
tài shàng lǎo jūn
  • Lord Lao Zi;Laotse
太上老君 [tài shàng lǎo jūn]
  • [Laotse] 对道家创始人李聃的敬称

太上老君[tài shàng lǎo jūn]
  1. 从前,有一座寺庙,里面供奉着两座泥像,左边是道祖太上老君像,右边是佛祖释迎牟尼像。

    In the past , there were two clay idols2 in a temple . On the left was the idol1 of Tai Shang Lao Jun , the founder3 of Taoism , and on the right the idol of Sakyamuni , the founder of Buddhism4 .

  2. 尽管如另一条评论所指出,SOA绝非太上老君的仙丹,也绝不该被当作一样

    Although as another comment points out , SOA is not a global panacea and should not be treated as one

  3. 所以,铁匠、铜匠、银匠与冶铸业均尊老子&太上老君为祖师。

    Therefore , blacksmith , coppersmith , silversmith and metallurgy industry are respected Lao Tzu-Lao for the founder .

  4. 孙猴在八卦炉中,烧了七七四十九天,太上老君以为孙猴已化成灰烬,下命令开炉。

    After the fire Burning forty-nine days , the Lord Lao Zi thought the Great Sage must be ashes so he opened the furnace .

  5. 于是全村的人都蜂涌到寺庙里,向佛祖如来、太上老君、城隍土地爷叩头求雨。

    Whole villages marched in concert to the temples and knelt down before Buddhas , Taoist images and local gods and prayed for rain .

  6. 左边是道祖太上老君像,右边是佛祖释迎牟尼像。

    On the left was the idol of Tai Shang Lao Jun , the founder of Taoism , and on the right the idol of Sakyamuni , the founder of Buddhism .