
yáng huā
  • flowering;flowering of cereal crops
扬花 [yáng huā]
  • [flowering of cereal crops] 水稻、小麦、高粱等作物开花时,花药裂开,花粉飞散

扬花[yáng huā]
  1. 而光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、最大荧光(Fm)则相反,而在抽穗期与扬花期各参数的值基本相同,在蜡熟期下降较明显。

    All parameters were generally alike in heading and flowering period , but they decreased obviously in dough stage .

  2. 扬花期施用的BR混FA和GA3混FA可明显的增加灌浆强度,提高千粒日增重。

    Spraying GA 3 mixed with FA and BR mixed with FA at flowering stage enhanced the filling intensity and increased the dry weight accumulation of kernel per day .

  3. 品种6029在扬花11d后仍有很高的氮吸收比例。

    In variety 6029 there was higher N uptake percentage from 11d after flowering to harvest .

  4. 研究了播期、密度和氮肥对小麦纹枯病的定量效应,组建了小麦扬花期病情指数(DI1)和黄熟期病情指数(DI2)的回归模型,并对其进行了检验和解析。

    The Quantitative effects of sowing time ( X1 ) , density of plants ( X2 ) and nitrogenous fertilizer ( X3 ) on sharp eyespot of wheat were studied by applying 3-factor-5-level general rotational regression design .

  5. 在小麦扬花后20d的幼胚、休眠和不休眠的成熟胚萌发过程中,葡萄糖可明显抑制其胚中α-淀粉酶表达。

    During the germination of embryos , which were isolated from seeds 20 DPA , dormant and non - dormant mature seeds , respectively , expression of a-amylase is inhibited by glucose significantly .

  6. 魔鬼就穿红色。水性扬花的女人也是这样。

    The devil wears red and so do scarlet women .

  7. 杂交水稻制种扬花期最适温湿互作配比研究

    Optimum Temperature and Humidity Ratio for Hybrid Rice Seed Production at Flowering Stage

  8. 小麦扬花结实期旗叶显微结构和超微结构的变化

    Microstructure and ultrastructure changes of flag leaf during the anthesis bearing stage of wheat

  9. 她是个水性扬花的女人。

    She is a woman of easy virtue .

  10. 水性扬花的女人也是这样。心脏病患者最好避开红色,因为红色太刺激了。

    Those with heart problems are advised to avoid the color because it is so stimulating .

  11. 本文通过网室试验和室内分析相结合,研究了四个基因型小麦品种扬花期和成熟期钾素营养性状,分析了各基因型小麦钾素营养的特点。

    The essay studied the characters of potassium nutrition of four wheat genotypes in flowering and maturity stage .

  12. 初孵幼虫可取食扬花至蜡熟期的高粱,食量因生育期不同为18~27粒。

    The average feeding ability of a larva was 18-27 grains but varied with the stages of sorghum .

  13. 从生育期来看稻曲病田间发生流行规律,侵染期在孕穗期,始见期在水稻抽穗扬花期,发生高峰在灌浆至乳熟期,黄熟期病情趋向稳定。

    Epidemic peak period is from grouting to milky-stage , and the disease incidence tended stable at yellow - ripeness .

  14. 丰水年3水处理(拔节孕穗扬花水)和次水年4水处理(拔节孕穗扬花灌浆水)可以获得较好的经济效益和社会效益。

    In rich water year , the treatment of film mulching water 3 can get better economical and social benefit .

  15. 拔节水可以大幅度提高亩穗数,而孕穗、扬花和灌浆水对小麦灌浆有明显的促进作用;

    Water at jointing Stage can increase spike numbers , water at booting and peak filling stages can promote kernel weight .

  16. 结果表明,筛选钾高效基因型品种的适宜时期是在小麦扬花期以后。

    The results showed that the characteristics of K nutrition of the6 wheat cultivars were relatively stable after the reviving-elongation stage .

