
  • 网络Yangzhou paper-cut;Yangzhou Paper Cutting
  1. 三是从扬州剪纸艺术形式及思维方式入手,探究其在现代包装设计中的使用价值和审美情趣。

    From Yangzhou paper-cut art forms and ways of thinking to start exploring the use of modern packaging design value and aesthetic appeal .

  2. 二是以扬州剪纸艺术作为民间艺术的典型代表,通过对其历史发展、内容题材、审美意蕴等多方面进行归纳和总结,剖析出扬州剪纸艺术的造型特色及文化价值。

    Secondly , Yangzhou paper-cut art , as a typical representative of the folk art , we can analyses its historical development , content themes , aesthetic implication to summarized profiling . Thirdly , Yangzhou paper-cut art modeling features and cultural values .

  3. 扬州民间剪纸在当下社会的命运

    The Fate of Folk Paper-cut of Yangzhou in the Present Society

  4. 您瞧,这就是扬州的剪纸。

    Look ! This is the Yangzhou paper-cut .

  5. 江苏省的扬州有“中国剪纸之乡”的称号。

    Yangzhou , a city in Jiangsu Province , has the name of " the home of Chinese paper-cut " .