
  • 网络yangzhou city
  1. 五代时期的扬州城考

    The Research about the Yangzhou City during the Five Dynasties

  2. 由唐至明运河与扬州城的变迁

    The canal and the vicissitude of Yangzhou city from Tang dynasty to Ming dynasty

  3. 扬州城的历史跟古运河是分不开的。

    Yangzhou 's history cannot be separated from that of the ancient canal .

  4. 全国重点文物保护单位扬州城遗址的保护状况令人担忧,尤其是唐子城城墙遗址屡遭破坏,成为扬州城遗址保护中既现实、又棘手的一大问题。

    The protection condition of Yangzhou city site is troubling , especially Tang small city Wall Ru-ins is destroyed frequently , and it becomes a thorny big problem .

  5. 本文从扬州城的历史沿革论述了扬州宋三城的城市布局和防御设施。

    This article discusses the city layout and defense system of Yangzhou from the historical evolution of Yangzhou , which was composed of three cities in the Song Dynasty .

  6. 建设扬州水文化城

    Constructing the Water Cultural City in Yangzhou

  7. 公司营销总部坐落于历史文化名城扬州市金天城国际商务中心。

    Marketing headquarters is located in the historical and cultural city of Yangzhou City , Heavenly City International Business Center .

  8. 扬州画派的形成与扬州城的社会经济背景有着密不可分的关系,特别是祖籍徽州的扬州商人对扬州画坛兴盛的推动作用,赞助商与画家相互之间的默契关系为扬州画派的形成奠定了基础。

    Its formation had a very close relationship with the social economy background of Yangzhou , especially the efforts made by the merchants originated in Huizhou . The close relationship between the painters and their sponsorships build a firm foundation for the formation of Yangzhou painting school .