
  • 网络Goddess Worship
  1. 日本与我国西南少数民族的女性始祖神话及女神崇拜观念比较

    Comparison of Female Ancestral Myths and the Concept of Goddess Worship between Japan and the Ethnic Groups in Southeast China

  2. 到了新石器时代中晚期,女神崇拜又与巫术活动相掺杂,构成了文明起源的主要因素,对推动人类社会由野蛮向文明过渡起到了其他文明因素不可替代的作用。

    Later , goddess worship intermingling with magic formed the main factor of civilization 's origin , and promoted the transition from wildness to civilization .

  3. 他把她当作女神崇拜。

    He adored her as a goddess .

  4. 他们把她当作活女神崇拜。

    They adored her as a living goddess .

  5. 土家族女神崇拜现象探微

    Goddess Worshipping among the people of the Tujia Nationality

  6. 论罗马古典时期的女神崇拜与女性宗教生活

    On the Worship of Goddesses and the Female Religious Life in Rome During Classical Antiquity

  7. 女神崇拜实际上是民众渴望现实救济与庇护的实用主义宗教心态的反映。

    The phenomenon of the goddess worship is a reflection of pragmatic religious mentalities in fact that the common people are yearning for realistic relief and sheltering .

  8. 而这种思想的来源则受到了原始女神崇拜神话和殷商文化的影响,也是对西周末年父权文化的一种反思。

    This thought originated from primitive myths of goddess worship and Yin-Shang culture and also was a reflection on male chauvinism at the end of West Zhou Dynasty .

  9. 以观音信仰为代表的明清女神崇拜是我国古代女神崇拜传统在后世的延续和重组。

    The goddess worship of the Ming and the Qing Dynasty , regarding the belief of Buddhism Guan Yin as representing is a continuance and realignment of a tradition of the worship of goddess .

  10. 论证了古埃及女性审美取向产生的原因是以古埃及女性拥有较为独立的经济地位为基础,受到女神崇拜的影响。

    In ancient Egypt , women were respected and have more independent economic status . Worship of goddess in Egyptian religion is also affect the Aesthetic Orientation of Women Images in Ancient Egyptian Art .

  11. 传统社会重男轻女的现象又驱使江南社会女性产生了诸多非理性行为,其中祈子是江南女性女神崇拜中最广泛的宗教行为之一。

    Likewise , the traditional social phenomenon of male dominance led people into a series of unreasonable behaviors , of which praying for the birth of a boy became one of the most popular religious behavior among local women .

  12. 然而对女神的崇拜从未消失过。

    Yet , the worship of the Goddess never dies .

  13. 很久来男人把香子兰当作女神来崇拜决非少数。

    It 's not occasional that some Peoples worshiped vanilla as a Goddess .

  14. 我一直是黎明女神的崇拜者,如希腊人般真诚。

    I have been as sincere a worshipper of Aurora as the Greeks .

  15. 论文在最后一章,找到了摆脱压迫的出路,那就是恢复远古时期对自然女神的崇拜,回归自然,尊崇自然,以爱对待曾经的伤害,以忏悔和包容作为融合的前提。

    The fourth chapter has a discussion of the way out , I , e , a recovery of the ancient worship of goddess of nature , a return to and respect for nature , a treatment of harm with love and fusion provided by repentance and tolerance .

  16. 乔:噢,亲爱的,你是女神,我崇拜你。

    Joe : Oh darling , you are a goddess . I worship you .

  17. 她实在太漂亮了,以致她那个国家的人都忽视了爱与美的女神维纳斯,转而崇拜普赛克。

    She was so beautiful that the people in her land began to neglect Venus , the goddess of love and beauty , to worship Psyche instead .

  18. 明清通俗文学中所涌现的这一系列美丽善良、救苦济难的女神形象和女神崇拜构成明清通俗文学作品中一个重要的文学文化现象。

    Emerging in vernacular literatures of the Ming and the Qing Dynasty , this series of beautiful and kind-hearted goddesses helping the needy and relieving the distressed form an important literary and cultural phenomenon in vernacular literatures of the Ming and the Qing Dynasty .

  19. 明清通俗文学中的观音女神信仰是中国女神崇拜发展脉络中十分重要的一环。

    The worship of goddess represented by the belief of the Goddess Mercy in vernacular literatures of the Ming and the Qing Dynasty , which bore a marked cultural brand of the particular times , is a very important link in the development chain of goddess worship of China .