
  1. 方法将人工污染HBV的口腔器械分别采用戊二醛擦拭消毒法、戊二醛浸泡消毒法、压力蒸汽消毒法,消毒后的器械用ELISA法检测HBsAg,间接判断HBV的存在。

    Methods After dental instruments contaminated with HBV were sterilized with three different disinfection methods , ELISA method was used to examine disinfection efficacy of HBsAg .

  2. 目的比较2%强化戊二醛(下称戊二醛)气雾熏蒸法与浸泡消毒法消毒吸痰管的效果。

    Objective To study the effectiveness of sterilized absorbing-sputum tube by fog-fumigating and dipping sterilization .

  3. 结论:浸泡消毒法优于传统的煮沸法,能有效地祛除痰的腥臭味,省时、省电,效果可靠,预防了交叉感染。

    Conclusion : Soaking disinfection is superior to boiling method in antistink effect , economics , can also prevent from cross infection .