
yì wén
  • books;art and literature
艺文 [yì wén]
  • (1) [referring to books in general]∶泛指各种典籍、图书

  • 艺文志

  • (2) [literature and art]∶文学艺术

  1. 论文提出《苏州民国艺文志》蕴含价值,充满新意,堪称创新之作。

    This paper brings forward that Suzhou Art and Literature Ideal of Republic of China contains value , and is full of meaning .

  2. 倡导艺文合一,加强人文教育;提高教学效果,优化学生气质。

    And meanwhile it advocate the combination of art and literature , strengthen humanity education , improve teaching efficiency and portray students of high quality .

  3. 推动地方文化馆筹设及艺文推广。

    Encourage the building of local cultural centers and the promotion of Arts and culture .

  4. 主要从两个方面进行分析考察。一是艺文与经籍的内涵。

    From two aspects to analyst , one is the connotation on YiWen and JingJi .

  5. 清代学者对正史艺文(经籍)志的增补

    The Supplement to Literature and Art Records of Official History by the Scholars of Qing Dynasty

  6. 《汉书·艺文志》之小说与中国小说文体确立

    Novels in Record of Art and Culture , History of Han Dynasty and Establishment of Chinese Novel Style

  7. 一定程度上反映了《汉书·艺文志》的收书标准;

    They have reflected the standard for selecting materials in the collection of Yiwen Zhi in Han Shu .

  8. 《艺文类聚》、《初学记》与唐初文学观念

    Yi Wen Lei Ju and Chu Xue Ji in Relation with Literary Conception at the Early Tang Dynasty

  9. 第三部分就《艺文颊聚》中的《汉书》引文的进行了害面外分析,总结规律,提升认识。

    The third part is the han outside the citation analysis , summing rules written , promote understanding .

  10. 女性美的觉醒时代&从《艺文类聚·美妇人》看南朝文人对女性的审美心理

    THE AWAKENING AGE OF THE FEMALE BEAUTY : On the Literati 's special aesthetic psychology on woman in South Dynasty

  11. 唐代至宋代,佛教艺文地理分布在空间上拓展,内涵上加强。

    From the tang dynasty to song dynasty , buddhist art geographical distribution has developed in space and strengthened in connotation .

  12. 本课程的焦点包括各种文化的生产及消费,例如影展及地方艺文空间。

    The focus of this course includes aspects of cultural production and consumption , e.g. , film festival and artist spaces .

  13. 分享,讨论各类书籍,报章杂志和艺文活动讯息。

    Share the information about books , magazines and supplements of newspapers you have read or activities about display and play .

  14. 艺文护照由学生自行保管,若有遗失得申请补发,但申请补发者每本酌收工本费伍拾元。

    Students should take good care of their Arts Passport and may apply for reissue of the passport if they lose it .

  15. 介绍正史中艺文(经籍)志的现状及清代的补志情况,并对其特点及不足之处进行分析探讨。

    Introduces the supplement to literature and art records of official history in Qing Dynasty , and then analyzes its characteristics and deficiencies .

  16. 据唐兰等学者的考订,这四篇古帛书就是《汉书·艺文志》所载但久已散佚的《黄帝四经》。

    According to the Textual Research of Tang Lan and other scholars , This four ancient silk books is Huang Di Si Jing .

  17. 论儒学对《汉书·艺文志》编撰思想的重大影响朱元璋的孔孟情结与明初民本政策

    Zhu Yuanzhang 's Affection to the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius and the Policies Beginning with people 's Interests in Early Ming Dynasty

  18. 中国小说发生期现象的理论总结&《汉书·艺文志》中的小说标准与小说家

    A Theoretical Summary of Phenomenological Periodization of the Chinese novel : Standards and Novelists in Record of Art and Culture , History of Han Dynasty

  19. 我愿遵守艺文中心使用规则,并为任何破坏负一切的责任。

    I agree to abide by all the regulations regarding the use of the arts & culture center , and responsibility for any damage incurred .

  20. 其中艺文志&目中求录了很多有关当地古迹的文献,对于研究区域历史提供了材料。

    Art and Literature in a head and includes a lot of literature on local monuments , provided material for the history of the study area .

  21. 《汉书•艺文志》所记载的“记百三十一篇”便包括《礼记》四十九篇。

    The " One hundred Ji " in " Record of Art and Culture , History of Han Dynasty ", includes the49th chapter in The Book of Rites .

  22. 地方著作目录是著录某一地区的人士的著作,这才是我们通常所说的艺文志。

    The catalog of the writings is the description of the books written by some figures in this area . This is the " Yiwenzhi " our usually called .

  23. 凡修习该课程之学生,均由各系班代统一向艺文中心领取艺文护照作为登录之凭证。

    The class representative for each department will collect the Arts Passport from the NCTU Arts Center for students taking the Course for use as an instrument of registration .

  24. 北京艺文演出有限责任公司将发挥自己的优势,服务于社会、服务于大众,为繁荣大众文化市场做出贡献。

    Our company will continue to give full play to our advantages , serve the society and the mass , and contribute to the prosperity of the mass cultural market .

  25. 短短几年内,书包大王已成为学术界、艺文界与摄影界中最具「文气」的象徵。

    In just a few short years , The King of Bookbags has come to be known among educators , cultural elites , and photographers alike as a symbol of education and refinement .

  26. 本文探讨了历代关于《汉书·艺文志》研究的一些问题,并对有关的研究论著作了评论。

    This paper discusses some problems of the research of 《 Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》 from the Han Dynasty to now , and comments many books and articles about 《 Hanshu · Yiwenzhi 》 .

  27. 艺文护照登录期限为每学期期末考一周之前,由各系班代统一收齐交至艺文中心办公室办理。

    The class representative for each department must collect all Arts Passports from the students and hand them over to the NCTU Arts Center one week before the final examination week of each semester .

  28. 文摘张舜徽对《汉书·艺文志》的目录学研究,发明《汉志》体例、指明古书通例,有其独到的学术价值。

    Zhang Shun hui 's bibliography study about " Hanshu Yiwenzhi " had explained the style of " Han Chi " and pointed out the general orders of classics , which has its unique academic value .

  29. 《汉书·艺文志》与《隋书·经籍志》之比较&从六经的角度看两者的不同

    A Comparison Between The History of the Han Dynasty · Yiwen Records and The History of the Sui Dynasty · Jingji Records & on the differences of the two from the angle of the six scriptures

  30. 《隋书·经籍志》与《汉书·艺文志》之比较天下之大,书籍之多,众生芸芸,人不同,书也不同。

    The Comparison of " Hanshu Yiwenzhi " and " Suishu Jingjizhi "; The land under heaven is large , there are many works , all living things , people are different , books are also different .