  17. 水稻抽穗扬花期遭受高温胁迫会导致结实率明显下降和严重减产。

    Rice will drop significantly its seed-setting rate and decrease heavily its yield under heat stress at the heading and flower stages .

  18. 还发现从扬花期至灌浆中期,高基粒片层数增加,灌浆中期之后,高基粒片层数减少。

    From flowering to middle milky stage , higher granum lamellae increase , and after middle milky stage , higher granum lamellae decrease .

  19. 小麦抽穗扬花期间的平均温度为7℃~29℃,平均大气相对湿度≥48%。

    The average temperature between 7 ~ 29 ℃ coupled with average relative humidity of 48 % or more during the flowering period of wheat .

  20. 小麦扬花期病情指数5%左右,当年病害流行强度1级;

    If the disease index of leaf wilt in flowering stage is about 5 % , the epidemic intensity of diseas is of the 1 degree .

  21. 采用临时制片法和石蜡切片法研究了冷型小麦在扬花期叶片的结构特征及灌浆结实期叶片结构的动态变化。

    The leaf structure characteristic in anthesis and dynamic change in grain-filling period were studied by means of temporarily preparing slice method and paraffin wax section method .

  22. 由于缺乏有效的抗病品种,长期以来主要采用多菌灵等苯并咪唑类杀菌剂在扬花期防治小麦赤霉病。

    Due to lack of effective disease-resistant varieties , carbendazim ( MBC ) and other benzimidazole fungicides were used to control FHB at flowering stage mainly for a long time .

  23. 通过对处于抽穗扬花期的水稻进行人工熏气试验,考察天然气净化厂事故徘放时外排的二氧化硫落地后对水稻生长的影响。

    The effect on the rice growth in heading and flowering period by SO2 emitted from natural gas purification plant and fell to the ground has been tested through fumigation experiment .

  24. 小说中,葛特露生动、鲜活、具有强烈反抗意识的新形象与《哈姆莱特》中晦暗、平淡、水性扬花的传统形象截然不同。

    In Gertrude and Claudius , Gertrude 's vivid image of a modern female with the strong consciousness of independence is distinct from the gloomy image of the wanton in Hamlet .

  25. 土壤表观矿化量和供氮量均表现为播种至返青期最高,之后开始下降,在扬花至收获期矿化量增加;

    In winter wheat growing season , soil N supplying capacity maintained at a high level from sowing to regreening stage , and declined afterwards , especially from shooting to harvesting stage .

  26. 据此,提出了杂稻制种中划分安全及最佳扬花时段的指标及方法,确定了湄潭县安全及最佳扬花时段的起止时间。

    According to this , the standard and method about dividing safety and the best flowering period was provided for hybrid rice seed production , the proper period was decided for Meitan county .

  27. 一年两熟区机械化保护性耕作土壤肥力效应研究(1)机械化耕作保护性耕作下冬小麦的日均光合速率在抽穗期和扬花期的差异最明显。

    Effects of mechanized conservation tillage on soil fertility in two crops a year area ( 1 ) Pn of wheat under mechanized conservation tillage has significant difference during heading and flowering period .

  28. 扬花期旱作水稻叶和鞘的可溶性糖含量小于常规水稻,茎中的差异不明显。

    At flowering stage the soluble carbohydrate contents in leaf and sheath of upland rice were lower than that of paddy rice and the difference was little in stem between the two treatments .

  29. 二月末,加利福尼亚中央谷众多果园的数百万棵杏树进入了每年一度的扬花授粉期。真是“乱花渐欲迷人眼”啊!一眼望去,到处都是洁白和粉红的杏花。

    AT THE end of February , the orchards of California 's Central Valley are dusted with pink and white blossom , as millions of almond trees make their annual bid for reproduction .

  30. 扬花期旱作水稻非结构性标记物较多,但灌浆期间再分配过程中转化效率远低于常规水稻。灌浆初期标记水稻的旗叶。

    Though there was more non-structural labeled substance in upland rice at flowering stage , the translation and allocation efficiency of it was much lower than that of normal paddy rice during grain filling .