances , like New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller ( No. 51 ), we judged the resources at his disposal compared with others in the industry .

  20. 法律部又挑选出哪怕稍微有些精彩之嫌的内容,把它们咔嚓掉,再把剩下的东西打回执行编辑的办公室。

    The legal department would cut out anything that was still even remotely good from what remained and fire it back to the offices of the executive editors , who were also out at lunch .

  21. 从确定办刊方向、办刊宗旨、办刊目标、期刊定位以及严格执行编辑规范、注重期刊创新等方面阐述了《工程地球物理学报》的办刊思路。

    This paper expounds the thoughts of the Journal of Engineering Geophysics from the direction , the principle , the goal , the orientation , the strict editorial standard and the innovation which should be focused on .

  22. Meyer为负责保持MOR与出版商和学校之间的关系的执行资深编辑。

    Meyer will act as Executive Senior Editor to focus on maintaining MOR 's relationships with the publisher and universities .

  23. 运行环境主要有逻辑虚拟机和系统服务两大模块,逻辑虚拟机是寄生式PLC的核心,它主要是执行由编辑环境编译得到的中间代码指令;

    The running platform has two major modules : the logical virtual module and the system service module , the logical virtual module is the core of the parasitic PLC , which mainly carries out the intermediate code downloaded from editing platform ;

  24. 《华尔街日报》前任执行总编辑蒲思鼎(normanpearlstine)表示,默多克几年前就告诉他,如果他收购这家报纸,“就会停掉其它所有事情,专门在它身上花一年时间”。

    Norman pearlstine , former managing editor of the Wall Street Journal , says Mr Murdoch had told him years ago that , if he ever bought the paper , " he would drop everything else and spend a year working on it " .

  25. 这个应用程序很小,不会执行任何编辑。

    The application is so minimal that no editing is performed .

  26. 使用此命令重复上一次执行的编辑命令

    Use this command to repeat the last editing command carry out

  27. 作者是本报执行级编辑。

    The writer is an executive sub-editor of Lianhe zaobao .

  28. 但是,您可以执行基本编辑,例如添加新活动或创建连接。

    However , you can perform basic editing , such as adding new activities and creating connections .

  29. 山姆迪利,华盛顿时报的执行的编辑,与美联社确认销售。

    Sam Dealey , executive editor of The Washington Times , confirmed the sale with The Associated Press .

  30. 在应用代码编辑后,您可以就地继续执行新编辑的代码并观察效果。

    After code edits have been applied , you can resume code execution with the new edits in place and observe the effect .