
  1. 我不会去太久就几天而已

    Shouldn 't be long . Just a few days ,

  2. 就原太高速公路近几年除雪所用融雪材料对融雪效果和道路影响进行了分析,仅供广大养护技术人员参考。

    The paper analyzed the influence of melting snow materials on melting snow effect and road for reference .

  3. 然而,雅加达一条地铁也没有,也不太可能在几年(如果不是几十年的话)之内建成。

    Yet Jakarta has no Metro and is not likely to get one for years , if not decades .

  4. 专家们指出,现在尚不太清楚今后几年存在2000年问题的计算机会产生哪些问题。

    Experts say that it 's not exactly clear what problems non-compliant computers will create over the next few years .

  5. 随后她又补充道:“人们都是太认真对待几歪事件了!冷静些。”接着原始的几歪发言被删除了。

    She later tweeted : 'People taking tweets far too seriously ! Calm down . 'The original tweet was also deleted .

  6. 尽管如此,这样的情形并不会持续太久,几年过后便会有新的“世纪大审判”出现并取而代之。

    Chances are , though , that a few years from now , the stage will just be set for the next " Trial of the Century " to commence .

  7. 在多年毫无动作后,议会突然坚定了决心,这是一个极好的消息,尽管对特罗来说来得太晚。几年前他就已经放弃了酒吧生意,现在经营着一家流动餐饮店。

    The sudden stiffening of parliamentary resolve after years of inaction is fantastic news , even though it has come too late for Mr Trow , who quit the pub trade years ago and now runs a mobile catering outlet .

  8. 汤姆被公司提拔为副主管,汤姆太兴奋了,几周以来一直在妻子面前夸耀着。

    Tom was so excited about his promotion about it to his wife for weeks on end .

  9. 然而,国际建筑行业的形势太差了,几周之后,jcb就被迫宣布再裁员398人。

    So poor is the state of the international construction business , however , that a few weeks later JCB was forced to announce a further 398 job losses .

  10. 由于环境太惨,监狱几年前被关闭了。扮演笨蛋狱友海伍德(Heywood)的演员威廉姆&12539;赛德勒(WilliamSadler)说,那座监狱是我呆过的最恐怖的地方之一。

    The prison , which had been closed a few years earlier due to inhumane conditions , was ' one of the creepiest places I 've ever been in , ' said William Sadler , who played the dimwitted inmate Heywood .

  11. 雾太浓了,几码之外就看不清。

    The mist was so thick that we couldn 't see ahead more than a few yards .

  12. 对另一些人来说,等太难熬,推迟几分钟都不可以。

    For others , waiting is much too painful to put off for more than a few minutes .

  13. 事情还不太清楚,过几天就会弄清楚了。

    Things are still sort of iffy , but we 'll know for sure in a few days .

  14. 刚才真惊险啊,太惊险了。几秒钟后,他才开始留意他借以藏身的这个房间里的情景。它看上去像是一间废弃不用的教室。

    It was a few seconds before henoticedanything about the room he had hidden in.It looked like an unused classroom .

  15. 不过没有持续太久,因为几分钟后你就被数以千计的影迷困住了。

    Didn 't last very long though , only a couple of minutes before you got swamped by thousands of fans .

  16. 我怀孕的时候就有一次吃香辣虾吃得太多拉了好几天肚子,非常后悔。

    Pregnancy when I have time to eat too much spicy shrimp eat for several days pulling the stomach , very sorry .

  17. 对某些特定地区来说,如果土壤很黏,你会发现鳞茎植物活不了太久,最多几年时间。

    For certain areas , if you have a lot of clay in your soil , you may find that bulbs do not last a long time for you , as in just a couple years .