
  1. 离开博物馆之前,请到屋顶露台的艺术咖啡馆ArtCafé俯瞰整个斯特拉斯堡。

    Before taking your own leave , take a last look at Strasbourg from the rooftop terrace of the museum 's Art Caf é .

  2. 我非常喜欢音乐,艺术和咖啡。

    I love music , art and coffee very much .

  3. 艺术馆和咖啡厅形成了另一种吸引力:正如一个新时尚系列能够推动零售量一样,一次艺术品展示会或一套新品Gucci巧克力,或许也会起到同样效果。

    The gallery and cafe provide another draw : just as a new fashion collection drives retail traffic , so might an art opening or a new set of Gucci chocolates .

  4. 我们在一家装饰精美的具有新艺术风格的美国咖啡屋吃的午饭。

    We lunched at the stunning art nouveau Caf é American .

  5. Mamaine(哈瓦那15街与17街之间,L街206号)是一家充满艺术气息的私密咖啡馆,早餐很出名,有墨西哥玉米饼和鲜芒果汁。

    Mamaine ( Calle L No. 206 , between 15 and 17 , Havana ) is an artsy , intimate cafe known for a breakfast menu that includes tortillas and fresh mango juice .

  6. 此外,一位耳聋艺术家创作的艺术作品将在咖啡店里及咖啡杯上呈现。

    Furthermore , artwork created by a deaf artist will appear both within the store and on the coffee mugs .

  7. 和大部分咖啡师一样,她开始研究拿铁艺术,整天研究拿铁拉花艺术、混合研磨咖啡粉、沏上一杯杯咖啡。

    Like many baristas , she began experimenting with latte art to mix up the grind of pulling shots all day long 。