
jìn lǐ
  • baptism;immersion
浸礼 [jìn lǐ]
  • [immersion] 基督教受洗而把人身浸入水中的一种仪式

浸礼[jìn lǐ]
  1. 唯有浸礼和主餐是神命定的圣礼。

    The only divinely ordained sacraments are baptism and the Lord 's Supper .

  2. 浸礼不会使每一个受浸的人都与基督联合。

    Baptism does not unite every baptized person " head for head " to Christ .

  3. 她此时决定成为基督教徒并接受了浸礼。

    At this time she decided to become a Christian and was baptised

  4. 他的父亲是浸礼会牧师。

    His father was a Baptist minister .

  5. rickwarren是在一种朴素而又情绪化的信仰环境中长大的第五代南方浸礼会信徒。

    Rick Warren is a fifth-generation Southern Baptist who was raised in a faith that is both austere and emotional .

  6. 50年前,三K党在伯明翰16街的浸礼会教堂制造了爆炸案,造成黑人女孩遇难,这家教堂成为袭击目标的原因是其在民权运动中所发挥的重要作用。

    The honor comes 50 years after the black girls were killed by a Ku Klux Klan bomb , at Birmingham 16th street Baptist church , targeted because of its role in the civil rights movement .

  7. 在她居住的雷恩斯县(人口9139人),有31个教会,其中17个属于浸礼会(Baptist)。

    In her local Rains county ( pop . 9,139 ), there are 31 , of which 17 are Baptist .

  8. 但是韦克福里斯特浸礼会医疗中心的注册营养师、传染病预防教授玛拉·Z·维托林(MaraZ.Vitolins)说,对如今的大部分普通人来说,没有科学依据证明需要摄入这么多维生素和矿物质。

    But for much of the general population today , there is no scientific justification for a high intake of vitamins and minerals , said Mara Z. Vitolins , a registered dietitian and professor of epidemiology and prevention at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center .

  9. 婚礼在他们五彩缤纷的总部,即韦斯特博罗浸礼会教堂的对面举行。先前《哈利波特》作者J.K.罗琳建议举行这个婚礼时,韦斯特博罗浸礼会教堂曾威胁称要阻止婚礼的举行。

    The wedding was hosted in their rainbow-coloured headquarters opposite the Westboro Baptist Church , which had threatened to picket the nuptials after it was originally suggested by Harry Potter author JK Rowling .

  10. 婚礼在他们五彩缤纷的总部,即韦斯特博罗浸礼会教堂的对面举行。先前《哈利·波特》作者J.K。罗琳建议举行这个婚礼时,韦斯特博罗浸礼会教堂曾威胁称要阻止婚礼的举行。

    The wedding was hosted in their rainbow-coloured headquarters opposite the Westboro Baptist Church , which had threatened to picket the nuptials after it was originally suggested by Harry Potter author JK Rowling 。

  11. 四年前,迈克尔•哈萨德(MichaelHassard)申请与结婚近八年的妻子离婚并开始参加阿拉巴马州马斯尔肖尔斯(MuscleShoals)浸礼会教堂开办的“离婚关怀”班。第一次上课的时候,老师说走出情绪波动期需要两年的时间。

    Four years ago , Michael Hassard filed for divorce from his wife of almost eight years and began attending a ' divorce care ' class at his Baptist church in Muscle Shoals , Ala. At the first meeting , the instructor said it would take two years to come out of the emotional turmoil .

  12. 浸礼教会派了一个传教团去非洲

    A mission is sent to Africa by the Baptist church

  13. 她的父亲是密西西比州的一位浸礼会牧师。

    Her father was a Baptist minister in Mississippi .

  14. 安德鲁斯是圣马蒂奥浸礼会的年轻牧师。

    Andrews is youth pastor of the First Baptist Church of San mateo .

  15. 有谁能告诉我浸礼是什么

    Who can tell me what the mikvah is ?

  16. 我们已经受过浸礼,跟过去一刀两断了。

    We have baptized ourselves from the past .

  17. 中文部的浸礼习道班四月份开班,向许蓁蓁牧师报名。

    The Chinese baptismal class begins on April , please register with Pastor Shu .

  18. 我约见了科伯恩,他是一位医学博士,也是南部浸礼会执事。

    I caught up with Coburn , a medical doctor and ordained Southern Baptist deacon .

  19. 浸礼会牧师布道者活动家

    Baptist minister , preacher and campaigner .

  20. 大不列颠和爱尔兰浸礼联会

    Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland

  21. 他们结婚了,由一位浸礼会牧师主婚,这是他们所能找到的第一个合适的神职人员。

    They were married by a Baptist minister , the first divine they found convenient .

  22. 美国浸礼会/全国圣职会

    American Baptist Churches / National Ministers

  23. 最近一次被问及宗教问题,麦凯恩似乎一度对自己应该属于浸礼会教徒还是圣公会教徒分辨不清。

    At one point recently he sounded confused as to whether he was a Baptist or an Episcopalian .

  24. 杰克森在芝加哥时加入葛瑞特莎冷浸礼会教堂,并且开始教导教堂的圣歌五重唱团。

    In Chicago , Jackson joined the Greater Salem Baptist Church and began touring with a gospel quintet .

  25. 有很多浸礼会教堂,但他们都不隶属于南美浸信会。

    There are a lot of Baptist churches that aren 't even part of the Southern Baptist Convention .

  26. 而且,他还上钢琴课程,写诗歌,甚至在第一届浸礼会唱诗班里唱歌。

    In addition , he took piano lessons , wrote poetry and even sang in the First Baptist Choir .

  27. 曾任基督教浸礼会传教士的共和党人迈克.赫卡比在爱奥华州美国总统大选的共和党党内预选的提名中获胜,这使得许多分析人士大感意外。

    For the Republicans , Mike Huckabee , a former Baptist preacher , stunned many analysts by winning the Iowa caucuses .

  28. 一开始,我在道场的室友是一位中年、美籍非裔的浸礼会教徒和禅修指导老师,来自南卡罗莱纳州。

    One of my first roommates at the Ashram was a middle-aged African-American devout Baptist and meditation instructor from South Carolina .

  29. 对此禁忌最为人熟知的化解方法也许是犹太人的习俗惯例,也就是月经和生产之后在浸礼池里沐浴。

    Perhaps the most familiar resolution to this taboo is the Jewish practice of bathing in a mikvah after menstruation and parturition .

  30. 小孩在襁褓时受浸礼,长大能了解教义时,再受坚信礼。

    Children are baptized when they are babies and confirmed when they are old enough to understand the teaching of the church .