
yáng zhōu
  • Yangzhou
扬州[yáng zhōu]
  1. 这位伟大的诗人曾经做过扬州知州。

    This great poet used to be the magistrate of yangzhou .

  2. 十年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄幸名。(杜牧《遣怀》)

    Waking up from my ten-year dream in yangzhou ,| I 've won the name of a fickle man among the pleasure quarters .

  3. 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。(李白《送孟浩然之广陵》)

    You have left me behind , old friend , at the Yellow Crane terrace , | on your way to visit Yangzhou in the misty month of flowers .

  4. 北京、南京、扬州、苏州这样的大商业中心相继形成。

    Commercial centers like Beijing , Nanjing , Yangzhou , Suzhou formed in succession .

  5. 取自扬州某外资皮革厂的蓝皮制革废水舍有大量的Cr3+和COD。

    The blue-wet skin wastewater getting from certain foreign capital leather factory in Yangzhou contains a mass of Cr3 and COD .

  6. 扬州鹅PRL基因内含子2的SNP检测及其与产蛋性状的相关分析

    SNP Detection of Intron 2 of PRL Gene and Its Associations with Egg-laying Traits in Yangzhou Geese

  7. 以数字扬州的实证分析为例,3S集成技术在沿江开发中的应用具有整合沿江资源、提供决策支持、发挥整体协调功能等意义。

    Based on the functional and applicational methods of 3S , the application of 3S in Yangzhou 's development along the Yangtze River is analyzed .

  8. 本文根据冷却水物理模型试验关键相似条件,对长江下游扬州DE电厂扩建工程物理模型进行了设计。

    According to the key similarity criteria of physical model for cooling water , its design for Yangzhou DE power plant at the downstream of Yangtze River in extension stage was introduced in the paper .

  9. 第3章介绍了C银行扬州分行及信息技术项目的相关背景、管理现状和存在问题,并在此基础上提出分行信息技术项目实施项目经理制实行有效管理的观点。

    He points out the background , current management situation and problems of C bank , Yangzhou branch and its information technology in Chapter Three . Furthermore , the author provides solutions to effectively carry out project management on information technology in branch banks .

  10. 本文通过对VOD系统中的系统方案、视频点播软件、教学系统组成、系统实现功能等几个方面阐述,以扬州环境资源学院为例,提出了远程教育系统中VOD系统的构建方法及过程。

    Through introducing the system design , function and video broadcasting software of VOD system in YangZhou Environment and Resource College , this article provided its constraction method and process .

  11. 扬州地区110kV合成绝缘子长期运行后的试验分析

    Experiment and Analysis of 110 kV Composite Insulator after Long-term Operation in Yangzhou Area

  12. 根据GEM模型,并结合区域内农业发展的实际,将影响扬州市农业产业集群的因素分为基础、主体和市场三个方面。

    According to GEM model , combined with the regional agricultural development , would affect the agricultural industry of Yangzhou City is divided into clusters based on factors , the main market and the following three aspects .

  13. 针对扬州市城区的地面沉降现状,提出在现有地面沉降监测设施的基础上,再补建一些地面沉降监测GPS标石点,对一些重点区应加密布设。

    To the present condition of ground subsidence in Yangzhou city , the authors suggested that , in addition to the available ground subsidence monitoring facilities , some other GPS bench marks should be added and , in key areas , more GPS bench marks should be built .

  14. 扬州八里居住小区工程是国家九五重点加强项目30000m3定向结构板成套设备及产业化课题的应用性研究内容之一。

    The project of Ball residential district in Yangzhou is a part of research of application of oriented strands board .

  15. 研究了烟气脱硫装置设计中应用计算机辅助分析(CAE)技术实现精准设计的方法,介绍了该技术在扬州电厂200MW机组石灰石-石膏法烟气脱硫工程烟道设计中的应用。

    A computer aided engineering analysis ( CAE ) method applied to a precision design of the FGD apparatus is introduced . It was used in flue gas channel design of 200 MW limestone-gypsum wet FGD in Yang Zhou Power Plant .

  16. 扬州体育馆工程比赛馆屋架钢结构卸荷工艺

    Unloading Technique of Steel Structure in Yangzhou Gymnasium Competition Stadium Roof

  17. 扬州鉴真大和尚纪念堂设计方案

    Design Project of the Memorial Hall for Buddhist Master Jian Zhen

  18. 就是我大牛的拿手好菜,扬州炒饭。

    We 're missing Daniel 's forte , Yangzhou fried rice .

  19. 新时期条件下扬州大学园林特色专业的建设与发展

    The Construction and Development of Landscape Architecture Education in Yangzhou University

  20. 清代扬州学派简论

    The Evolution of Yangzhou School in Qing Dynasty and Its Method

  21. 扬州港客运大楼地基加固与边坡围护

    The Reinforcement and Banking of Passenger Service Building of Yangzhou Harbor

  22. 扬州市计划生育相关弱势群体的研究分析。

    The research of disadvantaged groups of family planning about Yangzhou .

  23. 金农五十岁后逐渐结束了远程的南北漫游,过上了寓居扬州的相对稳定的生活。

    Jin Nong gradually ended his north-south distance roaming after 50-year-old .

  24. 扬州是大运河边上一个妩媚华丽的小城。

    Yangzhou is a little charming city on the Grand Canal .

  25. 钢结构管道防腐涂料配套推荐方案扬州市金陵特种涂料厂

    Recommended completed plan of anticorrosion coatings used in steel pipeline

  26. 扬州制药厂2·1氢气钢瓶爆炸事故分析及其预防

    Causes Analysis of Explosion Accident of Hydrogen Cylinder in Yangzhou Pharmaceutical Factory

  27. 扬州漆器产品设计与发展环境研究

    Research of Product Design and Development Enviroment on Yangzhou Lacquerware

  28. 扬州民歌与吴歌比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Folk Songs in Yangzhou and the Wu Songs

  29. 流经扬州的这一段是最古老的。

    The section that goes through Yangzhou is the oldest .

  30. 基于多重视角的扬州水旅游开发探讨

    A Multi-perspective View on the Development of Yangzhou Aquatic Tourism