
kān tàn
  • explorate;prospect;prospection;reconnaissance
勘探 [kān tàn]
  • [prospect;explorate] 调查一个地区的矿藏

  • 勘探金矿

  • [prospecting] 寻找有开采价值的矿床

勘探[kān tàn]
  1. 隧道地震勘探(TSP)在工程中的应用

    The use of Tunnel Seismic Prospect ( TSP ) in engineering

  2. 随着GPS技术的日益成熟和研究的不断深入,GPS的定位精度得到了大幅度的提高,为其在测绘、交通、林业资源、石油勘探、精细农业等行业的应用提供了更广阔的空间。

    Higher position precision of GPS have gained with technology growing up and deeper research in GPS , the technology offers a wider space for application of GPS in survey , traffic , resource of forest , prospect for oil etc.

  3. 他已在从戈壁沙漠到德兰士瓦的无数地方勘探过矿藏。

    He had prospected for minerals everywhere from the Gobi Desert to the Transvaal

  4. 事实上,石油公司已经在离此不远处进行勘探。

    In fact , the oil companies are already prospecting not far from here .

  5. 那次行动的重点是一口深达1英里的井,最初钻那口井是为了勘探石油。

    Central to the operation is a mile-deep well , dug originally to explore for oil

  6. 他们的勘探经历与这些洞穴本身的特征有着不可分割的紧密联系。

    The story of their exploration is inextricably bound up with the character of the caves themselves

  7. 当局允许在近海海域勘探石油和天然气。

    The government is allowing the areas of inshore coastal waters to be explored for oil and gas .

  8. 一个大规模的石油勘探计划正在近海展开。

    A big program of oil exploration has begun offshore .

  9. 勘探队踏遍了祖国的山山水水。

    The prospecting team has traversed the length and breadth of the land .

  10. 地质勘探队员餐风饮露,历尽辛苦,找到了不少新的矿藏。

    After enduring the hardship of the arduous fieldwork , the prospecting team discovered many new ores .

  11. 在巨大的艰难困苦面前,那些勘探人员从未屈服过。

    Confronting great hardships , the surveyors never knocked under .

  12. 考察队勘探了一片人迹罕至的荒野。

    The exploring team explored a trackless wilderness .

  13. 勘探人员精神抖擞地向沙漠进发。

    The explorers struck out for the desert .

  14. 祖国各个角落都有地质勘探队员的足迹。

    Our geological explorers have left their footprints in every corner of the country .

  15. 勘探队员成天在野外作业,没有一定的住处。

    The prospectors are always out in the field and never settle down in a fixed place .

  16. 搬家对勘探队员来说简直是家常便饭。

    To the members of a prospecting team , moving from place to place is all in the day 's work .

  17. 那位勘探者为了确定他所在的地点爬到了一颗树上。

    The explorer climbed a tree in order to orientate himself .

  18. 一支探险队的队员结束了自己的生命,另一组队员则互相开枪打死了对方,而最近一批探险队员全部死于癌症……第12支探险队由四名女队员组成,她们被命令去勘探环境并互相监视。

    Members of one expedition took their own lives ; those of the next group shot and killed one another ; and all members of the most recent team died of cancer . The newest expedition is made up of four women who have been asked to observe the landscape — and one another .

  19. Uniqueness及其在海洋三维地震勘探中的应用

    Uniqueness and its application in 3D marine seismic survey

  20. Radon变换是数学上的变换,CT是计算机成像应用装置,在地球物理勘探中可以借鉴Radon变换和CT成像技术。

    Radon transform ( a mathematic transform ) and CT ( a computer tomography ) may be used in geophysical prospecting .

  21. MT及CSAMT方法在城市地热资源勘探中的应用

    Application of MT and CSAMT to city underground geothermal resource exploration

  22. SHOTPRO遥爆系统是目前大型地震勘探仪器配备的主流同步震源控制设备,已被广泛使用。

    Shot Pro blaster system is a dominant synchronous source-controlling apparatus equipped in current large-scale seismographs , which has been widely used .

  23. I/OIMAGE系统是当今石油勘探领域先进的仪器之一,文中作者结合自己在山地的实践对这套仪器从应用到故障排除给予了详尽的介绍。

    I / O IMAGE system is one of the most advanced apparatuses in current oil exploration realm . The authors introduced in detail the set of apparatus from application to trouble removal by our practices in mountains .

  24. 结合地质勘探钻头破岩机理对失效的地质勘探钻头本体和合金齿(WCCo硬质合金)进行了失效分析。

    The failure analysis of the geological exploration bit body and alloy tooth ( WC-Co Cemented carbides ) by using scanning electron microscopy was studied .

  25. 同时,Bi、Cd及其他伴生元素含量也较高,在找矿勘探工作中,应注意综合评价,以提高矿床的经济价值。

    Contents of Bi , Cd and other associated elements are also high . Therefore , comprehensive assessment in exploration work is expected to raise the economic value of the mine .

  26. 黄土塬区地形地貌复杂,地震勘探测量施工困难:一是GPS参考站如何布设;

    In loess tableland (″ yuan ″) area has complicated landform and relief , so operation of surveying in seismic prospecting is rather difficult there : the first is how to lay out GPS reference stations ;

  27. 勘探施工企业与ISO9002质量认证

    Exploration Construction Enterprise and ISO 9002 Quality Certification

  28. 勘探开发数据管理与POSC标准

    Exploration and development data management and POSC standards

  29. 当前,各油田使用的勘探数据库建立在关系数据库系统平台上,无法有效表达空间数据,用地理信息系统(GIS)技术可以有效地解决这一问题。

    The present exploration databases used in various oilfields , which are based on relational database system , are not able to express spatial data . The technologies of geographic information system ( GIS ) may efficiently resolve this problem .

  30. 电法勘探应用于预测油气有利区,是区域油气普查勘探的有效方法。其中,复电阻率(CR)法用于油气检测倍受重视。

    Using electric survey to predict the favorable oil / gas area is effective method for regional oil / gas reconnaissance survey , among which the complex resistivity ( CR ) method for oil / gas detection is paid great attention .