
  1. 佛说:那是因为你的愿望。

    Buddha said : That is because you have the desire .

  2. 我对佛说:让我所有朋友健康快乐

    I asked Buddha : Let all my friends be healthy and happy

  3. 佛说,幸福是感悟一颗平常的心

    Buddha , happiness is a common perception of the heart

  4. 佛说种种法门皆是对机讲法,应病与药。

    Buddha said that all the Dharma are machine argument , disease and medicine .

  5. 讲了这个故事,佛说,我们都像那个儿子一样。

    After telling this story , the Buddha said that we are all like the son .

  6. 我相信,是佛说的缘分让我做了你的女儿。

    Buddha is a human being just like you and me , he is a teacher .

  7. 佛说,前世五百年的回眸,才换作今生的偶遇。

    Buddha said , glancing back for 500 years in the preexistence could get the meeting today .

  8. 佛说:前世的五百次回眸,才换来今生的擦肩而过。

    Buddha said : past and looking back at the500 , before the return pass this life .

  9. 须菩提,于意云何?如恒河中所有沙,佛说是沙不?

    Subhuti , what do you think ? Does the Tathagata see the sand in the Ganges as sand ?

  10. 如果你从态度开始,你将发现佛说得完全正确:你本身即是个证明。

    If you start from your own attitude , you will find Buddha is entirely right : you are just the proof .

  11. 介绍关于佛教。佛教:佛说八大人觉经;般若波罗蜜多心经。

    Introduces Chinese language relating to buddhism . buddhism : sutra on the eight realizations of the great beings ; prajnaparamita heart sutra .

  12. 佛说是普门品时,众中八万四千众生,皆发无等等阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心。

    When the Buddha had spoken the " Universal Door Chapter ," eighty-four thousand living beings in the assembly all brought forth the resolve for Anuttarasamyaksambodhi .

  13. 维多利亚大学的气候学家安德鲁•韦佛说:如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。

    When you look at what 's happened in March this year , it 's beyond unbelievable , said University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver .

  14. 法师慈悲教导我礼拜《佛说佛名经》,当时万佛圣城也正在举行万佛忏。

    It was amazing that when I made the call , CTTB was holding the Ten Thousand Buddhas'Repentance Ceremony , where this Sutra was being recited .

  15. 《佛说王忠庆大失散手巾宝卷》讲唱家庭伦理和因果报应,由明末南无教教团中的民间艺人编写。

    The Chinese Baojuan of " Shou Jin Bao Juan ", wrote by folk actors in Nan Wu Religion in late Ming Dynasty , talked about family ethics and Buddhism retribution .

  16. 协会的主席卡罗多佛说,数十个临时索偿要求已拒绝或者被减少到“美元本位制上的便士”因为这些企业远离溢出地点。

    The association 's president , Carol Dover , said dozens of interim claims have been rejected or reduced to " pennies on the dollar " because the businesses are far from the spill site .

  17. 须菩提,若人言,‘佛说我见、人见、众生见、寿者见’,须菩提,于意云何?是人解我所说义不?

    Subhuti , if anyone says that the Buddha has spoken of a self view , a person view , a living-being view , or a life span view , has that person understood my meaning ?

  18. 我所知道的只有经文和佛所说的。

    All I know is the Scripture and the words of Lord buddha .

  19. 我的未婚妻爱喝多少就喝多少。乔佛里边说边为她斟满酒杯。

    My betrothed can drink as much as she wants , Joffrey said , refilling her cup .

  20. 佛从来不说所谓的“罪”,只讲以觉悟和悲愍来根治众生的愚痴和懈怠。

    He does not speak of sin , but only of ignorance and foolishness which could be cured by enlightenment and sympathy .

  21. 心情不错,端着相机出去拍,希望这不是佛所说的“执著”吧。

    My mood was nice , so carried my camera with me and then went out . I think I was mesmerised in shooting .

  22. 法海本《坛经》的基本佛学思想之一,是佛性说而非般若义。

    One of the basic Buddhist philosophical thoughts of Tan Jing ( Fahai edition ) is Buddhist nature than Bo Re ( enlightenment ) theory .

  23. 虽然是第三人称单数,文本和评注中把它当作佛所说的狂喜之歌。

    Although it is given in the third person singular , the text and the commentary take it to mean a paean of joy uttered by the Buddha .

  24. 为什麽释迦牟尼佛没说戒菸,只说戒酒呢?因为那时候人还不会抽菸,在佛住世时,没有人懂得抽菸。

    Why didn 't Shakyamuni Buddha prohibit smoking but disallowed drinking ? It is because during that time when the Buddha was in the world no one knew about smoking .

  25. 因此,慧远与罗什的讨论对于中国佛教涅盘佛性说、判教理论、禅修论等理论的发展影响深远。

    As the conclusion , the discussion between Huiyuan and Kuma ^ raji ^ va had its vital importance on the development of the Nirvana buddha-nature theory , teaching classification theory , cultivation theory of Chinese Buddhism .

  26. 如来佛什么也没有说,就自己弯腰捡起了那块马蹄铁。

    Buddha-to-be said nothing but bend down to pick it up personally .

  27. 高等法院首席法官、沃斯麦特勒佛的菲利普斯勋爵说,这一新的着装规定意味着从17世纪起司法界专业人士开始戴的假发在今后的民事或家庭纠纷案件中不需要再佩戴了。

    The Lord Chief Justice , Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers , said new dress rules would mean the wigs , which British legal professionals have worn since the 17th century , would not be needed in civil or family court cases .