
  • 网络taiyin disease;taiyin syndrome
  1. 太阴病的性质,尽管其多属脾阳不足证,但亦有脾阴不足证;

    Although the character of Taiyin syndrome is the syndrome of spleen yang deficiency , sometimes the syndrome of spleen yin deficiency occurs .

  2. 《伤寒论》太阴病篇评述

    A Comment on Chapter on Taiyin Disease in Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  3. 目的探讨太阴病证的中医辨证规律。

    Objective To study the law of syndrome elements differentiation of Taiyin disease in TCM .

  4. 论太阴病口渴

    Thirst in Taiyin Disease

  5. 目的:探求太阴病脾虚寒湿证与阳明病肠热腑实证辨证客观指标的差异性。

    Objective : To distinguish indicators for syndrome differentiation between cold-dampness due to spleen insufficiency in Taiyin disease and solid-fu due to intestine-heat in Yangming disease .

  6. 《伤寒论》中有有利不渴者,属太阴的论述,结合《内经》中关于太阴病口渴的形成机理及典型案例,探析太阴病口渴与不渴的辨证关系。

    There was the discussion that the disease in which the patient suffered from diarrhea , belongs to TaiYin disease , combined with thirst of TaiYin disease formation mechanism and typical cases in the " canon of medicine ", the relationship of thirst and non-thirst was analysed .