
  • Feminine;femininity;charming;womanhood
  1. 这是一张透着精明的面孔,但是线条柔和,女人味十足。

    This is a smart , yet soft and feminine look .

  2. 珠饰、嵌花和刺绣可增添一种独特的女人味。

    Bead-work , applique and embroidery add a uniquely feminine touch .

  3. 卧室布置得很雅致,充满女人味。

    The bedroom has a light , feminine look .

  4. 她看起来既有女人味,又能在男人的世界里游刃有余。

    She seems at once feminine and able to cope in a man 's world .

  5. 这些短裙长度及膝,很有女人味。

    The skirts were knee-skimming and flirty .

  6. 女性要是不够女人味便会背上咄咄逼人、很不友善之名。

    If you venture from ' feminine ' standards , you are labelled aggressive and hostile .

  7. IFYOU'RECURVY如果你有曲线美红毯上的新血液伊丽莎白·奥尔森已经是个时尚专家了,她用一条收腰包肩的裙子强调自己的女人味。

    Red carpet newcomer Elizabeth Olsen is already a fashion pro , highlighting her feminine curves with a dress that has both a waist - slimming belt and full shoulders .

  8. 女人味话语是现代化全景图的一个部分。

    Feminine discourse is a part of the whole modern scenery .

  9. 例如,金发美女通常被认为是极具女人味的。

    For example , blondes are sometimes perceived as especially feminine .

  10. 中意有女人味同有品味嘎女仔。

    I only like a mature woman who has taste .

  11. 他说,“我嗅到你的女人味。”

    He said " I can smell your cunt . "

  12. 消费时代大众传播媒介与中国女人味神话

    Mass Media and Chinese ″ Femininity ″ Myth in the Consumption Age

  13. 不好意思,我身上只有汗味,没有女人味。

    Sorry , I 've only sweat taste , no woman flavour .

  14. 为什么口红的颜色会减少女人味?

    Why do you reduce womanhood to high hills and lipstick colors ?

  15. 花在本质上是女人味的,黛安冯弗斯滕伯格补充说。

    Flowers are the women of nature , adds Diane von Furstenberg .

  16. 它不仅漂亮且具有女人味,而且经久耐用。

    It is pretty and feminine , but will last a longtime .

  17. 在你身上找不到一点女人味。

    You don 't have anything womanly in you .

  18. 你其实可以既坚强独立,又可以非常有女人味。

    You can be strong , independent , and very , very female .

  19. 宣言项链能使一件简单的服装变得很有型并具有女人味。

    The statement necklace can make a simple outfit look strong and feminine .

  20. 她没一点女人味。

    There 's little of the woman in her .

  21. 他觉得她缺少女人味。

    He felt she was lacking in femininity .

  22. 男人们尤其想要钟情、有爱心和有女人味的女人。

    Men typically want a woman who is loving , caring , and feminine .

  23. 如果想要展现女人味,你也可以搭配一条细腰带。

    For a feminine look , you can also combine it with a small waist belt .

  24. 身着一袭红装的赖斯女人味十足。

    Secretary of State , Condoleezza Rice , is obviously considered a real lady in red .

  25. 从表面上看,我是个胖子,有女人味,是同性恋,脸上有姜黄色斑点。

    On the surface , I was fat , feminine , gay , spotty , ginger .

  26. 穿双高跟鞋,搭配手袋,让看上去更女人味一点。

    Add a feminine touch with accessories like a great pair of heels and a fun bag .

  27. 正在转向对夫妻很有女人味,柔软,高雅的风格,其中包括1920年的主题。

    Couples are turning towards very feminine , soft and elegant styles , including the1920 's themes .

  28. 艺术经纬:啊?真看不出来,无论是画还是你本人看起来都很有女人味啊。

    Editor : Oh ? whatever your painting or you , I think you look very feminine .

  29. 辨味审美的女人味

    Distinguished Taste Aesthetics About Femininity

  30. 真正有女人味的女人

    A truly womanly woman