
  1. 我努力将口音装成女修会学校的口音。

    I 've tried to pass off my accent as a convent school accent .

  2. 宝血女修会宝血儿童村

    Sisters of the Precious Blood & Precious Blood Children Village

  3. 作为一个少见的女修教工,你很容易被认出来,被指点。

    You were easily spotted and pointed out on the street as a rare woman pedicurist .

  4. 孩子们表演民族舞蹈,献给中秋节返回的女修行者。

    The children perform a folk dance to welcome female practitioners returning to the center for the moon festival .

  5. 这就是所谓永敬会伯尔纳女修院的那所阴森肃静的房屋的内部。

    It was the interior of that severe and gloomy edifice which was called the Convent of the Bernardines of the Perpetual Adoration .

  6. 神父被卡梅尔女修会的邀请,去主持他姑妈灵魂的首场追思弥撒。

    The priest was invited by the Carmelites of Coimbra to preside in the convent at the first Mass for the repose of his aunt 's soul .

  7. 德爱中学为圣母无原罪传教女修会所创办,以提供学生全面的公教教育为职志。

    Tak Oi Secondary School , which is sponsored by the Missionary Sisters of Immaculate Conception , is dedicated to providing an all-round Christian education to its students .

  8. 近代法国具有男女分校的教育传统,同时在女子教育中重视基督徒品德的培养,因此天主教女修会在女子教育中占据重要的地位。

    Modern France had a tradition exclusive of female education , and appreciated cultivating Christian character in female education , so Catholic female orders played an important part in female education .

  9. 在许多学校制度中禁止女学生修工科。

    In many school systems girls are forbidden to take shop sourses .

  10. 我已经发现在女隐修会学校的教育远远不够,要想上大学,自己至少得再努力三年才行。

    I had already discovered that a convent-school education was not at all adequate , and that it would take me at least three more years of hard study before being able to enter any college at all .

  11. 我听说你的女朋友正在修英语和世界双学位。

    I hear your girlfriend is working for her double major in English and world history .