
  • 网络freud;Floyd;sigmund freud;Pink Floyd;S. Freud
  1. 佛洛伊德用起来倒是顺手;她常常援引他。

    Freud came in handy ; she quoted him often .

  2. 佛洛伊德说,战争的引起是因为男人们争夺女人。

    Freud said that the war was caused because men compete for women .

  3. 佛洛伊德心理学对英国现代主义小说的影响

    Highlights of English modern novel and the effect of Freudianism

  4. (心理分析)佛洛伊德的述语,指性促动或性愿望。

    ( psychoanalysis ) a Freudian term for sexual urge or desire .

  5. 在佛洛伊德理论中,这些痕迹就是记忆,只不过它们是无意识的。

    In Freudian theory , the imprints are memories , albeit unconscious ones .

  6. 佛洛伊德认为,快乐原则表达出原始的动物驱力。

    FREUD ARGUED THAT the pleasure principle gave expression to primitive , animal drives .

  7. 佛洛伊德也一样将记忆分成这两种。

    Freud split memory along just these lines .

  8. 佛洛伊德还更进一步阐述。

    Freud went even further , though .

  9. 这是每一位崇高道德家所关心的主题,从斯宾诺沙到康德再到佛洛伊德。

    This is the theme of every great moralist from Spinoza to Kant to Freud .

  10. 佛洛伊德著名的精神分析沙发就在伦敦的佛洛伊德博物馆展览。

    Freud 's famous psychoanalysis couch is on display at the Sigmund Freud Museum in London .

  11. 佛洛伊德在1939年去世以前,一直都认为精神病源自压抑的失败。

    Mental illness , Freud said until his death in 1939 , results when repression fails .

  12. 不要告诉我你昨晚作了个梦,因为我正在看佛洛伊德。

    Don 't tell me what you dream 'd last night for I 've been reading Freud .

  13. 但不是每个人都热烈期待佛洛伊德理论在主流的心智科学上重出江湖。

    NOT EVERYONE IS enthusiastic about the reappearance of Freudian concepts in the mainstream of mental science .

  14. 越来越多的人认为佛洛伊德是对的,但却是歪打正着。

    There is a growing School of thought that Freud was right , but for the wrong reasons .

  15. “佛洛伊德”飓风造成洪水泛滥,一位空军基地消防人员正拉着一艘栽着疏散人员的小船。

    An Air Force Base firefighter pulls a boat loaded with evacuees through the flood waters of Hurricane Floyd .

  16. 灯光聚集到舞台上,乔伊,扮演佛洛伊德,正在同女病人谈话。

    The lights go up on the stage , joey , as freud , is talking to a female patient .

  17. 佛洛伊德把告诉人们他们的梦意味着什么,作为帮助他们解决问题或了解他们烦恼的方法。

    Freud told people what their dreams meant as a way of helping them solve problems or understand their worries .

  18. 他不赞同佛洛伊德所说的梦是我们反映隐藏的感觉和欲望的方式。

    He does not agree with Sigmund Freud that dreaming is the way we express our hidden feelings and desires .

  19. 佛洛伊德始终认为催眠是精神分析的主要手段,可以将内心最深处的精神状态表达出来。

    Probably always believe that hypnosis is the primary means of spiritual analysis , but most can be expressed deep mental state .

  20. 现年70岁的小布什说,他受了卢西恩?佛洛伊德、伟恩?第伯、詹米?韦思、雷?特纳、费尔菲尔德?波特和华金?索罗拉的启发和影响。

    The 70-year-old says he was inspired by the work of Lucian Freud , Wayne Thiebaud , Jamie Wyeth , Ray Turner , Fairfield Porter and Joaqu í n Sorolla .

  21. 佛洛伊德的这幅肖像画只是「战后及当代艺术」类拍卖品之一,包括弗兰西斯.培根与安迪.沃荷的作品在内,拍卖总成交价逼近新台币四十九亿元。

    The Freud was part of a sale of post-war and contemporary art which included works by Francis Bacon and Andy Warhol and had a total value of almost NT $ 4.9 billion .

  22. 在寻找深处进灵魂之内方面,超现实主义者经过图像在理性者中表达反讽佛洛伊德的潜在意识,以及推翻被马克思建议的日用品物神的类型。

    In searching deep into the psyche , the Surrealists expressed the irony in the rational through images of Freudian subconscious , and also to subvert the kind of commodity fetish suggested by Marx .

  23. 我犹疑,我毫不犹疑的说,你绝对不会读到亚当?史密斯,至少在耶鲁的经济学课堂上不会,而且你也不太可能,在你的心理学课堂上读到佛洛伊德。

    I hesitate to I don 't hesitate to say that you will never read Adam Smith in an economics course here at Yale and it is very unlikely that you will read Freud in your psychology classes .