
  • 网络Executive producer;line producer
  1. 他们可能会挖她去填补执行制片人这一空缺职位。

    They may headhunt her for the vacant position of Executive Producer .

  2. 该剧制作人JulianFellowes和执行制片人GarethNeame将会继续执掌该剧。

    Creator Julian Fellowes and executive producer Gareth Neame will continue to helm the series .

  3. 现担任该片联席执行制片人的安东圭对“中国实时报栏目”(ChinaRealTime)说,在1999年阅读了韩文版《许三观卖血记》后,他飞往北京与余华见面。

    Mr. Ahn , now the film 's co-executive producer , told China Real Time that he flew to Beijing to meet with Mr. Yu after he read the novel 's Korean translation in 1999 .

  4. BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》的执行制片人表示,自己已被粉丝们呼唤“卷福”和“花生”“在一起”的邮件淹没。

    The creator of BBC TV series Sherlock has been inundated with fan mail urging him to make the detective and Dr Watson gay lovers .

  5. MattWolpert和BenNedivi将会亲自操刀导航集的剧本,并担任该剧的执行制片人。

    Matt Wolpert and Ben Nedivi ( " Entourage " ) will write a pilot script and also serve as exec producers .

  6. 艾美奖得主JimmyKimmel是美国广播公司深夜脱口秀《吉米现场秀》的主持人以及执行制片人。

    Emmy-winner Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Jimmy Kimmel Live , ABC Television Network 's distinctive late-night talk show .

  7. 该剧制片人兼执行制片人RyanMurphy感谢FOX电视台和TwentiethCenturyFoxTelevision(该剧制作公司)做出的这个决定,并指出这部剧对该剧粉丝的重要影响。

    Series creator and executive producer Ryan Murphy thanked the network and Twentieth Century Fox Television ( the series ' production studio ) for the renewal and then pointed out the fans ' influence on Glee .

  8. 早前,同为评委的雷德(Antonio“L.A.”Reid)也表明将不再担任评委,给同为主创和执行制片人西蒙·考威尔(SimonCowell)留下了两个评委空缺。

    Fellow panelist Antonio " L.A. " Reid previously announced he was leaving , giving creator-executive producer Simon Cowell two spots to fill .

  9. 《电视指南》报道,现在这个计划正在继续进行,而这部情景喜剧的执行制片人则是Bieber的经纪人ScooterBraun。

    The comedy is now back in development , with Bieber and his manager , Scooter Braun , as executive producers , TV Guide reports .

  10. 问:理论物理学家基普·索恩(KipThorne)是这部片子的执行制片人,和他一起工作你们学到了什么?

    What did you gain from working with the theoretical physicist Kip Thorne , who was an executive producer on this movie ?

  11. 有一天Ian把我拉到一边说如果你杀了Enzo那么我就不演了。执行制片人CarolineDries回忆道。

    Ian pulled me aside one day and he goes , ' If you kill Enzo , I 'm going to quit , ' recalled executive producer Caroline Dries .

  12. 丽莎库卓(菲比):在《老友记》演出结束后,因加入HBO热门情景喜剧《归来记》而一度走红。现在是美国版《你认为你是谁》的执行制片人。

    LISA KUDROW ( Phoebe ) had a hit after the show finished with HBO sitcom The Comeback and is now an executive producer on the US version of Who Do You Think You Are ?

  13. 幸运的是,这部衍生剧的执行制片人,同时也是《吸血鬼日记》的执行制片人JuliePlec对这部新剧的消息不是守口如瓶。

    Fortunately , it does not seem that " The Vampire Diaries " showrunner Julie Plec is keeping quiet on her potential new series .

  14. 当你踏足爱尔兰茂密的森林里的时候,你会愿意相信这个地方真的已经存在千年之久了,执行制片人同时也是该剧作者的DavidBenioff说。

    You really need to believe that you 're in a space that has been there for thousands of years and you get that in the Irish forests , executive producer and writer David Benioff says .

  15. 我觉得最后让我很高兴的是,“西孟菲斯三人帮”中的其中两位,杰森•鲍尔温(JasonBaldwin)和杰西•米斯凯利(JessieMisskelley),是这个片子的执行制片人。

    I think that ultimately what has emerged that I 'm very happy about is that two of the West Memphis Three , Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley , are executive producers on this project .

  16. 在《行尸走肉》第四季14集开播前几天,该剧执行制片人RobertKirkman说这一集将会是让所有观众记忆深刻的一集。

    Just a few days before Season 4 , Episode 14 of The Walking Dead aired , comic book writer and show executive producer Robert Kirkman said that it was a big one that viewers will definitely remember .

