- Vladimir Putin;Vladimir V. Putin;Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

The center selected shirtfront after the word rose to prominence1 after Prime Minister Tony Abbott promised to " shirtfront " Russian President Vladimir Putin over the down of the Malaysian airline MH17 over Ukraine .
Vladimir Putin 's'mistress'on cover of Russian Vogue .
Mr Putin and his team seem to have no Plan B.
But President Vladimir Putin harbours no illusions about the west .
Predictably enough , the Greek prime minister was feted by Vladimir Putin .
The proposal was made during informal talks with US president George W. Bush in Kennebunkport , Maine .
Tony Abbott and Vladimir Putin cuddle koalas before the start of the first G20 meeting in November 2014 .
Furthermore , he has worked to get Russia into the World Trade Organisation , whereas Mr Putin has made that goal harder to achieve by raising tariffs on imported cars .
Mr Putin said 50 years ago , 60 per cent of world gross domestic product came from the group of seven industrial nations . Today , 60 per cent of world GDP came from outside the G7 .
On Tuesday , he presented an instructional judo DVD that bears his name and shows him throwing an opponent to the mat .
In a further sign of tension between Russia and the EU , Mr Putin yesterday announced the scrapping of the South Stream pipeline to bring Russian gas across the Black Sea into southeastern Europe .
While Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany accepted full responsibility for the war , Mr Putin was much more careful with his phrasing .
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy spoke with Mr. Putin Friday afternoon and discussed the ' financial and security situation ' in Ukraine , the EU said .
Europe thinks it has a Ukraine problem . In truth , it has a Russia , or more precisely , a Vladimir Putin problem .
As a political figure in Russia is of course central to much protection , Putin daily ride is a Mercedes-Benz S600 Pullman Guard , which is a very popular in the industry super bulletproof vehicles .
It would be wrong to oust Russia from the International Monetary Fund or stop its membership of the World Trade Organisation , because open markets and international standards will only expose Mr Putin and his cronies .
Mr Putin insisted that the move was not political and that Kiev had not paid a $ 1.5bn debt to Gazprom .
Vladimir Putin yesterday provoked new fears that he is seeking the partition of Ukraine by calling for talks on statehood for the rebellious southeast of the country .
But portions shown on Russian television depicted a black-clad Putin talking about the history and philosophy of judo , as well as a white-robed Putin demonstrating moves against a practice partner .
In a mid-June interview at the headquarters of RT in Moscow , Mr. Putin joked that Mr. Snowden ' told us nothing that we didn 't know before ' about American surveillance efforts .
It is more common to worry that Mr Putin may launch an all-out conventional war in Ukraine – or encourage uprisings by Russian-speakers in the Baltic states , which are members of Nato .
A state-owned bank last year bought 5 percent of EADS and Mr Putin has called for a board seat so far unsuccessfully .
Throughout the first two Putin terms , Russians became used to their living standards increasing by leaps and bounds – real incomes rose 142 per cent between 1999 and 2009 , according to International Monetary Fund data .
The reality , as Vladimir Putin knows , is that they are divided and uncertain . The Russian president has moved with a speed and ruthlessness that has left western leaders floundering .
If oil and gas are taken together , they export more energy than Saudi Arabia , and that money props up the military of President Vladimir V. Putin .
Mr Putin was quick to suggest that Gazprom , the Russian gas giant , should send more supplies of liquefied natural gas to Japan to ease energy shortages .
Mr Putin said last week Sberbank could receive financing but no definite plan has been agreed .
In a statement Sunday , the Kremlin press service said Russian President Vladimir Putin told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the referendum was ' being conducted in full accordance with international law ' and that Russia will respect its results .
Mr. Putin and his closest advisers , particularly those like him who are former agents of the K.G.B. , remain wary of the consequences of too much economic freedom , many experts said .
Dmitry Trenin , head of the Moscow Carnegie Centre , argues that Russian foreign policy under Mr Putin has always been more defensive than offensive .