
kān wù biǎo
  • errata
勘误表 [kān wù biǎo]
  • [corrigendum] 一张印件内列有错误与改正栏目的单子

  1. 它提供了许多到很好的Web站点的链接,包括关于书籍本身的提供了您所期望的每样东西的链接:勘误表和用于下载的源代码,以及用来提问题的论坛。

    It provides links to a lot of great Web sites , including one for the book itself that supplies everything you 'd expect : errata and source code for downloading , as well as a forum for asking questions .

  2. 请参阅本文档的勘误表,内或含有一些规范更正。

    Please refer to the errata for this document , which may include some normative corrections .

  3. 读者根据勘误表进行补正。

    Readers make the corrections pointed out in the table of errate .

  4. 在最近的“勘误表”中,W3C声明了您不能对构建在XML中的名称使用除xml以外的任何前缀。

    In a recent Erratum , the W3C declared that you cannot use any prefix besides xml on the names built into XML .

  5. 在报告中附加一勘误表。

    Appended a list of errors to the report .

  6. 在报告中附加一勘误表出现意外错误。无法添加或删除附件。

    Appended a list of errors to the report . An unexpected error has occurred . Your attachments cannot be added or removed .

  7. 这本书的开头部分有一张勘误表。要求读者根据勘误表匡正。

    There 's a list of corrigenda at the beginning of the book . Readers are requested to make the corrections pointed out in the errata .

  8. 此外,在阅读相关文献时,我们发现学者们可能因为对越南语的语音和文字不太了解所以导致一些文字上的错误,我们为此做一张勘误表列于本文之后,供学术界参考。

    In addition , when we read the related references , we found the scholars had some errors on characters because they may lack understandings of the phonetic and characters of Vietnamese . Based on this , we make an erratum at last to provide reference for academic circles .