  17. VSFS的执行制片人EdRazek表示,单向组合的前任成员HarryStyles,格莱美大奖的获奖者Miguel,Hamiltonalum的OdomJr.和中国的流行音乐代表张靓颖将会在秀场上唱歌。

    Former One Directioner Harry Styles , Grammy winner Miguel , Hamilton alum Leslie Odom Jr. and Chinese pop sensation Jane Zhang are set to sing on the runway , VSFS executive producer Ed Razek said in a statement .

  18. Parker在第二季时获得了执行制片人的头衔,这使她的片酬提高到了30万美元,报道称,这导致Cattrall也想争取到更高的薪水。

    Parker was given an executive producer title back in the second season , which bumped her salary up to $ 300000 , causing Cattrall to reportedly negotiate for a higher salary .

  19. 《唐顿庄园》的执行制片人GarethNeame说:当新一季明年回归时观众可以期待看到更多戏剧性的东西,更多喜剧元素交织着爱恨、妒忌、野心、敌对、绝望和浪漫等。

    Downton Abbey executive producer Gareth Neame said , Viewers can look forward to more drama , comedy , love , hatred , jealousy , rivalry , ambition , despair and romance when the series returns next year .

  20. 《唐顿庄园》的执行制片人GarethNeame说:当新一季明年回归时“观众可以期待看到更多戏剧性的东西,更多喜剧元素交织着爱恨、妒忌、野心、敌对、绝望和浪漫等”。

    Downton Abbey executive producer Gareth Neame said , " Viewers can look forward to more drama , comedy , love , hatred , jealousy , rivalry , ambition , despair and romance " when the series returns next year .

  21. 除了珀塞尔和米勒,《越狱》的创作者同时也是ABC系列短剧《零点时刻》的运作人保罗·舒尔林也期待《越狱》的回归。同样也期待《越狱》回归的还有该剧的执行制片人唐·帕罗斯和马尔提·阿黛尔斯坦。

    Apart from Purcell and Miller , even Paul Scheuring , who created ' Prison Break ' and was the show runner of the fleeting ABC series , ' Zero Hour , ' is also waiting for the reboot , alongside executive producers Dawn Parouse and Marty Adelstein , who were also a part of the original series .

  22. 如果你是制服控,那你一定要看CW电视网12月6号播出的这一集《吸血鬼日记》“我们有Damon和Stefan的制服造型!”该剧执行制片人JuliePlec说。

    If you love a man in uniform , tune in to the December 6 episode of The CW 's Vampire Diaries . " We 've got Damon [ Ian Somerhalder ] and Stefan [ Paul Wesley ] in Army gear ! " says exec producer Julie Plec .

  23. 这部英剧翻拍而来的美剧的执行制片人是《绿箭侠》的制片人GregBerlanti,和《吸血鬼日记》现任制片人JuliePlec,剧本改编将会由《超市特工》的编剧来做。

    The new adaptation has quite a pedigree , as it 's executive produced by Greg Berlanti ( " Arrow " ) and Julie Plec ( " The Vampire Diaries " ) . The pilot was written by Phil Klemmer ( " Chuck " ) .

  24. 华纳兄弟公司执行制片人昂纳尔威格拉姆对《洛杉矶时报》表示:J.K.罗琳的才华在于她讲述了在真实世界里,一个有血有肉的小魔法师是如何实现愿望的,你可以和它一同融入这个魔幻世界。

    The genius of JK Rowling was that she grounded the wish fulfillment of a real kid with magical powers in the context of the real world . You enter the fantasy with her , Lionel Wigram , a production executive at Warner Bros , told the Los Angeles Times .

  25. 作为执行制片人,你所承担的职责是什么?

    SW : What does your role as executive producer entail ?

  26. 威尔·阿奈特和亚伦·保尔也会担任执行制片人。

    Will Arnett and Aaron Paul also serve as Executive Producers .

  27. 我是唯一的主持人和执行制片人。

    I 'm the only host and the executive producer .

  28. 《老友记》的执行制片人玛尔塔考夫曼和戴维克兰也创作过情景喜剧《继续梦寻》。

    Friends executive producers Marta kuaffman and David crane also created the adult sitcom dream on .

  29. 这位5届美职篮总冠军得主,是这部动画短片的编剧兼执行制片人。

    The five-time NBA championship winner was the screenwriter and executive producer of the animated short .

  30. 《迷失》的导演和执行制片人斯蒂芬威廉姆斯执导本剧的第一集。

    Stephen Williams , a director and co-executive producer of Lost , is directing the first episode .