
  • 网络The Franco-Prussian War;Prussian War;Franco-Prussian
  1. 1870年,普鲁士赢得普法战争,阿尔萨斯继而划归德国。

    Germany took Alsace after the Franco-Prussian War in1870 .

  2. 普法战争播下仇恨的种子,后来终于结成恶果。

    The Franco-Prussian War had sown seeds of enmity which were eventually to bear fruit .

  3. 当然没有欧盟的话我们能避免另一场普法战争的冲突。

    Surely we can avoid another Franco-Prussian armed conflict without the EU .

  4. 普法战争完成了德国的统一。

    The Franco-German war completed the unification of Germany .

  5. 1870年的今天,法-普战争(或译普法战争)中,法国向普鲁士宣战。

    Franco-Prussian War : France declares war on Prussia .

  6. 麦卡洛先生对于1870-1871年普法战争中巴黎被围困以及之后巴黎公社运动的描写,真可谓是神来之笔。

    His description of the1870-71 siege of Paris and the subsequent nightmare of the Paris Commune is masterly .

  7. 早在普法战争之际,俾斯麦就表示德国的外交目标之一是要与英国结盟。

    Early in the Franco - Prussian War , Bismarck had indicated that one of diplomatic targets of Germany is make an alliance with Britain .

  8. 大约在维也纳会议和普法战争之间,英国抓住机会成为了世界上唯一现代化和工业化的国家。

    Roughly between the Congress of Vienna and the Franco-Prussian War , Britain reaped the benefits of being the world 's sole modern , industrial nation .

  9. 在普法战争浓浓的炮声中,尼采构思着《悲剧的诞生》,神游于古希腊文明之间,思考着统一后的德国文化建设的问题。

    Nietzsche was designing his book named the birth of tragedy and thinking the issue about where the culture of unified Germany went through fugue between the ancient Greek Civilization during Prussian War .

  10. 从拿破仑战争结束到普法战争爆发,或者从普法战争结束到一战爆发,都远远不到70年。

    Seventy years is much longer than the distance between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war ; or between the end of that conflict and the outbreak of the first world war .