
zhù yuàn
  • be in hospital;be hospitalized
住院 [zhù yuàn]
  • [be hospitalized] 病人住进医院接受治疗或观察

  • 住院治疗

住院[zhù yuàn]
  1. 幸运地,那医生帮他化险为夷,但是他必须住院一段时间。

    Fortunately , the doctor helped him weather the storm , but he needs to be in hospital for some time .

  2. 你知道,我们俩的父母都住得远,我妻子住院几天期间,就没有人照顾她了。

    You see , both our parents live far away , my wife will be in hospital for several days , so there 's nobody to look after her .

  3. 我母亲的住院开销把我的收入渐渐耗光了。

    My mother 's hospital expenses were slowly draining my income .

  4. 星期一我要住院动手术。

    I 'm going in for my op on Monday .

  5. 听说你父亲又住院了,我们心里都不好受。

    We 're sorry to hear that your father 's in hospital again .

  6. 大多数情况下,病人无须住院。

    Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases .

  7. 有些住院病人十分焦虑不安。

    Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety .

  8. 她住院两周。

    She spent two weeks in the hospital .

  9. 她住院两周。

    She spent two weeks in hospital .

  10. 这家医院对无须住院的病人提供院外护理。

    The hospital provides extramural care to patients who do not need to be admitted .

  11. 住院接待处的护士询问了她的详细情况。

    The nurses at the admission desk asked her for particulars .

  12. 他对自己住院的4个星期没有任何有意识的记忆。

    He had no conscious memory of his four-week stay in hospital

  13. 他们应该接受住院护理,但现在没有床位。

    They should be in residential care but there are no places available

  14. 大多数哮喘或肺炎患者无需住院。

    Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia .

  15. 他住院了,意识仍然不清。

    He 's in hospital , and in a confused state of mind .

  16. 住院后不久,他就死于大面积脑溢血。

    Shortly after his admission into hospital he had a massive brain haemorrhage and died

  17. 他扮演一个非常出彩的小角色:一名住院的年轻艾滋病患者。

    He played a cameo role , that of a young Aids patient in hospital .

  18. 病人们可能享受不到以前住院时那种悉心体贴的照顾。

    Patients may not receive the tender , loving care once associated with a hospital stay .

  19. 到达后的第二天早上,你就去见住院医生,进行私人问诊。

    The morning after your arrival , you meet with the resident physician for a private consultation .

  20. 他住院后一周又出院了。但是状况仍然不太好。

    He went into hospital and came out after a week . But he still wasn 't right .

  21. 住院可能是孩子第一次与父母分开。

    A stay in hospital may be the first time a child is ever parted from its parents .

  22. 她母亲住院时,我们照顾这个小女孩。

    We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital .

  23. 在孩子们住院期间,有个私人教师给他们上课。

    There was a tutor to teach the children while they were in the hospital .

  24. 医生建议让小孩住院。

    The doctor advised hospitalization for the child .

  25. 他在住院期间读了很多小说。

    While in hospital , he read a lot of novels .

  26. 她住院几天了?

    How many days has she been in the hospital ?

  27. 她经过住院治疗后,前往海滨养病。

    She went to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital .

  28. 这个病人需要住院观察。

    This patient should be hospitalized for observation .

  29. 根据病情轻重决定病人是否住院。

    Whether a patient is to be hospitalized depends on how serious the case is .

  30. 住院期可能延长。

    Hospitalization may be prolonged .