
lù jūn hánɡ kōnɡ bīnɡ
  • Army Aviation
  1. 乘风驭浪会有时中国陆军航空兵的发展及其在渡海登陆作战中的作用

    Development of China 's Army Aviation and Its Role in Landing Operation

  2. 陆军航空兵在信息化战争中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Army Aviation in Information-based Warfare

  3. 陆军航空兵是一支新兵种。

    The air unit of the army is a new branch .

  4. 外军陆军航空兵侦察直升机的发展

    Reconnaissance Helicopters for Foreign Army Aviation Force : a Review

  5. 我们同样也为陆军航空兵所取得的巨大进步而感到非常自豪。

    We are also very proud of the great progress in modernizing Army Aviation .

  6. 目的:通过陆军航空兵空勤与地勤人员精神健康状况的比较,为其心理卫生工作提供参考。

    AIM : To study the psychological status of army airmen and ground crew .

  7. 放飞年轻的翅膀&走进陆军航空兵学院

    Visiting Army Aviation Institute of PLA

  8. 理论建设方面,陆军航空兵在信息化战争中的应用问题研究的还比较少。

    But in theory , there are few researches in applications of army aviation in future information war .

  9. 陆军航空兵轰炸机飞行员和美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)副中队长和王牌飞行员。

    Army Air Corps trained Bomber pilot and AVG " Flying Tiger " Vice Squadron Leader and fighter ace .

  10. 陆军航空兵是我军重点建设的部队,但它相对于发达国家的陆军航空兵来说,规模还小,装备还相对较落后。

    However , compared with advanced countries ' army aviation , ours is rather small in scale and relatively backward in equipment .

  11. 作为以直升机为主战装备的陆军航空兵也正在成为军队和战争的新宠。

    The Army Aviation of Main battle equipment to the helicopter-based is also becoming the new darling of the military and war .

  12. 陆军航空兵直升机每年出动数百架次担负森林和草原防火、救火任务,并实现常态化。

    Every year , the army aviation flies hundreds of sorties to prevent and fight forest and grassland fires on a regular basis .

  13. 目的:比较陆军航空兵空勤与地勤人员心理健康状况的差异,并为制定相应常模提供参考数据。

    OBJECTIVE : To compare the difference of mental health between aircrew and ground crew of army airmen and provide reference data for implementing corresponding norms .

  14. 武装直升机是陆军航空兵的杀手锏装备,是现代战场上一线压制、反地面装甲和支援地面强攻的利器。

    Armed helicopter is a killer weapon armament of Army Aviation , its mainly function is the first-line suppression , attacking surface armor and support of ground attack .

  15. 1942年4月,陈纳德被任命为美国陆军航空兵的准将,并负责指挥在中国的所有美国航空部队。

    In April , 1942 , Chennault was commissioned a brigadier general in the US army air force and was given overall responsibility for all American air forces in China .

  16. 陆军航空兵装备攻击直升机、运输直升机和其他专用直升机及轻型固定翼飞机,遂行空中机动和支援地面作战任务。

    The Army aviation corps , equipped with attack , transport , and other specialized helicopters and light fixed-wing aircraft , carries out air maneuvers and provides support for ground operations .