
  • 网络Nose;a red nose
  1. C:哦,嗨,达伦。我正在为明天的红鼻子日音乐会做准备。

    C : Oh , hi , Darren . I 'm just getting ready for the Red Nose Day concert tomorrow .

  2. 爱情,和红鼻子一样,都无法隐瞒。

    Love and a red nose cannot be hidden .

  3. 红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫(Rudolph)于二十世纪加入圣诞麋鹿队列,它的红鼻子照亮了平安夜雾蒙蒙的道路。

    Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was a 20th-century addition to the team , lighting the way on a foggy Christmas Eve .

  4. 大约是在我不再相信世上真的存在红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫(Rudolf)的时候,圣诞节(Christmas)在西方失去了它的灵魂。自那以来的几十年里,它已成为在意这些事的人的焦虑来源。

    Christmas lost its soul in the west around the time that I stopped believing in Rudolf , and it 's been a source of angst for those who care about such things for all the decades since .

  5. 现在,我们就来听听伯尔?艾夫斯演唱的《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》。

    Here , Burl lves sings Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer .

  6. 《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》和《结霜的雪人》。

    Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer , and Frosty the Snowman .

  7. 看见没,他的红鼻子和红眼睛多喜庆。

    See ? His nose and his eyes are red .

  8. 她不再是“红鼻子罗比”了,她是“罗比阿姨”。

    She wasn 't Ruby Rednose anymore ; she was Aunt Ruby .

  9. 红鼻子鲁道夫驯鹿的名字拼错了。

    Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer got the names wrong .

  10. 鲁道夫是一只有着红鼻子的驯鹿。

    Rudolph is the reindeer with a red nose .

  11. 除了这些非凡品貌以外,他还有一个红鼻子和一条脏兮兮的黄裤子。

    Added to the attractions were a red nose and dirty yellow trousers .

  12. 那红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫又是怎么来的?

    What about Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ?

  13. 我长着白色的眼睛,一个红鼻子和一个蓝嘴巴。

    My face has white eyes , a red nose , and a blue mouth .

  14. 我十分渴望事情朝着我们想的发展,红鼻子那家伙肯定也是这么想的。

    I shall be hoping desperately that things go our way and he 'll be doing the same .

  15. 所有的这一切都把我们引向了一个极富逻辑的结论:红鼻子的科技来自于外星人。

    All of which leads to the only logical conclusion : Santa 's technology is of alien origin .

  16. 这个巨大的徒步旅行者曾经是一匹马,然后有人加上了鹿角和鲁道夫红鼻子。

    This huge hoofer used to be a horse , then someone added antlers and the Rudolph red nose .

  17. 他们有着大大的红鼻子,脸抹得花花的,穿着大大的衣服,很有趣。

    They look funny with their big red noses , painted faces and clothes that are much too large for them .

  18. 读这本书你会发现,这个与他不匹配的红鼻子是如何拯救了圣诞节,最后成为历史上最有名的驯鹿。

    Find out how this misfit saves Christmas and becomes the most famous reindeer in history in this cheery retelling of the TV classic .

  19. “谁在哪儿?”安德烈公爵吆喝了一声。是红鼻子上尉季莫欣,曾是多洛霍夫的连长,由于缺少军官,现在当了营长。他胆怯地走进棚屋。

    The red-nosed Captain Timohin , once the officer in command of Dolohov 's company , now in the lack of officers promoted to the command of a battalion , came shyly into the barn .

  20. 对于新发现的灵长类物种,只需要看10秒钟,如果其雄性的体形是雌性的两倍,而且有发亮的红鼻子,那么毋庸置疑,这是一个多配偶的物种。

    If 10 seconds into watching a newly discovered type of primate you see that males are twice the size of females and have flashing neon noses , the issue is settled : it 's a polygamous species .

  21. 雷阿伦见了红,墨菲鼻子上挨了一下,所有人都处在血战状态。

    Ray Ray got bloodied , Murph took a shot to the nose and we were all settled it to battle .

  22. 我上次见到她的时候,她红着个鼻子,我希望她不是成天这样。

    The last time I saw her she had a red nose , but I hope that may not happen every day .

  23. 但是史瑞克的红眼睛和毛鼻子,并未阻止他成为一部新动画片的主角,这部电影备受瞩目,看来会成为热门大片。

    But Shrek 's red eyes and hairy nose haven 't prevented him from becoming the star of a new 1 ) animated movie , a movie which is attracting lots of attention and showing signs of becoming a huge success .

  24. 红鼻驯鹿鲁道夫和红鼻子驯鹿是同位语最好的例子。

    ` Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ' is an example of apposition .