
  1. 去年5月,该党在缅甸大选中获得了压倒性的胜利。

    The party won an overwhelming victory in Burma 's general elections last May

  2. 克钦独立组织(KIO)被禁止参加去年的缅甸大选,因为它拒绝让自己的士兵加入政府组建的“边防安全部队”。

    The KIO was banned from last year'selection in Myanmarbecause it refused to let its fighters join the government 's " border securityforce . "

  3. 内比都:缅甸举行大选,由津巴布韦官方观察员监督。

    Naypyidaw : Burma holds general elections , monitored by official Zimbabwean observers .

  4. 只有这些权利得到维护保障,缅甸全国大选可以解释为国家人民的意愿得到自由和公正表达。

    Only if such rights are upheld , it is contended , can the polling be interpreted as a free and fair expression of the country 's desire .

  5. 自2010年起政治风向开始变化,缅甸宣布将举行大选。

    The political currents began shifting in 2010 as an election was announced .