
  • 网络gulf of maine
  1. 为了创建“挑尾”捕食传播的数学模型,研究人员利用了27年来在缅因湾赏鲸船上收集的数据。

    To create mathematical models for the spread of lobtail feeding , researchers used 27 years of data from whale-watching boats in the Gulf of Maine .

  2. 尽管实施了捕捞管制措施,缅因湾的鳕鱼数量也只还是理想数量的一半。位于美国和加拿大东海岸以南的乔治海岸,60英里的近海范围内的数量只有预期的12%。

    Despite the restrictions , Gulf of Maine cod are still at barely half the desired population , and the population at Georges Bank , 60 miles offshore is at12 % of it .