
  • 网络Survey and design
  1. GIS支持下的岩土工程勘察设计区域化

    The Regionalization of Geo-technology Survey and Design Based on GIS

  2. 我国工程勘察设计单位应对WTO的思考

    Some Considerations of Chinese Engineering Survey and Design Institutes Towards Entry into WTO

  3. 用GIS技术构建勘察设计决策支持系统初探

    Brief Discussion on Constructing Investigation & Design Policy Decision Supporting System by GIS Technology

  4. 加入WTO后工程勘察设计咨询业应采取的对策措施

    Countermeasure in Consultation for Project Prospecting and Designing after the Access of China to WTO

  5. CAD标准是规范勘察设计企业协同设计活动的基本准则

    CAD standard , a basic criterion for standardizing collaboration design of survey and Engineering Design Enterprises

  6. SOA中基于标识元系统的认证机制研究及其在勘察设计中的应用

    Research of Identity MetaSystem Based Authentication Mechanism in SOA and Application in Survey Design

  7. 公路勘察设计投标项目选择的AHP评估法

    AHP Estimation Method for Bidding Project Selection of Road Design

  8. 基于SOA的勘察设计企业业务架构与信息集成平台的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of SOA-based Business Architecture and Information Integration Platform in Survey and Design Enterprises

  9. 经过十多年的发展,CAD在勘察设计院的应用日趋广泛和深入,由此产生的工程设计数据和文档资料也越来越多。

    After the development of more than ten years , the CAD application is more widely and deeply used in Exploration & Design Institutes .

  10. 随着中国加入WTO,工程勘察设计咨询业获得了巨大的发展机遇,同时面临着严峻的挑战。

    With China 's accession to WTO , engineering survey , design and consulting industry obtained great development opportunities , in the meantime , faced severe challenges as well .

  11. 工程勘察设计咨询业在工程建设中具有举足轻重的作用,加入WTO后,我国的工程勘察设计咨询业面临着巨大的挑战。

    The consultation in project prospecting and designing plays a very important role in the project construction and it is facing a great challenge after the access of China to WTO .

  12. 建设项目总投资包括项目业主支出的费用、勘察设计单位应收的费用和施工单位消耗的费用(若系EPC工程总承包项目,则仅为项目业主和EPC承包公司两大费用)。

    The total investment of construction project includes the cost which should be taken in by prospecting and designing organization unit .

  13. GPS控制测量、数字摄影测量、遥感地质、计算机辅助设计是目前国内外公路规划和勘察设计中所采用的新技术。

    GPS control survey , digital photogrammetry , remote sensing geology and CAD are the new technologies used for highway planning , survey and design , both at home and abroad . GPS .

  14. 本文分析了煤炭勘察设计企业当前面临的形势和行业现状以及存在的问题,提出了加入WTO后煤炭勘察设计企业的经营战略对策。

    This paper deals with the current situation , status quo and problems of those enterprises for coal exploration and design . The strategy for development has been proposed for these companies , especially after our joining WTO .

  15. 勘察设计企业的效率评价与SGR预测及市场监管系统

    Efficiency Evaluation and SGR Prediction of the Architectural Designing Enterprises and Development of the Survey and Management Information System

  16. 随着我国加入WTO,我区广阔的勘察设计市场将会吸引大量区外勘察设计单位的进入,这无疑给我区勘察设计行业的发展带来很大的市场机遇与挑战。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the broad survey and design market in Guangxi will attract a lot of relevant institutes from other provinces , which will undoubtedly bring great opportunities and challenges to the development of local industry .

  17. 结合数字摄影测量试验,探讨和展示了数字摄影测量系统与公路CAD系统之间的关系和数字摄影测量系统在公路勘察设计一体化技术中的应用价值与前景。

    Combining with a successful experiment , the relationship between highway route CAD and Digital photogrammetry system DPS is discussed , and a good prospect using DPS into the coordinated process of highway surveying and designing is described in the paper .

  18. 管道工程勘察设计数字化即是在管道工程的全过程中按照3S技术的要求建立管道工程要素、空间要素、环境要素数据库,全面实现油气工程管理。

    Digitizing pipeline engineering survey and design is to realize oil and gas engineering management entirely on base of the 3S technique by establishing pipeline engineering factor , space factor and environment factor database .

  19. 勘察设计管理系统是管道工程数字化的子系统,也是采集数据最多、采用3S技术最全面的核心部分。

    Survey and design management system is a subsystem of the digitizing pipeline engineering survey and design system , which is the most important part of the 3S technique , this part gathers more data than other parts .

  20. 工程勘察设计咨询业隶属于服务贸易领域,所有成员国都必须接受《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)规定。

    As the industry of engineering survey design consultation is a branch of the service trade , all members of General Agreement on Trade Service ( GATS ) have the obligation to obey its regulations .

  21. 对原太高速公路K0+000~K35+000段勘察设计及施工中遇到的软弱地基、液化地基、地表积水、粘土采空区等不良地质地段及其处治措施进行了综述。

    During construction and design in section K0 + 000 ~ K35 + 000 of Yuanping to Taiyuan freeway , the paper introduces bad geology and treatment measures of soft ground , liquefied ground ′ surface water and clay mined out region .

  22. 建立项目信息化管理平台实现勘察设计单位信息化管理

    Establish Computerized Project Management Platform to Realize Enterprise 's Computerized Management

  23. 谈勘察设计单位国有资产管理

    The Management of National Asset in Department of Survey and Design

  24. 长输管道盾构隧道地质勘察设计

    Geological Survey with Shield-driven Tunneling Technique for Long distance Pipeline Design

  25. 勘察设计企业绩效管理的推进方向探讨

    Discussion on Promotion Direction for Performance Management of Prospecting Design Enterprise

  26. 水运工程勘察设计招标投标管理办法

    Management Method for Investigating and Invitation of Bid in Water-way Transportation

  27. 浅析勘察设计企业的经济效益问题

    Brief analysis of economic benefit problem on survey and Design Enterprises

  28. 315国道勘察设计中的洪水研究

    Study on Flood in Survey and Design of 315 National Highway

  29. 勘察设计高科技企业管理模式研究&以CCSHI改制为实证案例

    The Study on Management-mode for High-Technology Enterprise of Survey and Design

  30. 远程设计网络在勘察设计中的应用

    Application of remote design network technology to project survey and design