
  1. 安徒生生前曾得到皇家的致敬,并被高度赞扬为给全世界的孩子带来了欢乐。他的作品已经被译为150多种语言,成千上万册童话书在全球陆续发行出版。

    During his lifetime he was acclaimed for having delighted children worldwide , and was feted by royalty . His poetry and stories have been translated into more than 150 languages .

  2. 从2005年开始,我国四大国有银行以及一大批大型内地企业陆续发行A股和H股,使得内地企业在香港股市占据了十分重要的位置。

    Since 2005 , our four state-owned commercial banks and an army of large mainland enterprises have been issuing A stocks and H stocks in succession , which makes mainland enterprises play a very important role in SEHK .

  3. 1985年后陆续出现自办发行和多渠道发行报刊,邮政垄断地位被打破,市场竞争的局面开始出现,邮发业务量逐步被分流。

    After 1985 , it appeared a succession of multi-channel publishing and distribution of newspapers and periodicals , which broke the monopoly of China Post and market competition began to emerge , the quantity of Post business gradually diverted .