
nǚ huáng
  • queen;empress
女皇 [nǚ huáng]
  • [empress] 女性的皇帝

  • 女皇武则天

女皇[nǚ huáng]
  1. 她的中国朋友们说这位女皇是他们值得敬仰的祖先。

    Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor .

  2. 如此靠近威严的女皇,他心中充满了敬畏。

    Being so near the august person of the Empress , he was overcome with awe .

  3. 女皇理应是武装部队的统帅。

    The queen is the chief of the armed forces by power .

  4. JamMedia签约,共同开发和制作《中国女皇》,第一季一共13集。

    Jam Media to develop and create 13-episode drama Empress .

  5. Isabella女皇生气了,她问她的顾问们是否真以为她那么脆弱。

    Queen Isabella was offended . She asked her advisers if they thought her that feeble .

  6. 在这类节目中,有一种是邀请企业家以主持人或调解人的身份参与节目,代表节目包括《玛丽?波塔斯商店女皇》(MaryQueenofShops)、《拉姆齐厨房噩梦》(Ramsay'sKitchenNightmares)以及《房产阶梯》(PropertyLadder)。

    One variation is the show where the entrepreneur is a presenter or troubleshooter - classics being Mary Queen of Shops , Ramsay 's Kitchen Nightmares or Property Ladder .

  7. TXL的美丽和多种园艺用途使她成为当之无愧的“藤蔓女皇”。

    Their beauty and versatility truly make Clematis the Queen of Climbers !

  8. 这部电影改编自伊夫林·麦考恩的小说《女皇》,由《雨人》编剧RonBass执笔。

    The film is an adaptation of the novel " Empress " by Evelyn McCune , with a screenplay by Ron Bass ( " Rain Man " ) .

  9. 美天娱乐和Entree电影公司将制作一部关于中国女皇武则天的英文电影。

    Metan Entertainment and Entree Pictures are to produce an English-language movie about Chinese Empress Wu .

  10. 决赛中,Attraction舞团的8位舞者用一段感人的表演致敬英国女皇、温斯顿丘吉尔以及伦敦奥运会,并以显赫的狮子形象结束了整场表演,摘得今年英国达人秀的桂冠。

    Attractions eight dancers were crowned the Britains Got Talent winners with a moving performance that took in tributes to the Queen , Winston Churchill and the London Olympics , ending with an impressive lion finale .

  11. 周一,人们对韩国花样滑冰女皇金妍儿(KimYu-na)何时退役的猜测终于画上了句号。

    South Korea 's figure skating queen , Kim Yu-na , on Monday finally put an end to persistent speculation about when she 'll retire from the sport .

  12. 如果不是玛丽安娜·巴斯特纳克(MarianaPasternak)那本有关她和“家政女皇”玛莎·斯图尔特(MarthaStewart)从前友谊的“全揭秘”书,我们又怎么会关注她呢?2004年斯图尔特受审时,巴斯特纳克曾出庭作证,之后两人的友谊就结束了。

    Why else would we care about Mariana Pasternak but for her tell-all book about her former friendship with Martha Stewart , which ended after Ms. Pasternak testified at Ms. Stewart 's 2004 trial .

  13. 据好莱坞记者报道,HBO魔幻巨制《权力的游戏》的制片人将根据中国历史上唯一的女皇武则天的生活,制作一部新的历史题材的美剧。

    Producers of HBO 's fantasy drama Game of Thrones will work on a new historical series based on the life of Wu Zetian , the only empress in the history of China , according to a report by Hollywood Reporters .

  14. 鉴于最近几周来国家橄榄球联盟承受着极度痛苦的压力,因此超级碗XLIX的中场娱乐由凯蒂·佩里(KatyPerry)出演便也顺理成章,因为她是我们这个娱乐疲软时代的女皇。

    Given the agonizing over air pressure that has racked the N.F.L. in recent weeks , it was appropriate that the halftime entertainment at Super Bowl XLIX was Katy Perry , a queen of our deflated pop times .

  15. 我走到人民广场去,壮丽的拱门是贝尔尼尼(Bernini)的雕塑作品,为了纪念瑞典女皇克莉丝汀的历史性访问(她确实是历史上的一名秀异人物。我的瑞典朋友苏菲如此描述这位伟大的女皇

    I walk over to the Piazza del Popolo , with its grand arch , carved by Bernini in honor of the historic visit of Queen Christina of Sweden ( who was really one of history 's neutron bombs . Here 's how my Swedish friend Sofie describes the great queen :

  16. 如今峨找到了峨心中圣殿的女皇。

    And today I found the Queen to reign my heart .

  17. 这位女皇要求人人都要对她打躬作揖。

    The empress expected everyone to bow and scrape to her .

  18. 我是泰佛上尉,负责女皇陛下的保安。

    I 'm captain Typho of her majesty 's security service .

  19. 但女皇陛下让我担任参议员的时候。

    But when the queen asked me to serve as senator .

  20. 所有在英格兰的天鹅都是属于女皇的财产。

    All the swans in England are property of the Queen .

  21. 女皇在宪法立法中居核心地位。

    The queen occupies a central role in the constitutional set-up .

  22. 若不嫁给韦赛斯,女皇会知道原因的。

    If not wessex , the queen will know the cause .

  23. 2010年“爱丽丝梦游仙境”中的白女皇

    White Queen in " Alice in Wonderland " ( 2010 )

  24. 白金汉宫是英国女皇6个住所的其中一个。

    Buckingham Palace is one of the Queen 's six homes .

  25. 被选为返校节女皇意味着要为学校服务。

    Being selected homecoming queen is about serving your school .

  26. 其次是女皇赫拉,一位既骄傲、嫉妒心又强的女人。

    Next to him was Hera , his proud and jealous queen .

  27. 今晚女皇的接待工作你不要出现了。

    Your presence at the queen 's reception tonight is not necessary .

  28. 我上伦敦去见女皇了。

    I 've been up to London to look at the queen .

  29. 我赞同女皇的决定。我认为共和国很需要你。

    I agree with her . I think the Republic needs you .

  30. 叶卡捷琳娜二世显然是个风流女皇。

    Catherine the great was apparently an Imperial Hot pants .