
  • 网络Youngstown;Youngstown, Ohio;YNG
  1. 俄亥俄州扬斯敦---为人父母的Joel和BethanyWeyandt害怕孩子们的经历留下的印象很有可能跟随他们一生,周二他们告诉记者很担心自己的孩子已经足够大去记住他们最近的一次家庭旅行了。

    YOUNGSTOWN , OH-Fearing that their kids ' impressions of the experience could quite possibly remain with them for the rest of their lives , parents Joel and Bethany Weyandt told reporters Tuesday they are worried their children are old enough to remember the details of their recent family vacation .

  2. 工业城市也是如此,例如东北部的扬斯敦。

    So do industrial towns , such as Youngstown in the northeast .

  3. 在扬斯敦周围的一些大型工厂,很多工作机会都没有了。

    Around the city of Youngstown , many manufacturing jobs have been lost .

  4. 我的政府已经在罗利和扬斯敦开始运行高科技制造业中心。

    My administration has launched two hubs for high-tech manufacturing in Raleigh and Youngstown .

  5. 在俄亥俄州的扬斯敦也发现了类似的情况。这是一座经济萧条的中西部城市,以高犯罪率和失业率闻名。

    A similar effect was noted in Youngstown , Ohio - a depressed Midwestern town known for its high rates of crime and unemployment .

  6. 虽然民主党人显然在用经济衰退的议题为自己竞选,但是扬斯敦的共和党人、麦凯恩竞选义工温布什说他们已经开始了助选活动。

    Although Democrats appear to be using the faltering economy to their advantage , Youngstown Republicans like McCain volunteer Tracey Winbush say they are making headway .

  7. 美国林务局研究员做的两项最新研究仔细调查了费城、巴尔的摩和俄亥俄州扬斯敦的市区绿化情况。

    Two new studies , led by US Forest Service researchers , took a closer look at urban green space in Philadelphia , Baltimore and Youngstown , Ohio .

  8. 总统的准备。星期二晚间,她在俄亥俄州的扬斯敦对支持者的讲话中继续提出这个问题。她说,美国人不能让一个需要“在职培训”的人担任总统。

    " They need a president ready on day one to be commander in chief , ready to manage our economy and ready to defeat the Republicans in November ," she said .

  9. 我的政府已经在罗利和扬斯敦开始运行高科技制造业中心,把商业和帮助美国引领世界先进技术的研究型大学联系起来。

    My administration has launched two hubs for high-tech manufacturing in Raleigh and Youngstown , where we 've connected businesses to research universities that can help America lead the world in advanced technologies .

  10. 星期二晚间,她在俄亥俄州的扬斯敦对支持者的讲话中继续提出这个问题。她说,美国人不能让一个需要“在职培训”的人担任总统:

    She continued in that vein speaking to supporters in Youngstown , Ohio , Tuesday night , saying Americans cannot afford someone who needs what she called " on the job training . "

  11. 为美国的未来战斗,所以奥巴马今年早些时候曾表示,“将开始打响,并取得胜利,就像埃尔德哈特和底特律,戈森和匹兹堡,南湾扬斯敦”。

    THE battle for America 's future , so Barack Obama said earlier this year ," will be fought and won in places like Elkhart and Detroit , Goshen and Pittsburgh , South Bend Youngstown " .