
  • 网络red carp;Cyprinus carpio
  1. 人工诱导荷包红鲤雌核发育子代与亲本的染色体组型及几种酶的组织化学比较

    Comparison between artificially induced Cyprinus carpio gynogenetic offspring and their parents with reference to karyotype and enzymic histochemistry

  2. 应用RAPD技术分析三种红鲤遗传多样性

    Application of RAPD technology to analyze the genetic diversity of three breeds of red carp

  3. 中国红鲤四群体线粒体DNA遗传多样性、起源及分化

    Mitochondrial DNA genetic diversity , origin and evolution of four populations of red common carps in China

  4. 岳鲤及其双亲(荷包红鲤♀、湘江野鲤♂)LDH同工酶的研究

    Study on LDH Isoenzymes of Hybrid Yue-carp and Its Parents

  5. 柏氏鲤与荷包红鲤抗寒品系杂交子二代的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of second filial generation derived from boshi carp and frigid-resistance strain of red purse carp

  6. 运用随机扩增多态DNA方法对兴国红鲤、苏联镜鲤、德国镜鲤及它们的杂交后代进行遗传分析。

    The random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) technique was applied to the genetic analysis of Xingguo red carp ( Cyprinus carpio var. singuonensis ), Russian mirror carp , German mirror carp and their filial generations .

  7. PHA注射前后兴国红鲤头肾和脾脏结构基本相同。

    The head kidney and the spleen in Xingguo Red Carp were being compared between the fish injected with PHA and the normal group .

  8. 杂交鱼苗经28d的人工饲养,水晶彩鲫与荷包红鲤、锦鲤的正、反杂交,同其它杂交组合比较有明显的差别,其生长速度慢,个体之间差异大,成活率低;

    After artificial feeding for 28 days , there were remarkable differences among hybrids in which the hybrids of transparent color crucian carp and red purse carp and ornamental carp by direct and reciprocal crosses had the slower growth and the lower survival rate than others .

  9. 盐碱池塘养殖荷包红鲤试验

    On Red Carp Culture in Ponds on the Saline-alkali Land

  10. 兴国红鲤血细胞发生的研究

    A study on the genesis of blood cells in Xingguo red carp

  11. 红鲤生长性状的上位性遗传效应分析

    Genetic analysis of epistatic effects of growth traits in red common carp

  12. 雌核发育系红鲤8305的产生及其生物学特性

    The production of pure line red carp 8305 and its biological characteristics

  13. 人工诱导兴国红鲤三倍体最佳诱导条件的研究

    Studies of the Best Condition to Induce Triploid in Xingguo Red Carp

  14. 非细胞体系中红鲤精核去凝集的影响因子研究

    Study on Impact Factors of Common Carp Sperm Nuclei Decondensation in Cell-Free System

  15. 兴国红鲤同草鱼杂交的受精细胞学研究

    A cytological study on the cross fertilization of red common carp with grass carp

  16. 转基因红鲤体细胞的核移植(英文)

    Nuclear Transplantation of Somatic Cells of Transgenic Red Carp ( Cyprinus carpio haematopterus )

  17. 荷包红鲤等鱼类血液涂片中核影的研究

    Studies of nuclear shadow in the blood smear of the red purse - carp and others

  18. 人工诱导白鲫(♀)×红鲤(■)异源四倍体鱼的初步研究

    Preliminary study on artificially induced heterogeneous tetraploid in the hybrid of white crucian carp and red carp

  19. GB/T16875-1997兴国红鲤

    The red carp of xingguo

  20. 群体间的遗传距离为:兴国红鲤与德国镜鲤0.092,兴国红鲤与苏联镜鲤0.105,德国镜鲤与苏联镜鲤0.077,表明群体间的亲缘关系相近。

    The genetic distance between Xingguo red carp and Russia mirror carp is the largest ( 0.105 ) .

  21. 本文采用同位素示踪技术研究了14CO32-在红鲤和金鱼藻中的分布与积累动态。

    The distribution and accumulation dynamic of14CO32-in red common carp and hornwort was studied by using isotope-tracer technology .

  22. 从鱼苗到性成熟野鲤的饲养成活率明显高于荷包红鲤和德国镜鲤。

    The survival date from fry to adult , the wild carp are obviously higher than red ball common carp and Germany carp .

  23. 在15亩盐碱荒滩池塘进行了主养荷包红鲤试验。

    An experiment was carried out on farming red carp in the ponds with their total area of 15 mu on the saline-alkali land .

  24. 主成分分析表明,4品系红鲤间形态差异主要系躯体前半部差异所致。

    Principal component analysis indicated that morphological differences among the four strains were mostly due to variations in the frontal part of the body .

  25. 偶们看够了,临走,还叮咛那白衣农夫,不要伤了那红鲤。

    Enjoying the meeting , we left and before we left , we reminded the farmer wearing white not to hurt the red carp .

  26. 银鲫卵子遗传失活与兴国红鲤成熟精子受精后经热休克处理,获得雄核发育二倍体克隆鱼。

    Androgenetic diploid cloning fishes were induced by thermal shock after fertilization of inactivated Crucican carp eggs with the mature spermatozoas of Singuo red carp .

  27. 我国4种红鲤群体的生化遗传差异绒螯蟹的遗传差异和群体遗传多样性研究

    Study on biochemical genetic differences among 4 populations of red common carp in China Genetic Differences and Diversity of Mitten Crabs Eriocheir from Different Rivers

  28. 此外,还进行鱼类多倍体育种的探索性实验,获得了能发育的2倍体红鲤和3倍体团头鲂。

    Besides , exploratory tests on fish polyploidy breeding were done , and the diploid red carp and triploid blunt-snout bream with growing ability were obtained .

  29. 玻璃红鲤和荷包红鲤起源于单倍型I为主的母系祖先,推算分化时间分别约为5~5.6万年、2万年前。

    Glass red carp and purse red carp would have originated from a maternal ancestors mainly composed of haplotype I , 50-65 thousand and 20 thousand years ago respectively .

  30. 禅院之内的“放生池”,莲浮碧泓,红鲤俟矣,又形成“濠上观鱼”一景。

    " The release pond " is in the hospital , the lotus floats the bluish green , the red carp waits , becoming one view of " haoshangguanyu " again .