
  • 网络Grape;Red Grape
  1. 你吃的这个叫红提。

    What you are eating are red grapes .

  2. 深色的浆果如黑醋栗、黑莓和红提葡萄都富含抗氧化物,可以减轻体内炎症。

    Dark coloured berries like currants , blackberries and red grapes all contain high levels of antioxidant and reduce inflammation in the body .

  3. 红提葡萄蜂胶无公害保鲜和HACCP体系应用的研究

    A Study on Non-polluted Storage of the Red Globe Grape by Propolis and the Application of HACCP System

  4. 本文以红提葡萄为材料,分析了二氧化氯(ClO2)气体对葡萄贮藏过程中内源激素ABA、IAA、GA3含量的影响,探讨了ClO2对葡萄保鲜的作用机理。

    The effects of chlorine dioxide gas treatment on endogenous hormones contents of ABA , IAA and GA3 of Red Globe grape berry during storage were studied in this paper .

  5. 影响红提葡萄贮运保鲜质量的若干因素

    Influence Factors on Storage and Transportation Quality of Red Globe Grape

  6. 红提葡萄引种及抗寒栽培技术总结

    Study on the Introduction and Cultivation Demonstration of The Red Globe Grape

  7. 化学防腐剂对红提葡萄贮藏保鲜的应用技术研究

    Studies on the Chemical Antiseptic Applying Techniques during Storage for Red Globe Grape

  8. 红提葡萄贮藏保鲜过程中SO2伤害的防止技术研究

    Studies on the SO_2 Injure Preventing Techniques during Storage for Red Grape Variety

  9. 美国红提葡萄组织培养与快速繁殖

    America Red Globe Grape Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation

  10. 防腐剂对红提葡萄中灰葡萄孢霉和交链孢霉抑制效果初探

    Inhibition Effect of Preservatives on Botrytis cinerea and Alternaria spp from Red Global Grape

  11. 诱变株与原二倍体红提比较,具有多倍体的部分特征特性;

    Compared with the donor plants , the lines had some typical polyploid characteristics .

  12. 然而,红提葡萄的贮藏保鲜技术仍然没有完全解决。

    But , storage technology of red globe grape has not been settled entirely .

  13. 红提葡萄易染多种病害,尤其是对真菌性病害的抗性较差。

    Red globe have a poor disease resistance , especially to pathogenic fungal disease .

  14. 红提葡萄果实套袋栽培管理技术

    Bagging Techniques of Red Globe Grape Cultivation

  15. 红色(英文)红提葡萄运输保鲜技术

    Technology of Red Table Grape Storage

  16. 对红提葡萄套袋纸的几点认识

    Some Viewpoints on American Grape Bags

  17. 微胶囊化防腐药剂防止红提葡萄小包装MA贮藏中SO2伤害的研究

    Studies on Preventing SO_2 Injure with Antiseptic Agents Microencapsulated during Small-packaging MA Storage for Red Grape Variety

  18. 近年来,红提葡萄的生产在我国发展迅速。

    In the recent years , the production of Red Globe table grape has been progressing rapidly .

  19. 红提葡萄既有一般晚熟葡萄品种所具有的贮藏共性,也有其在贮藏过程中易发生的特殊问题。

    Red globe grape has storage commonness of serotinous grape , and it also has special problem .

  20. 南方连栋避雨塑料大棚小气候及其对红提葡萄品质的影响

    Microclimate of Multi-span Plastic Greenhouse and Its Impacts on Quality of Red Globe Grape in Southern China

  21. 研究了25种防腐保鲜剂对红提葡萄中灰葡萄孢霉和交链孢霉的抑制效果。

    Inhibition effect of 25 kinds of preservatives to botrytis cinerea and alternaria spp from red global grapes were studied .

  22. 将黄腐酸菌肥与拮抗菌剂进行合理复配,研发出红提葡萄白腐病专用的生化黄腐酸复合微生物菌肥。

    Make biofertilizer containing BFA combine reasonably with compound antagonistic agents to produce white rot disease-specific biochemical fulvic acid compound microbial fertilizer .

  23. 温度变化特点有利于红提葡萄品质的提高,特别是不同覆盖与黄色套袋组合对红提葡萄品质提高的效果突出。

    The temperature change was beneficial to improving the quality of red globe grape , and especially the combination of different mulching and yellow bagging .

  24. 研究结果对促进闽北红提葡萄产业可持续发展和连栋避雨塑料大棚温度调控及生产管理具有参考意义。

    The results could provide a reference to promoting the sustainable development of red globe grape industry in north Fujian , and managing production of multi-span plastic greenhouse .

  25. 四个杂交组合中无核红宝石×红提的胚萌发率和成苗率最高,分别为49.2%和34.5%。

    The germinate rate and the plant rate of Ruby seedless × Red globe are the highest in the four crosses , which are 49.2 % and 34.5 % .