
  • 网络Buddhist Association;pbhp
  1. 中央佛教会的老和尚们想把越南禅宗深刻地研究,目的在于使禅宗再一次复兴起来,但力不从心。

    Patriarchs of The Central Buddhism Committee of Vietnam want to revive the School of Zen by deep research of the Vietnamese Zen , but they are not able to do what they want .

  2. 吴泊道毕业于加州大学柏克莱分校,目前是法界佛教青年会的成员之一。

    Peter is a graduate of UC Berkeley and is currently a member of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Youth DRBY group .

  3. 斯里兰卡国际佛教学院会指派给每一们学生一位学术顾问,他将会提供一些学习计划或者其他方面的咨询和建议。

    SIBA will assign each student an academic adviser who will provide supervision in matters of study plans and other relevant issues .

  4. 佛教青年会有各项开示及各项会议丶进行中的课程丶研习班及其他特别活动的讨论录音。

    DRBY has a repository of Dharma talks and discussions from conferences , ongoing classes , retreats , and other special events .

  5. 根据文字记录,大的佛教寺庙会为穷人提供腊八粥,以表达他们对佛祖的虔诚。

    According to written records , large Buddhist temples would offer Laba rice porridge to the poor to show their faith to Buddha .

  6. 澳大利亚佛教联合会发言人金霍洛说,佛教徒,全美第二大宗教团体,宗教团体要公平对待。

    Buddhist Federation of Australia spokesman Kim Hollow said Buddhists , the nation 's second-largest faith community , wanted religious groups treated equitably .

  7. 法界佛教青年会的组织,由有兴趣把佛教理念运用在日常生活的大学院校学生和年轻人组成。

    The Dharma Realm Buddhist Young Adults ( DRBY ) consists of college students and young adults who are interested in applying Buddhist principles to their daily lives .

  8. 世界华商佛教基金会将专案捐款;表达世界华商华人对祖国教育、科技事业的热诚。

    The world Chinese businessman Buddhism Foundation will donate to special case ; chinese businessman and Chinese people will express sincerity to the education and technology of the motherland .

  9. 他在最需要他才干时的离去,毋庸赘言的,对世界佛教僧伽会乃至佛教界来讲,都是无可弥补的损失。

    There is no need to underscore the fact that his passing away at a time venerable of his caliber are greatly needed is an irreparable loss to the W.B.S.C.as well as to the Buddha Sasana .

  10. 世界佛教青年僧伽会的进一步使命可以是什么?

    What can be the further mission of WBSY ?

  11. 为什么佛教与儒学会发生合流?

    Why Buddhism can confluence with Confucianism ?

  12. 其实,我们世界佛教青年僧伽会现在成为了联合国文化与宗教部份注册的组织。

    World Buddhist Sangha Youth , actually we are now registered with the United Nations under cultural and religious section .

  13. 参与这次世界佛教青年僧伽会第五届全体大会,弟子感受到世界需要和平。

    While participating in the World Buddhist Sangha Youth5th General Conference , this disciple feels that the world needs world peace .

  14. 今天,现在,事实上,师尊和我们一起推广世界佛教青年僧伽会,祂也是与这个研究院有关的。

    Today , now , actually the Master and us promote World Buddhist Sangha Youth together , it is related to this Academy too .

  15. 为了这使命,我们属于上座部、大乘或金刚乘的所有人,都需要把自身投入到像世界佛教青年僧伽会一样巨大会议所产生出的道途。

    For this mission , all of us belonging to Theravada , Mahayana or Vajrayana , have to involve ourselves in the path that we generate from the great conferences like that of WBSY .

  16. 你觉得佛教在青年中会有多大的发展空间?

    Do you see much room for a growth of Buddhism among the young ?

  17. 我不信佛教,但也不反对组织佛教联合会,联合起来划清敌我界限。

    Though no believer in Buddhism , I am not against forming an association of Buddhists to get them united and enable them to distinguish clearly between the people and the enemy .